Circulation, Volume 148, Issue Suppl_1, Page A15449-A15449, November 6, 2023. Background:The six-minute walking test (6MWT) is a commonly used test for assessing the functional capacity of patients with pulmonary hypertension (PH), providing functional and prognostic information. Functional capacity depends on RV-PA coupling, the matching of right ventricular contractility to afterload. However, the dynamics of RV-PA coupling during the 6MWT have never been studied.Methods:We used a wireless hemodynamic monitoring system (CorLog, emka-medical, Germany) to continuously measure right ventricular pressure in 10 patients with PH (8 = group I, 1 = III, 1 = IV) during a 6MWT. We calculated right ventricular ejection fraction (RVEF) and Ees/Ea based on the pressure signal as shown in the figure (panel a). Dyspnea was evaluated using the Borg scale.Results:By analyzing the hemodynamic response during the 6MWT, we identified two patterns: 1) Improved/preserved coupling: Five patients exhibited an initial improvement in Ees/Ea and maintained coupling at least at the baseline level throughout the test, without requiring pauses. 2) Uncoupling associated with pauses: Five patients experienced a slight increase in Ees/Ea at the beginning, followed by a progressive loss of coupling and ejection fraction, necessitating pauses. During pauses, Ees/Ea values restored, enabling patients to resume walking. Patients of the second phenotype reported higher levels of dyspnea. The highest reported Borg score was 8 ± 0.9 vs. 4.6 ± 1.2 in the first group. Also, the covered distance was shorter in the second group (159 ± 64m vs. 288 ± 88m, p=0.03). Both groups showed differences in Ees/Ea (0.47 [0.46 – 0.57] vs. 0.34 [0.30 – 0.43], P=0.05) and RVEF (34 ± 4.1% vs. 28.5 ± 2.6%, P=0.03) at baseline, with Group One exhibiting superior values.Conclusion:This is the first investigation into the significance of RV-PA coupling in real-life exercise limitation and dyspnea during the 6MWT. Pauses observed during the 6MWT can serve as indicators of exercise-induced uncoupling.
Risultati per: Nuovo test per distinguere tra infezioni virali e batteriche
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Abstract 11812: Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test and Atrial Fibrillation in Obstructive Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: A Study From Septal Myectomy Patients
Circulation, Volume 148, Issue Suppl_1, Page A11812-A11812, November 6, 2023. Background:Cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPET )is currently used to quantify functional limitation and to evaluate the indications for surgery among patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). Patients with HCM often have atrial fibrillation (AF) and their relationship is not clear.Objective:To investigate the function limitation among HCM patients who meet indications for septal myectomy and the association between it and AF. Method: We reviewed 565 consecutive patients who underwent myectomy from February 2019 to October 2021, of which 212 did CPET and 24h Holter before surgery.Results:In this cohort (median age: 50.55(37.6-58) years; male: 126(59.4%); left ventricular outflow tract gradient (LVOTG)≥ 50 mmHg: 190(89.6%)), there was a severely impaired function (Peak Oxygen consumption (Peak VO2): 16.44 ± 4.02 ml/min/kg, adjusted Peak VO2%: 58.27%). Comparing different groups divided by Peak VO2, the lowest group was characterized by older age (58 vs 50 vs 43.9 years, p < 0.001), more female patients (57.7% vs 38% vs 25.7%, p < 0.001), higher NT-proBNP level (1299 pg/ml vs 1049 pg/ml vs 742.5 pg/ml, p = 0.004), and larger left atrial diameter (46.8mm vs 43.77 mm vs 42.71 mm, p < 0.001). The incidence of AF also significantly increased (30.98% vs 14.08% vs 7.14%, p < 0.001). Among various indicators of CPET, Peak VO2 showed the strongest correlation with AF (point-biserial correlation coefficient: -0.347, p < 0.001; 0.2279, p = 0.011; -0.2502, p < 0.001; for Peak VO2, ventilatory efficiency, and anaerobic threshold, respectively). Additionally, the incidence of AF decreased with increasing severity of obstruction (60% vs 33.3% vs 16.2% vs 7.1% among non-obstructive, 30≥maximum LVOTG < 50 mmHg, 50≥LVOTG < 100 mmHg, >100 mmHg patients, respectively, p = 0.001). In multivariate regression analysis adjusting for age, sex, BMI, and left atrial diameter, Peak VO2 and LVOTG remained independently associated with the development of AF (OR 0.854, 95% CI 0.743-0.973, p = 0.021 and OR 0.969, 95% CI 0.949-0.987, p = 0.002, respectively).Conclusions:CPET indicator, particularly PeakVO2, was independently associated with the occurrence of AF in eligible surgical patients with HCM. We also found that the higher extent of obstruction, the lower the incidence of AF.
Abstract 16552: Coronary Vasomotor Response to Intracoronary Ergonovine Provocation Test According to the Severity of an Insignificant Coronary Artery Fixed Stenosis
Circulation, Volume 148, Issue Suppl_1, Page A16552-A16552, November 6, 2023. BACKGROUND:Coronary artery spasm (CAS) is a major cause of variant angina in patients with chest pain without significant coronary stenosis. However, whether there are differences in the incidence of CAS according to the severity of underlying coronary artery fixed stenosis is limited.Methods:A total of 608 patients without significant coronary artery disease (CAD) who underwent the ergonovine (ERG) provocation test between January 2018 and December 2021 were enrolled. Significant CAS was defined as having≥70% of temporary narrowing by ERG test. Patients were divided into three groups, based on the presence of coronary artery stenosis: None group (n=456), mild group (30-49%,n=114) and moderate group (50-69%,n=38).Results:In patients with chest pain without significant coronary artery stenosis, mild stenosis was 18.8%, and moderate stenosis was 6.3% in the population. The baseline characteristics of the patients were worse in the mild and moderate group than in the None group, including age, hypertension, diabetes, and smoking habit. In the ERG test, CAS occurred in 44.4% (270/608) of the overall population. The incidence of CAS of the mild (55.3%) and moderate (52.6%) groups were higher than the None group (41.0%). Also, in the case of CAS occurrence, focal CAS (Length
Antibiotici sempre meno efficaci su comuni infezioni dei bambini
Da polmonite a meningite, in molti casi efficacia dimezzata
Test sangue scova vere cause allergiche, usato da un medico su 3
Permette di avere vaccini più mirati e diete meno restrittive
Un test del sangue scova le vere cause delle allergie ma lo usa un medico su 3
Permette di avere vaccini più mirati e diete meno restrittive
Association between plant-based or animal-based dietary pattern and plasma glucose during oral glucose tolerance test among Chinese women with gestational diabetes mellitus: a prospective cohort study
This study explored whether plant-based and animal-based dietary patterns are associated with plasma glucose levels during oral glucose tolerance test in women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM).
A prospective cohort study was conducted using a Food Frequency Questionnaire to collect dietary data. Dietary patterns were derived using principal component analysis. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed to explore the association between dietary patterns and plasma glucose levels. Stratified analyses were conducted according to maternal age, prepregnancy body mass index (BMI) and other confounders.
Setting and participants
The study, conducted in January 2022 in two hospitals in Fujian, China, involved 424 women diagnosed with GDM using a 75 g 2-hour oral glucose tolerance test at 24–28 gestational weeks.
Six maternal dietary patterns (plant based and animal based) were identified. Participants with plant-based pattern had lower 2-hour plasma glucose levels than those with animal-based pattern (β=–0.314; 95% CI (–0.596 to –0.032)). After adjusting the regression model covariates, this significant association remained (β=–0.288; 95% CI (–0.568 to –0.008)) and appeared more pronounced in women aged 30 years or above and those with prepregnancy BMI
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Fondazione Tettamanti: ‘Più semplice e meno costoso delle Car-T’
iVY: protocol for a randomised clinical trial to test the effect of a technology-based intervention to improve virological suppression among young adults with HIV in the USA
Young adults with HIV (YWH) experience worse clinical outcomes than adults and have high rates of substance use (SU) and mental illness that impact their engagement in care and adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART). The intervention for Virologic Suppression in Youth (iVY) aims to address treatment engagement/adherence, mental health (MH) and SU in a tailored manner using a differentiated care approach that is youth friendly. Findings will provide information about the impact of iVY on HIV virological suppression, MH and SU among YWH who are disproportionately impacted by HIV and at elevated risk for poor health outcomes.
Methods and analysis
The iVY study will test the effect of a technology-based intervention with differing levels of resource requirements (ie, financial and personnel time) in a randomised clinical trial with an adaptive treatment strategy among 200 YWH (18–29 years old). The primary outcome is HIV virological suppression measured via dried blood spot. This piloted and protocolised intervention combines: (1) brief weekly sessions with a counsellor via a video-chat platform (video-counselling) to discuss MH, SU, HIV care engagement/adherence and other barriers to care; and (2) a mobile health app to address barriers such as ART forgetfulness, and social isolation. iVY has the potential to address important, distinct and changing barriers to HIV care engagement (eg, MH, SU) to increase virological suppression among YWH at elevated risk for poor health outcomes.
Ethics and dissemination
This study and its protocols have been approved by the University of California, San Francisco Institutional Review Board. Study staff will work with a Youth Advisory Panel to disseminate results to YWH, participants and the academic community.
Trial registration number
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Patients experience of using colonoscopy as a diagnostic test after a positive FOBT/FIT: a systematic review of the quantitative literature
Faecal occult blood testing (FOBT) and faecal immunochemical testing (FIT) are among the most used screening modalities for colorectal cancer (CRC). Colonoscopy is also widely used as a screening and diagnostic test for adults with a positive FOBT/FIT. Patient experience of colonoscopy is an important component for most CRC screening programmes. Individuals with negative experiences are less likely to engage with colonoscopy in the future and can deter others from attending colonoscopy when invited. This review synthesised data on patient experience with colonoscopy, following a positive result, to provide insights into how to improve patient experience within the English Bowel Cancer Screening Programme.
MEDLINE, EMBASE and PsycINFO were searched for quantitative questionnaire studies evaluating patient-reported experience with colonoscopy, following a positive screening FOB/FIT result. The search was limited to studies published between 2000 and 2021 (ie, when the first FOBT/FIT screening programmes for CRC were introduced). Data-driven and narrative summary techniques were used to summarise the literature.
In total, six studies from the UK (n=4), Spain (n=1) and the Netherlands (n=1) were included in the review (total participants: 152 329; response rate: 68.0–79.3%). Patient experiences were categorised into three ‘stages’: ‘pre-colonoscopy’, ‘during the test’ and ‘post-colonoscopy’. Overall, patients reported a positive experience in all six studies. Bowel preparation was the most frequently endorsed issue experienced pre-test (experienced by 10.0–41.0% of individuals, across all studies), pain and discomfort for during the test (experienced by 10.0–21.0% of participants) and abdominal pain and discomfort after the test (these were experienced by 14.8–22% of patients).
This review highlighted that patient-reported experiences associated with colonoscopy were generally positive. To improve the colonoscopy experience, bowel screening centres should investigate means to: make bowel preparation more acceptable, make colonoscopy less painful and reduce post-colonoscopy symptoms.
Patient randomised controlled trial of technology enabled strategies to promote treatment adherence in liver transplantation: rationale and design of the TEST trial
Background and aims
Liver transplantation is a life-saving procedure for end-stage liver disease. However, post-transplant medication regimens are complex and non-adherence is common. Post-transplant medication non-adherence is associated with graft rejection, which can have long-term adverse consequences. Transplant centres are equipped with clinical staff that monitor patients post-transplant; however, digital health tools and proactive immunosuppression adherence monitoring has potential to improve outcomes.
Methods and analysis
This is a patient-randomised prospective clinical trial at three transplant centres in the Northeast, Midwest and South to investigate the effects of a remotely administered adherence programme compared with usual care. The programme monitors potential non-adherence largely levering text message prompts and phenotypes the nature of the non-adhere as cognitive, psychological, medical, social or economic. Additional reminders for medications, clinical appointments and routine self-management support are incorporated to promote adherence to the entire medical regimen. The primary study outcome is medication adherence via 24-hour recall; secondary outcomes include additional medication adherence (ASK-12 self-reported scale, regimen knowledge scales, tacrolimus values), quality of life, functional health status and clinical outcomes (eg, days hospitalised). Study implementation, acceptability, feasibility, costs and potential cost-effectiveness will also be evaluated.
Ethics and dissemination
The University of Pennsylvania Review Board has approved the study as the single IRB of record (protocol # 849575, V.1.4). Results will be published in peer-reviewed journals and summaries will be provided to study funders.
Trial registration number