Comunicato del 27/06/2022 n°33
Risultati per: Atlante della salute mentale 2011
Questo è quello che abbiamo trovato per te
Istituito presso il Ministero della Salute il tavolo tecnico sul tumore del pancreas. Sileri: “fondamentale lavorare insieme per creare nuovi modelli di presa in carico di una patologia difficile da trattare e dall’elevato impatto sociale e sanitario”
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Salute: Dm Speranza e Messa su aggiornamento standard per specializzazioni in cure palliative
Comunicato del 31/05/2022 n°29
Istituito presso il Ministero della Salute il tavolo tecnico per l’approfondimento delle tematiche relative alla neoplasia polmonare Istituito presso il Ministero della Salute il tavolo tecnico per l’approfondimento delle tematiche relative alla neoplasia polmonare
Comunicato del 26/05/2022 n°27
Giornata Mondiale delle Malattie Infiammatorie Croniche Intestinali: un convegno al Ministero della Salute per fare il punto su ricerca scientifica e politiche sanitarie
Comunicato del 18/05/2022 n°26
Salute del cuore e motori alleati: a Firenze screening gratuiti nel salone auto
La campagna di prevenzione promossa dall’Istituto nazionale per le ricerche cardiovascolari
Rinascente e Fondazione Humanitas alleate per la salute delle donne
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Istituito presso il Ministero della Salute il tavolo tecnico per la valorizzazione professionale delle donne in sanità
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Istituito presso il Ministero della Salute il tavolo tecnico sulla simulazione in formazione
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G20 Salute: Videochiamata tra Speranza e Ministro di turno Indonesiano Sadikin
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G7 salute: Speranza, “Aiuti sanitari, vicini alla popolazione ucraina colpita dalla guerra”
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Speranza, “Diritto universale alla salute strumento di espansione per diritti umani”
Comunicato del 22/02/2022 n°9
Covid-19: Speranza a High level seminar su salute, “Sfida è vaccinare 70% popolazione mondiale entro metà anno”
Comunicato del 17/02/2022 n°7
Nuovo atlante di cellule che portano il sangue al cervello
Abstract WP224: Trends In Self-reported Stroke And Myocardial Infarction Prevalence And Associated Modifiable Risk Factors Within Race/ethnicity Strata In The United States From 2011-2019
Stroke, Volume 53, Issue Suppl_1, Page AWP224-AWP224, February 1, 2022. Background:Stroke and myocardial infarction (MI) prevalence varies by race/ethnicity, as do the risk factors.Methods:We included biyearly data from the 2011-2019 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) surveys of adults (age ≥18) in the United States. We describe survey-weighted prevalence of self-reported stroke and MI by race and ethnicity. We also describe the prevalence of modifiable vascular risk factors in patients with stroke and MI.Results:The weighted number of U.S. participants represented in BRFSS surveys increased from 237,404,549 in 2011 to 251,703,709 in 2019. Stroke prevalence increased from 2.9% in 2011 to 3.4% in 2019 (
Abstract 32: Post Stroke Suicide In Georgia, 2011-2018: Identifying High Risk Groups
Stroke, Volume 53, Issue Suppl_1, Page A32-A32, February 1, 2022. Background:Disability can impact stroke survivors’ quality of life and mental health and may lead to suicide. Identifying and treating people at risk is one of the strategies listed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to reduce suicide. The objectives of this study were to estimate the burden of suicide among stroke survivors in Georgia, identify predisposing factors, determine when patients are more likely to die of suicide, and examine suicide circumstances.Methods:Clinically diagnosed ischemic stroke (IS) patients from the Georgia Coverdell Acute Stroke Registry were linked with the Georgia Violent Death Reporting System (GVDRS) and death data for a retrospective cohort study. We applied survival analysis to estimate the annual suicide rate and cox proportional hazard model to identify high risk groups for suicide among stroke survivors. For those who died by suicide, circumstances were analyzed descriptively.Results:A total of 68,122 IS patients, from 2011 to 2018, were included. The median follow-up period was 40 months, and 70 suicide deaths were observed with a suicide rate of 28.3/100,000 person-years. About two-thirds of the suicides happened within 2 years of the stroke incident. Whites (HR=3.4), males (HR=10.8), young adults (HR=2.8), patients with depression (HR=3.8), and those who left hospitals against medical advice (HR=5.6) were more likely to die by suicide compared to blacks, females, older adults, patients without depression, and those who were discharged home respectively. Depression was reported in 36% of deaths, of which 25% had a past medical history of depression at hospital admission for stroke or were discharged with an antidepressant prescription. Firearms were used in 86.4% of the suicides.Conclusion:Ischemic stroke survivors have a 30% higher risk of death by suicide compared to the general Georgia population. This increased risk is mainly among males, patients with depression, and those who left hospitals against medical advice. More than four out of five suicides are by firearm; therefore, it is reasonable to make screening for suicide and counseling on firearm safety for patients and caregivers be a part of the discharge process and post discharge follow-up.