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Risultati per: GPG: Versione (Aprile 2021)
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Tsunami Covid: mini ripresa nel 2021, ma in due anni persi 3 milioni di ricoveri
Tra i pochi segnali positivi c’è la ripresa di alcuni interventi oncologici come quelli per il tumore della mammella
Agenas, in 2021 lieve risalita ricoveri,500 mila più del 2020
Programma Nazionale Esiti, acora 1,2 milioni in meno del 2019
Escalating the limit of median survival time and predictors of mortality among preterm neonates in Northwest Ethiopia, 2021: a 1-year prospective follow-up study
To examine the survival rate and predictors of mortality among preterm neonates in the neonatal intensive care unit at South Gondar public hospitals, 2021.
Prospective follow-up study.
South Gondar public hospitals, Northwest, Ethiopia.
We recruited 283 preterm neonates who were admitted at neonatal intensive care unit at selected hospitals from 15 February 2020 to 22 January 2021.
Outcome measures
The primary outcome measure of this study was the survival rate of preterm neonates in the neonatal intensive care unit. Moreover, the study assessed the predictors for the occurrence of mortality by the Cox-proportional hazard model. Data were entered into Epi data V.4.2 and exported to Stata V.14 statistical software for analysis. The log-rank test determines the survival difference between predictor variables.
A total of 283 preterm neonates, 61 died during the follow-up. Born from antepartum haemorrhage mother (adjusted HR (AHR)=2.2 (95% CI 1.10 to 4.37)), being small weight for gestational age (AHR=4.6 (95% CI 2.22 to 9.53)), not having kangaroo mother care practice initiated (AHR=2.7 (95% CI 1.39 to 7.74)), hypothermia (AHR=4.0 (95% CI 1.96 to 8.30)) and perinatal asphyxia (AHR=3.9 (95% CI 1.97 to 7.94)) were significant predictors of preterm neonate mortality.
In this study, the preterm neonates survival rate (78.4%) and the median survival time (21 days) were found to be low. Preventing and managing the predictors, including an antepartum haemorrhagic mother, small weight for gestational age, hypothermia and prenatal asphyxia, is crucial. In addition, more emphasis should be placed on initiating universal kangaroo mother care practice soon after birth to increase the survival of preterm neonates.
Nel 2021 1,5 mln di contagi Hiv. Il Covid rallenta la risposta
Oms, raddoppiare sforzi. Eventi e screening per World Day
In Memoriam: Alexander W. Dromerick Jr, MD, July 1, 1958–August 21, 2021
Stroke, Volume 53, Issue 12, Page 3525-3528, December 1, 2022.
Oms,1,5mln infettati da Hiv nel 2021,Covid rallenta risposta
‘Ridotte risorse, eradicazione a rischio.Raddoppiare gli sforzi’
Patients awareness of their rights, associated factors and its practice by health professionals from a patient perspective among elective surgical patients at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: a cross-sectional study, 2021
To assess the patients’ awareness of their rights, associated factors and the practice of these rights by the medical team from the patients’ perspective at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital.
An institution-based prospective cross-sectional study was carried out.
The research was conducted from January to May 2021 in a specialised hospital in central Ethiopia.
392 people who had elective surgery were included in this study; 217 men and 175 women responded. Systematic random sampling was employed to choose the research subjects, and K (skip interval) was calculated using the 3-month surgical waiting list at the hospital. Patients under the age of 18, those with severe illnesses, those who were not inpatients, and those who had diagnosable mental conditions were not eligible.
Primary and secondary outcome measures
A structured questionnaire was administered in a face-to-face interview by trained data collectors after surgery at the surgical ward and analysed by using SPSS V.24. Bivariate and multivariable regression analyses were used to identify the associated factors. A p
Utilisation of cervical cancer screening and factors associated with screening utilisation among women aged 30-49 years in Mertule Mariam Town, East Gojjam Zone, Ethiopia, in 2021: a cross-sectional survey
To assess the practice of cervical cancer screening and its associated factors among women aged 30–49 years.
Community-based cross-sectional survey.
Mertule Mariam Town, Northwest Ethiopia, 1 May–20 June 2021.
Women aged 30–49 years who were living in the study area were eligible for inclusion. A systematic random sampling technique was used to select study participants. A total of 488 respondents participated in the study. Data were collected by using interviewer-administered structured questionnaires. Data were entered into EpiData V.3.1 and then exported to SPSS V.25 for analysis. Bivariable and multivariable logistic regression analyses were done.
Outcome measures
Prevalence of cervical cancer screening and factors associated with screening utilisation.
The prevalence of cervical cancer screening was found to be 14.1%. Age (≤16 years) at first sexual intercourse (adjusted OR 14.89, 95% CI 6.21 to 35.74), history of sexually transmitted disease (11.65, 4.56 to 29.78), having multiple sexual partners (11.65, 4.56 to 29.78), having good knowledge about cervical cancer screening (4.72, 2.33 to 9.56) and having a family history of cervical cancer (4.72, 2.33 to 9.56) were statistically significantly associated factors for utilisation of cervical cancer screening.
Utilisation of cervical cancer screening was low in Northwest Ethiopia. Educational status, age at first sexual intercourse, history of multiple sexual partners, sexually transmitted disease, family history of cervical cancer and knowledge about cervical cancer screening were significant factors for utilisation of cervical cancer screening.
Reported Awareness and Adoption of 2021 eGFR Equations Among US Clinical Laboratories, March 2022
This study includes clinical laboratories that participated in the first general chemistry proficiency testing survey in 2022 to assess awareness and adoption of new equations from the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration for estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) that eliminated race-adjustment factors, including one based on creatinine and one based on creatinine and cystatin C.
Pregnancy among adolescent girls in humanitarian settings: a case in refugee camp of Gambella regional state, community-based cross-sectional study, Southwest Ethiopia, 2021
The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of pregnancy and associated factors among adolescent girls in Nguenyyiel Refugee Camp.
Cross-sectional study was employed to conduct this study.
A community-based cross-sectional study was done in Nguenyyiel Refugee Camp.
Four hundred and fourteen adolescent girls participated in this study. The systematic random sampling technique was used to select respondents. Data were collected using a well-structured and pretested questionnaire. Pregnancy test was done using the human chorionic gonadotropin test. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis was run to identify factors associated with adolescent pregnancy.
The prevalence of pregnancy among adolescent girls in the Nguenyyiel Refugee Camp was 21.7% (95% CI: 17.6% to 25.6%). Factors associated with adolescent pregnancy were age (17–19 years) (AOR): 2.79; 95% CI: 1.55 to 5.05; educational status: primary education (AOR: 7.69; 95% CI: 3.55 to 16.68) and no formal education (AOR: 3.42; 95% CI: 1.59 to 7.36); and household living arrangement: living with none of the biological parents (AOR: 2.14; 95% CI: 1.02 to 4.49) and living with either of the biological parent (AOR: 3.71; 95% CI: 1.76 to 7.81).
Conclusions and recommendations
This study showed that there is a high prevalence of pregnancy among adolescent girls in the study setting. Age (17–19 years), educational status and household living arrangement (living with none of the biological parents and living with either of the biological parents) were among the factors significantly associated with adolescent pregnancy. Hence, health workers and other stakeholders in the camps should focus on strengthening adolescent sexual health education giving special attention to late adolescents, uneducated and living without biological family.
Cross-sectional survey of child weight management service provision by acute NHS trusts across England in 2020/2021
With one in five children in England living with obesity, we mapped the geographical distribution and format of child weight management services provided by acute National Health Service (NHS) trusts across England, to identify breadth of service provision.
A cross-sectional survey.
The survey was sent to acute NHS trusts (n=148) in England in 2020, via a freedom of information request.
Responses were received from 139 of 148 (94%) acute NHS trusts, between March 2020 to March 2021.
Outcome measures
The survey asked each acute NHS trust whether they provide a weight management service for children living with obesity. For those trusts providing a service, data were collected on eligibility criteria, funding source, personnel involved, number of new patients seen per year, intervention duration, follow-up length and outcome measures. Service characteristics were reported using descriptive statistics. Service provision was analysed in the context of ethnicity and Index of Multiple Deprivation score of the trust catchment area.
From the 139 survey respondents, 23% stated that they provided a weight management service for children living with obesity. There were inequalities in the proportion of acute NHS trusts providing a service across the different regions of England, ranging from 4% (Midlands) to 36% (London). For trusts providing a service, there was variability in the number of new cases seen per year, eligibility criteria, funding source, intervention format and outcome measures collected. A multidisciplinary approach was not routinely provided, with only 41% of services reporting ≥3 different staff disciplines.
In 2020/2021, there were geographical inequalities in weight management service provision by acute NHS trusts for children living with obesity. Services provided lacked standardisation, did not routinely offer children multidisciplinary care and were insufficient in size to meet need.
Magnitude and factors associated with musculoskeletal disorder among patients with diabetes attending chronic care at Arba Minch General Hospital, Arba Minch, southern Ethiopia, 2021: a cross-sectional study
This study aimed to assess the prevalence and determinants of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) among patients with diabetes in southern Ethiopia.
Facility-based cross-sectional study.
Data collected from 1 March 2021 to 30 August 2021 at Arba Minch General Hospital.
Three hundred and sixty-five patients with diabetes attending care at Arba Minch General Hospital.
Main outcome measures
The magnitude and determinants of the MSDs.
The prevalence of MSDs among patients with diabetes was 23.29% (95% CI 19.00 to 27.76). The likelihood of developing MSDs was 6.8 times higher among women than men (AOR=6.787, 95% CI 2.08 to 22.19). Rural participants were about 2.4 times (AOR=2.38, 95% CI 1.06 to 5.33) more likely to develop MSDs as compared with urban participants. Participants aged >50 years were 5.9 times more likely to develop MSDs as compared with those aged ≤50 years (AOR=5.864, 95% CI 2.663 to 12.914). The odds of developing MSDs was 6.2 times (AOR=6.247, 95% CI 1.158 to 33.702) and 5.5 times (AOR=5.451 95% CI 1.174 to 25.312) higher among participants who attended primary and secondary education as compared with those who attended college and above, respectively. Participants with cardiovascular disease were 3.9 times more likely to develop MSDs as compared with their counterparts (AOR=3.854, 95% CI 1.843 to 8.063).
This study showed that age, sex, educational status, place of residence and cardiovascular disease were found to be determinants of MSDs. Thus, clinical and public health interventions working on diabetes mellitus should consider these determinants.
Nationwide gastric cancer prevention in China, 2021-2035: a decision analysis on effect, affordability and cost-effectiveness optimisation
To project future trajectories of the gastric cancer (GC) burden in China under different scenarios of GC prevention and identify strategies to improve affordability and cost-effectiveness.
Using a cohort of Chinese men and women born during 1951–1980, we assumed that different prevention strategies were conducted, including eradication of Helicobacter pylori (Hp) and endoscopy screening (one-time, annual, biennial, triennial or stratified according to personal risk). We performed a literature search to identify up-to-date data and populate a Markov model to project the number of new GC cases and deaths during 2021–2035, as well as resource requirements and quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs). We examined the impacts of general (among the whole population) and targeted (high-risk population) prevention.
During 2021–2035, 10.0 million new GC cases and 5.6 million GC deaths would occur, with 7.6%–35.5% and 6.9%–44.5%, respectively, being avoidable through various prevention strategies. Relative to the status quo, Hp eradication was a cost-saving strategy. General annual screening dominated other screening strategies, but cost more than CNY 70 000 per QALY gained (willingness-to-pay) compared with Hp eradication. Among endoscopy strategies, targeted screening resulted in 44%–49% lower cost per QALY gained over the status quo than general screening. Among high-risk population, tailoring the screening frequency according to personal risk could reduce endoscopy-related resources by 22% compared with biennial screening and by 55% compared with annual screening,
Our findings provide important input for future decision-making and investment, highlighting the need and feasibility for China to include GC prevention in its national health plans.
How are declarations of interest working? A cross-sectional study in declarations of interest in healthcare practice in Scotland and England in 2020/2021
To understand arrangements for healthcare organisations’ declarations of staff interest in Scotland and England in the context of current recommendations.
Cross-sectional study of a random selection of National Health Service (NHS) hospital registers of interest by two independent observers in England, all NHS Boards in Scotland and a random selection of Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) in England.
NHS Trusts in England (NHSE), NHS Boards in Scotland, CCGs in England, and private healthcare organisations.
Registers of declarations of interest published in a random sample of 67 of 217 NHS Trusts, a random sample of 15 CCGs of in England, registers held by all 14 NHS Scotland Boards and a purposeful selection of private hospitals/clinics in the UK.
Main outcome measures
Adherence to NHSE guidelines on declarations of interests, and comparison in Scotland.
76% of registers published by Trusts did not routinely include all declaration of interest categories recommended by NHS England. In NHS Scotland only 14% of Boards published staff registers of interest. Of these employee registers (most obtained under Freedom of Information), 27% contained substantial retractions. In England, 96% of CCGs published a Gifts and Hospitality register, with 67% of CCG staff declaration templates and 53% of governor registers containing full standard NHS England declaration categories. Single organisations often held multiple registers lacking enough information to interpret them. Only 35% of NHS Trust registers were organised to enable searching. None of the private sector organisations studied published a comparable declarations of interest register.
Despite efforts, the current system of declarations frequently lacks ability to meaningfully obtain complete healthcare professionals’ declaration of interests.
Trends in prevalence and incidence of registered dementia and trends in multimorbidity among patients with dementia in general practice in Flanders, Belgium, 2000-2021: a registry-based, retrospective, longitudinal cohort study
With the ageing of our population, it seems plausible that the prevalence of both dementia and multimorbidity will increase in the following decades. The aim of this study is to examine the trends in prevalence and incidence of registered dementia and trends in multimorbidity in patients with dementia in general practice in Flanders.
Retrospective, longitudinal cohort study.
Primary care practices across Flanders, Belgium.
Patients included in the Intego database.
Data were collected from the Intego database, a Belgian general practice registration network, from 1 January 2000 to 31 December 2021. Joinpoint regression, the Cochran-Armitage test and Jonckheere-Terpstra test were used for the trend analysis.
Data from 149 492 unique patients aged 65 years and older were available. From 2000 to 2021, 3835 incident cases of dementia were found. The age-adjusted prevalence of registered dementia significantly increased during this study period, from 1.19% to 2.43% (average annual percentage change (AAPC) 3.3; 95% CI 2.7 to 4.0). Incidence increased from 3.68 to 5.86 per 1000 patient years overall (AAPC 1.8, 95% CI –2.0 to 5.7), but declined in recent years (annual percentage change –8.1, 95% CI –14.8 to –0.8). Almost three-quarters of the patients with dementia (74.8%) suffered from multimorbidity (three or more comorbidities) and this increased significantly during the study period (p=0.0031). By 2021, 86.7% and 74.8% of the patients with dementia suffered from two or more or three or more chronic conditions, respectively. Hypertension (47.9%), osteoarthritis (29.7%) and lipid metabolism disorders (25.7%) were the most prevalent conditions.
The prevalence of registered dementia doubled over a 22-year time period, mirroring the increasing health burden by this disease globally. Furthermore, three-quarters of the patients with dementia suffered from multimorbidity, underlining the urgent need to implement comorbidity management and patient-centred care in dementia.