Sulla rivista “The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY” sono state pubblicate a cura delle società American College of Gastroenterology, AGA Institute, e l’American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy delle raccomandazioni di consenso sul follow-up dopo colonscopia e polipectomia.
Scarica e leggi il documento in full text:
- Recommendations for Follow-Up After Colonoscopy and Polypectomy: A Consensus Update by the US MultiSociety Task Force on Colorectal Cancer
Samir Gupta, David Lieberman, Joseph C. Anderson, Carol A. Burke, Jason A. Dominitz, Tonya Kaltenbach,Douglas J. Robertson, Aasma Shaukat, Sapna Syngal and Douglas K. Rex
The American Journal of GASTROENTEROLOGY; 2020;00:1–20., published online February 7, 2020
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