Risultati per: Diagnosi e trattamento de cancro dell’ovaio
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Role of Polyunsaturated Fat in Modifying Cardiovascular Risk Associated With Family History of Cardiovascular Disease: Pooled De Novo Results From 15 Observational Studies
Circulation, Ahead of Print. BACKGROUND:It is unknown whether dietary intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) modifies the cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk associated with a family history of CVD. We assessed interactions between biomarkers of low PUFA intake and a family history in relation to long-term CVD risk in a large consortium.METHODS:Blood and tissue PUFA data from 40 885 CVD-free adults were assessed. PUFA levels ≤25th percentile were considered to reflect low intake of linoleic, alpha-linolenic, and eicosapentaenoic/docosahexaenoic acids (EPA/DHA). Family history was defined as having ≥1 first-degree relative who experienced a CVD event. Relative risks with 95% CI of CVD were estimated using Cox regression and meta-analyzed. Interactions were assessed by analyzing product terms and calculating relative excess risk due to interaction.RESULTS:After multivariable adjustments, a significant interaction between low EPA/DHA and family history was observed (product term pooled RR, 1.09 [95% CI, 1.02–1.16];P=0.01). The pooled relative risk of CVD associated with the combined exposure to low EPA/DHA, and family history was 1.41 (95% CI, 1.30–1.54), whereas it was 1.25 (95% CI, 1.16–1.33) for family history alone and 1.06 (95% CI, 0.98–1.14) for EPA/DHA alone, compared with those with neither exposure. The relative excess risk due to interaction results indicated no interactions.CONCLUSIONS:A significant interaction between biomarkers of low EPA/DHA intake, but not the other PUFA, and a family history was observed. This novel finding might suggest a need to emphasize the benefit of consuming oily fish for individuals with a family history of CVD.
De Maria, avvio studi oncologici spesso impedito da Garante
Giuliano Amato: “Iper-protezione che rasenta la follia”
De Maria, avvio studi oncologici spesso impedito da Garante
Giuliano Amato: “Iper-protezione che rasenta la follia”
Progressi nel trattamento della psoriasi: review
Hiv, dopo la pandemia le diagnosi tornano a crescere in Ue
Ecdc-Oms, 22.995 casi nel 2022; 767 i decessi dovuti all’Aids
Deficit dell'attenzione,intelligenza artificiale per la diagnosi
Misura oggettive differenze nel cervello con immagini risonanza
Deficit dell'attenzione,intelligenza artificiale per la diagnosi
Misura oggettive differenze nel cervello con immagini risonanza
Intelligenza Artificiale per ridurre il trattamento del cancro al seno
Le statine possono ridurre i tassi di mortalità per cancro al seno
Linea guida sulla diagnosi e gestione dell’ipertensione negli adulti
Response by de Bakker et al to Letter Regarding Article, “Sex Differences In Cardiac Troponin Trajectories Over the Life Course”
Circulation, Volume 148, Issue 21, Page 1733-1734, November 21, 2023.
Linea guida sul cancro al seno familiare, classificazione, cura e gestione
Cibi industriali legati a cancro, diabete e malattie cardiache
Ogni aumento di 260grammi nei consumi giornalieri +9% di rischio
Cancro ovarico: l’intelligenza artificiale prevede le risposte terapeutiche
Contro cancro cervice immunizzare anche ragazzi anti-Hpv
La conferma da uno studio svolto in Finlandia