Circulation, Volume 150, Issue Suppl_1, Page A4145362-A4145362, November 12, 2024. Background:Women have historically had higher mortality following STEMI than men. The difference in mortality is in part related to higher bleeding rates in women when compated to men. Little is known about the mortality differences in women versus men in the current era of radial first and other bleeding avoidance stategie for PCI.Methods:We queried in the NNE database to identofy all PCI cases between 2019 and 2023. From the dataset, patients who underwent PCI for an indication of STEMI were identified, and demographic as well as procedural variables were collected. Patients with shock prior to PCI were excluded. In-hosptial outcomes were assessed including bleeding and need for transfusion. Mortality was obtained from discharge vital status. Standard statisical methods were used to assess significance of differences, using STATA for calculations.Results:A total of 22,681 pateints were identified who underwent PCI between 2019 and 2023. Of these, 4,356 (19.2%) underwent PCI for STEMI and did not have shock. Of the patients with STEMI, 3,198 (73.4%) were men and 1,158 (26.6%) were women. When compared with men, women tended to be older, have smaller BSA, and similar BMI. Procedurally, the percent radial cases and IIBIIIA receptor inhibitor use were similar between men and women. In-hospital mortalty was 3.3% for women and 1.7% for men (p
Risultati per: I numeri del cancro in Italia 2019
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Abstract 4139875: Trends in Comorbid Diabetes Mellitus and Heart Failure-Related Mortality Among Older Adults: Demographic and Regional Analysis from CDC WONDER – 1999 to 2019
Circulation, Volume 150, Issue Suppl_1, Page A4139875-A4139875, November 12, 2024. Background and Purpose:Older adults in the United States face worsening trends in the incidence and prevalence of comorbid diabetes mellitus (DM) and heart failure (HF). This study aimed to examine the trends in DM and HF-related mortality among adults ≥65 years in the United States.Methods:The Multiple Cause-of-Death data using CDC WONDER (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Wide-Ranging OnLine Data for Epidemiologic Research) were analyzed for DM and HF-related deaths from 1999 to 2019 in adults ≥65 years. Age-adjusted mortality rates (AAMRs) per 100,000 population were determined and stratified by year, sex, race/ethnicity, and geographic region. Joinpoint regression was used to analyze trends in AAMRs using annual percent change (APC).Results:A total of 842,785 deaths occurred among older adults in the United States related to comorbid HF and DM. The overall AAMR for deaths due to comorbid DM and HF in older adults was 97.4. The AAMRs remained stable between 1999 and 2005. From 2005 to 2009, AAMRs steadily declined at an APC of -3.41 (95% CI: -4.75 to -0.52). Following a period of stability from 2009 to 2014, AAMRs increased at an APC of 2.80 (95% CI: 1.97 to 4.68) till 2019. Men (116.2) had consistently higher AAMRs than older women (84.8) throughout the study period. Upon stratification by race and ethnicity, AAMRs were observed to be highest in non-Hispanic (NH) American Indian or Alaska Native (144.1), followed by NH Black or African American (124.4), Hispanic or Latino (100.5), NH White (95.3), and NH Asian or Pacific Islander (62.0) populations. Non-metropolitan areas had higher AAMRs for comorbid HF and DM than metropolitan areas, with overall AAMRs of 126.9 and 90.9, respectively. States that fell into the top 90thpercentile included Kentucky, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Oregon, Vermont, and West Virginia, which had twice the AAMRs than states that fell into the bottom 10thpercentile, including Arizona, Florida, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Nevada, and New York.Conclusion:Our analysis revealed a concerning rise in mortality related to comorbid DM and HF in U.S. adults ≥ 65 years old since 2014. Men, NH American Indian and Alaska Native populations, and residents of non-metropolitan areas displayed the highest AAMRs. Future efforts focusing on improved risk assessment and the adoption of therapeutic therapies are needed for the effective management of patients with comorbid DM and HF to help alleviate the mortality burden.
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