Il report di Gimbe sulla mobilità sanitaria
Risultati per: Il MMG e le cure palliative. Le cure del medico di famiglia ai malati in fine vita
Questo è quello che abbiamo trovato per te
Default Palliative Care Consultation for Seriously Ill Hospitalized Patients
This cluster randomized trial examines whether the effect of ordering palliative care consultation by default for seriously ill hospitalized patients without requiring greater palliative care staffing increased consultations and improved outcomes.
Palliative Telecare and Quality of Life in Patients With COPD, Heart Failure, or Interstitial Lung Disease
This randomized clinical trial compares differences in quality of life among 306 adults at high risk of death who have COPD, heart failure, or interstitial lung disease and who received nurse and social worker palliative telecare vs usual care.
A Tale of 2 Palliative Care Trials
At first glance, the 2 palliative care trials in this issue of JAMA may seem a study in contrasts. One was an outpatient intervention, the other inpatient. One included 306 participants, the other 24 065. One was an efficacy study, the other a pragmatic effectiveness study. One of the interventions added resources to expand access to palliative care, the other tried to expand access to palliative care with no additional resources. In one study the primary outcome was quality of life (QOL), in the other length of stay (LOS). In one study the primary outcome was positive, in the other it was negative.
Gli diedero tre mesi di vita, salvo con fegato dalla sorella
Nel Piacentino, i due fratelli sono oggi testimonial Aido
“Gravi carenze di personale medico”, AsMatera recluta pensionati
“Innumerevoli procedure sono andate deserte”
Annals Graphic Medicine – The Power of Palliative
Annals of Internal Medicine, Ahead of Print.
Annals Graphic Medicine – The Power of Palliative
Annals of Internal Medicine, Ahead of Print.
Ascierto , “le nuove cure hanno cambiato la storia del melanoma”
L’oncologo del Pascale intervistato da BeeMagazine. Lo dimostrano i dati sulla sopravvivenza con nivolumab
Longitudinal symptom profile of palliative care patients receiving a nurse-led end-of-life (PEACH) programme to support preference to die at home
Tailored models of home-based palliative care aimed to support death at home, should also ensure optimal symptom control. This study aimed to explore symptom occurrence and distress over time in Palliative Extended And Care at Home (PEACH) model of care recipients.
This was a prospective cohort study.
Setting and participants
Participants were consecutive recipients of the PEACH rapid response nurse-led model of care in metropolitan Sydney (December 2013–January 2017) who were in the last weeks of life with a terminal or deteriorating phase of illness and had a preference to be cared or die at home.
Outcome measures
Deidentified data including sociodemographic and clinical characteristics, and symptom distress scores (Symptom Assessment Score) were collected at each clinical visit. Descriptive statistics and forward selection logistic regression analysis were used to explore influence of symptom distress levels on mode of separation ((1) died at home while still receiving a PEACH package, (2) admitted to a hospital or an inpatient palliative care unit or (3) discharged from the package (alive and no longer requiring PEACH)) across four symptom distress level categories.
1754 consecutive clients received a PEACH package (mean age 70 years, 55% male). 75.7% (n=1327) had a home death, 13.5% (n=237) were admitted and 10.8% (n=190) were still alive and residing at home when the package ceased. Mean symptom distress scores improved from baseline to final scores in the three groups (p
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