Orthopaedic trauma patients experiences with emergency department care and follow-up through Virtual Fracture Care review: a qualitative study

This study aimed to identify factors influencing orthopaedic trauma patients’ experiences and satisfaction with emergency department (ED) care and follow-up through Virtual Fracture Care (VFC) review workflow.

This study employed an explorative, descriptive, qualitative design using individual, semistructured interviews.

An urban level 2 trauma centre and teaching hospital in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Eligible patients were Dutch-speaking or English-speaking orthopaedic trauma patients, aged 18 years or above, who visited the hospital’s ED between June and September 2022, and were treated through VFC review workflow. Exclusion criteria were: reason for follow-up other than injury, eye/motor/verbal score

Febbraio 2024

Protocol for a multicentre and prospective follow-up cohort study of early detection of atrial fibrillation, silent stroke and cognitive impairment in high-risk primary care patients: the PREFA-TE study

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common type of cardiac arrhythmia. Future estimations suggest an increase in global burden of AF greater than 60% by 2050. Numerous studies provide growing evidence that AF is not only associated with stroke but also with cognitive impairment and dementia.

The main goal is to assess the impact of the combined use of cardiac rhythm monitoring devices, echocardiography, biomarkers and neuroimaging on the early diagnosis of AF, silent strokes and cognitive decline, in subjects at high risk of AF.

Methods and analysis
Two-year follow-up of a cohort of individuals aged 65–85 years at high risk for AF, with no prior diagnosis of either stroke or dementia. The study involves baseline echocardiography, biomarkers, and neuroimaging, yearly cardiac monitoring, and semiannual clinical assessments. Different parameters from these tests will be analysed as independent variables. Throughout the study period, primary outcomes: new diagnoses of AF, stroke and cognitive impairment, along with any clinical and therapeutic changes, will be registered. A first descriptive and bivariate statistical analysis, appropriate to the types of variables, will be done. The information obtained from the data analysis will encompass adjusted risk estimates along with 95% confidence intervals. Event risk predictions will rely on multivariate Cox proportional hazards regression models. The predictive value of the model will be evaluated through the utilisation of receiver operating characteristic curves for area under the curve calculation. Additionally, time-to-event analysis will be performed using Kaplan-Meier curves.

Ethics and dissemination
This study protocol has been reviewed and approved by the Independent Ethics Committee of the Foundation University Institute for Primary Health Care Research-IDIAP Jordi Gol (expedient file 22/090-P). The authors plan to disseminate the study results to the general public through various scientific events. Publication in open-access journals and presentations at scientific congresses, seminars and meetings is also foreseen.

Trial registration number

Febbraio 2024

Lessons learnt and best practices in scaling up an emergency transportation system to tackle maternal and neonatal mortality: a qualitative study of key stakeholders in Shinyanga, Tanzania

This study aimed to document lessons learnt and best practices for scaling up an innovative emergency transportation system, drawing insights from the m-mama programme implemented in Shinyanga, Tanzania. The m-mama pilot programme was implemented in phases from 2014 to 2016 in two districts and later scaled up to include all districts in Shinyanga region in 2017. The programme employed an emergency transportation system and technical and operational support of the health system to address the three delays leading to maternal and neonatal mortality.

Cross-sectional, qualitative research with key healthcare system stakeholders from the national, regional and district levels.

The study was conducted in Kahama and Kishapu districts in Shinyanga, Tanzania. The two districts were selected purposefully to represent the programme implementation districts’ rural and urban or semiurban settings.

District, regional and national stakeholders involved in implementing the m-mama pilot programme in Shinyanga were interviewed between February and March 2022.

Lessons learnt from implementing the m-mama programme were grouped into four key themes: community engagement, emergency transportation system, government engagement, and challenges and constraints in technical implementation. Stakeholder engagement and collaboration at all levels, community involvement in implementation, adherence to local contexts and effective government partnerships were identified as key drivers for programme success. Coordination, supervision and infrastructure enhancement were crucial in implementing the emergency transportation system.

Facilitating community involvement, understanding the local context and adapting to existing structures can enhance programme ownership and utilisation. The government serves as the central coordinator, overseeing resource mobilisation and distribution. A well-executed and coordinated emergency transportation system holds promise in addressing delays and curbing maternal and neonatal mortality. Collaborative knowledge-sharing among implementers is essential for identifying best practices and gaining insights into practical strategies for addressing anticipated challenges.

Febbraio 2024

Patient experiences with patient-led, home-based follow-up after curative treatment for colorectal cancer: a qualitative study

The number of patients with colorectal cancer (CRC) in need of oncological follow-up is growing. As a response, patient-led, home-based follow-up (PHFU) was developed, implemented and assessed. The aim of this study was to investigate how patients experienced PHFU.

A qualitative study with individual semistructured interviews. Interviews were transcribed verbatim, and thematically analysed through an inductive, double-coding approach.

A university medical centre in the Netherlands.

12 curatively treated patients with CRC who received PHFU were included after purposive sampling.

Overall, participants (N=12) were satisfied with PHFU. The time and cost-saving aspects for patient and hospital were evidently valued. PHFU was experienced as a shared effort, but patients felt like the primary responsibility remained in the hospital. Patients mentioned a decreased personal interaction with their healthcare provider (HCP) and felt a higher threshold to ask for help. However, all major questions were still addressed. Patients felt sufficiently competent to interpret their individual test results but experienced difficulty in interpreting repeated increases in carcinoembryonic antigen levels within the normal range. Educational status, age and a complicated disease course were seen as factors limiting the applicability of PHFU, and it was expressed that PHFU should be offered as an alternative instead of a novel standard of care.

According to patients, PHFU has great potential. However, PHFU may not be suitable for every CRC patient, and factors such as educational status, age and disease course should be taken into consideration. Patient and HCP have a shared responsibility to help successfully organise PHFU in practice.

Febbraio 2024

Kharameh cohort study (KHCS) on non-communicable diseases and preliminary findings of 3-year follow-up

The Kharameh cohort study (KHCS) is one branch of the ‘Prospective Epidemiological Research Studies in Iran’, located in the south of Iran. The enrolment phase of KHCS spanned from April 2015 to March 2017, during which urban and rural residents of Kharameh were enrolled in the study. KHCS aims to investigate the incidence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases and cancer, and its related risk factors in a 15-year follow-up.

KHCS was designed to recruit 10 000 individuals aged 40–70 years old from both urban and rural areas of Kharameh. Thus, a total of 10 800 individuals aged 40–70 years of age were invited and, finally, 10 663 subjects were accepted to participate, with a participation rate of 98.7%.

Findings to date
Of the 10 663 participants, 5944 (55.7%) were women, and 6801 (63.7%) were rural residents. The mean age of the participants was 51.9±8.2 years. 41.8% of the participants were aged 40–49, 35.2% were aged 50–59 and the remaining 23% were 60–70 years old. Until March 2020 (first 3 years of follow-up), the total number of patients diagnosed with NCDs was 1565. Hypertension, type 2 diabetes and acute ischaemic heart disease were the most common NCDs. Furthermore, the total number of deaths during the first 3 years of follow-up was 312, with cardiovascular diseases (38.7%) as the most common cause of death, followed by cerebrovascular diseases (11.8%) and cancer (16.2%).

Future plans
The remaining 12 years of follow-up will inevitably shed light on the genetic, lifestyle/socioeconomic status, and environmental risk and protective factors of NCDs.

Febbraio 2024

Sustained benefits of a generalist training programme for UK doctors: a survey-based follow-up study

The study aimed to conduct a follow-up of all broad-based training (BBT) trainees who participated in the original evaluation completed in 2017. The follow-up study explored the impact of BBT on career decisions, sustained benefits and unintended disadvantages of the programme, and views on the future of training.

Scoping interviews informed the design of an online survey. The interview transcripts were analysed thematically. The survey was piloted with six volunteers and sent out to all former BBT trainees. Data from the survey were transferred to Excel and SPSS for analysis. The open-text comments on the survey were subject to a thematic content analysis.

Participants were working in general practice, paediatrics, psychiatry or medicine.

Eight former BBT trainees participated in the scoping interviews. Interview participants were selected to ensure a diversity of current specialties and to represent all three BBT cohorts. All former BBT trainees were invited to complete the survey (n=118) and 70 replied.

The benefits of BBT were sustained over time: participants were confident in their career decisions, took a holistic approach to care and capitalised on their experiences in other specialties in their current roles. A minority of trainees also experienced temporary challenges when they joined a specialty training programme after completing the BBT. Whatever their specialty, experience in core medicine, paediatrics, psychiatry and general practice was valued. Disadvantages were short-lived (catching up on transition specialty training) or affected a minority (impact on sense of belonging).

The BBT programme supported the development of generalist doctors. Greater attention needs to be given to training secondary care doctors who take a holistic view of the patient and navigate their specialist care.

Febbraio 2024

VersKiK qualitative study design: actual follow-up needs of paediatric cancer survivors, their informal caregivers and follow-up stakeholder perceptions in Germany

This article presents the study design of the qualitative part of the VersKiK study (Long-term care, care needs and wellbeing of individuals after cancer in childhood or adolescence: study protocol of a large scale multi-methods non-interventional study) aiming to explore actual follow-up needs of childhood and adolescence cancer survivors and their informal caregivers, gaps in current follow-up care provision and trajectories of cancer survivors’ transition from paediatric to adult healthcare.

Methods and analysis
We will conduct up to 30 interviews with survivors of childhood and adolescence cancer and their informal caregivers with up to 20 participant observations of follow-up appointments. The results of these will be discussed in up to four focus groups with healthcare professionals and representatives of self-help groups. The study design aims to evaluate follow-up care after childhood cancer considering perspectives from survivors, their informal caregivers as well as healthcare providers. The combination of different data sources will allow us to get an in-depth understanding of the current state of follow-up care after paediatric cancer in Germany and to suggest recommendations for care improvement.

Ethics and dissemination
The VersKiK study was approved by the Ethics Committee Otto von Guericke University on 2 July 2021 (103/21), by the Ethics Committee of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz on 16 June 2021 (2021-16035), by the Ethics Committee University of Lübeck on 10 November 2021 (21-451), by the Ethics Committee University of Hospital Bonn on 28 February 2022 (05/22). For each part of the qualitative study, a separate written informed consent is prepared and approved accordingly by the ethics committees named above.

Trial registration number
Registered at German Clinical Trial Register, ID: DRKS00026092.

Febbraio 2024

Clinical characteristics and outcomes of traumatic brain injury in patients admitted to surgical ward of Jimma Medical Center, Southwest Ethiopia: a prospective observational follow-up study

To assess the Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes of Traumatic Brain Injury in Patients Admitted to the Surgical Ward of Jimma Medical Center, Southwest Ethiopia from January to July 2022.

Design and setting
A hospital-based prospective observational study was conducted among 175 patients admitted with Traumatic Brain Injury at Jimma Medical Center from January to July 2022. Data were collected by structured questionnaires and a convenient sampling technique was used. For data entry, Epidata V. software was used and exported to Stata V.14.0.2 for analysis. The Cox regression model was fitted to evaluate the predictors of mortality and variables with a p value

Febbraio 2024

Abstract TP176: Radiological Reporting Frequencies of High-Risk Non-Stenosing Carotid Plaque Features: A Follow-Up Observational Study

Stroke, Volume 55, Issue Suppl_1, Page ATP176-ATP176, February 1, 2024. Background:High-risk non-stenosing carotid plaque features are emerging as a possible source of embolism in the setting of ESUS. Unless there is a hemodynamically significant stenosis, neuroradiology reports tend to be rarely descriptive of these features.Methods:In our previous study published in September 2022, we analyzed a patient sample drawn from the stroke registry of the HFHS between June 2016 and June 2021. Our results showed a higher incidence of high-risk plaque features including plaque ulceration (19.08% vs 5.26%, p3mm: (19.08% vs 7.24%, p=0.001), and length >1cm (13.16% vs 5.92%, p=0.0218) ipsilateral to ESUS. In this subsequent study, we utilized the same patient dataset and used CTA reports on EPIC to explore how frequently neuroradiologists had mentioned those features. We utilized Fisher’s exact test to compare the frequencies of reporting each plaque characteristic.Results:We analyzed 152 CTA reports in depth. Our findings indicate that the frequency of reporting plaque ulceration compared to the frequency of reporting plaque calcification was significantly different (8.1% vs 100%, p< 0.00001), this is also noticed with plaque length (4.6%, p< 0.00001) and soft plaques (72.1%, p< 0.00001). Notably, none of the CTA reports had commented on any plaque thickness or the presence of any “high-risk” features when encountering stroke ipsilaterally.Conclusion:When carotid plaques are not causing hemodynamically significant stenosis, neuroradiology reports frequently mention the density of plaques, but unfortunately overlook other characteristics. It is essential to conduct algorithms, scoring systems and prediction models to determine which plaque features are highly associated with embolism. These models should help prioritize the description of these features, alongside commonly reported metrics such as plaque density and the degree of stenosis.

Febbraio 2024

Abstract WP16: Thrombolysis in Wake-Up Stroke Improves Outcomes, Reduces Cost, and Reverses ADC Lesions

Stroke, Volume 55, Issue Suppl_1, Page AWP16-AWP16, February 1, 2024. Introduction:Trials using advanced imaging have shown a benefit from intravenous thrombolysis in patients with wake-up stroke, but real-world data is limited. This study presents data on outcomes in patients presenting with wake-up stroke at a comprehensive stroke center comparing those who received thrombolysis to those who did not.Methods:In February 2022, our institution implemented a wake-up stroke protocol utilizing emergent MRI-based evaluation for possible thrombolysis. The protocol combines clinical criteria (suspected ischemic stroke with disabling neurologic deficits; last known normal within 12 hours; time from symptom discovery to arrival within 4.5 hours) and imaging criteria (absence of proximal large vessel occlusion; FLAIR-DWI mismatch; signal intensity ratio < 1.15 in those able to receive perfusion imaging). In this study, we compared discharge outcomes and hospital length of stay for patients with ischemic stroke selected for wake-up protocol with vs. without thrombolytic therapy. In addition, we assessed the proportion of patients with reversibility of diffusion restriction, defined as a decrease in infarct volume on ADC sequence between the pre-treatment to 24-hour post-treatment MRI.Results:Between February 2022 & June 2023, there were 31 wake-up stroke activations (~2 per month). Median admission NIHSS was 6. 30% had medium or distal vessel occlusions. 71% of stroke activations had a final diagnosis of ischemic stroke; 32% of cases were eligible per protocol and treated with thrombolysis. Compared to patients diagnosed with ischemic stroke but not eligible for treatment, those treated with thrombolysis were more likely to be discharged home (70% vs. 17%, p = 0.02) and had a shorter hospital stay by ~1.5 days (mean LOS 3.6 days vs. 4.8 days; median LOS 3 days vs. 4.5 days; p

Febbraio 2024

Abstract 137: Post-Stroke Blood Pressure Control and Follow Up Care in Real-World Setting

Stroke, Volume 55, Issue Suppl_1, Page A137-A137, February 1, 2024. Introduction:Within 5 years of a stroke, approximately 25% of patients will have a recurrent event. Blood pressure (BP) reduction can reduce this risk; every 10 mmHg decrease in systolic BP is associated with a 20% risk reduction. Despite this benefit, 50% of patients with hypertension remain uncontrolled after a stroke. Reasons for poor control may be related to poor post-stroke follow up care. We aim to quantify post-stroke BP control and follow up in a large health system.Methods:We performed a retrospective analysis of patients with stroke admitted to Yale New Haven Health System (YNHHS) between 2013-2021. YNHHS has 5 hospitals and a large outpatient network. Eligible patients included those who received primary care within YNHHS, were discharged alive, and not on dialysis. We analyzed patient features, time to outpatient encounter, and vital signs. The primary outcome was uncontrolled BP ( >140/90) obtained during the office visit closest to and before 6 months from the date of discharge.Results:During the study period 12,561 patients were admitted with stroke to YNHHS. After exclusions, the final cohort was 2,867 patients. Among these patients, 48 % were male, 65% non-Hispanic White, 22% non-Hispanic Black, 9% Hispanic, and 4% other. Mean (standard deviation) age was 68 (12) years. Approximately 25% of patients had uncontrolled BP. When the updated ACC/AHA (2017) BP goal (2 follow up visits. The median (interquartile range [IQR]) number of days to first visit with a PCP or neurologist was 30 (10-97) days and 45 (27-99) days, respectively. The median (IQR) number of visits with either a PCP or neurologist was 0 (0-2).Conclusion:Among patients with recent stroke, more than half do not achieve BP control per current guidelines. The majority of patients do not engage with a PCP or neurologist within 6 months following a stroke, even though they have an established provider within the system. Gaps in follow up represents a notable opportunity for improving post-stroke care.

Febbraio 2024

Abstract WP130: Prevalence and Predictors of Hemorrhagic Foci on Long-Term Follow-Up MRI of Recent Single Subcortical Infarcts

Stroke, Volume 55, Issue Suppl_1, Page AWP130-AWP130, February 1, 2024. Background:Hemorrhagic foci surrounding the lacune in the long-term evolution of recent single subcortical infarcts (RSSIs) remains largely unexplored. We aimed to determine the prevalence, characteristics, and predictors of hemorrhagic foci in patients with RSSI.Methods:From a prospective, longitudinal study of RSSIs, we recruited patients who underwent multimodal MRI assessments at baseline and approximately one year after stroke onset. Hemorrhagic foci were identified using susceptibility-weighted imaging (SWI).Results:Among 72 patients with RSSI, nearly half (n = 35, 48.6%) had hemorrhagic foci within the index RSSI lesions on follow-up SWI. RSSIs with hemorrhagic foci formation were associated with a longer time to follow-up imaging (median 484 versus 425 days, P = 0.008) and higher likelihood of being located in the anterior circulation compared to those without hemorrhagic foci (100.0% versus 75.7%, P = 0.001). Hemorrhagic foci were also associated with larger lesion size (P < 0.001), higher proportion of cavitation formation (P = 0.042), and poorer functional outcome (P = 0.036). In the subset of RSSIs in the LSA territory, after adjustment for covariates, larger initial lesion volume (OR 1.63, 95% CI 1.06-2.53; P = 0.027) and greater reduction in LSA total length (OR 0.60, 95% CI 0.37-0.97; P = 0.035) were independently associated with hemorrhagic foci formation.Conclusion:Half of RSSI patients developed hemorrhagic foci within the lacunes during follow-up SWI. This hemorrhagic feature might represent hemosiderin deposits from a previously thrombosed perforating artery. The pathophysiologic mechanism and clinical implications remain to be determined.

Febbraio 2024