Risultati per: L’alcool danneggia il DNA e aumenta il rischio di cancro.
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Precancerous nature of intestinal metaplasia with increased chance of conversion and accelerated DNA methylation
The presence of intestinal metaplasia (IM) is a risk factor for gastric cancer. However, it is still controversial whether IM itself is precancerous or paracancerous. Here, we aimed to explore the precancerous nature of IM by analysing epigenetic alterations.
Genome-wide DNA methylation analysis was conducted by EPIC BeadArray using IM crypts isolated by Alcian blue staining. Chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing for H3K27ac and single-cell assay for transposase-accessible chromatin by sequencing were conducted using IM mucosa. NOS2 was induced using Tet-on gene expression system in normal cells.
IM crypts had a methylation profile unique from non-IM crypts, showing extensive DNA hypermethylation in promoter CpG islands, including those of tumour-suppressor genes. Also, the IM-specific methylation profile, namely epigenetic footprint, was present in a fraction of gastric cancers with a higher frequency than expected, and suggested to be associated with good overall survival. IM organoids had remarkably high NOS2 expression, and NOS2 induction in normal cells led to accelerated induction of aberrant DNA methylation, namely epigenetic instability, by increasing DNA methyltransferase activity. IM mucosa showed dynamic enhancer reprogramming, including the regions involved in higher NOS2 expression. NOS2 had open chromatin in IM cells but not in gastric cells, and IM cells had frequent closed chromatin of tumour-suppressor genes, indicating their methylation-silencing. NOS2 expression in IM-derived organoids was upregulated by interleukin-17A, a cytokine secreted by extracellular bacterial infection.
IM cells were considered to have a precancerous nature potentially with an increased chance of converting into cancer cells, and an accelerated DNA methylation induction due to abnormal NOS2 expression.
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