Studio Fimmg-Metis, fino a 630 mila casi misconosciuti in Italia
Risultati per: Il pacemaker si ricarica con il battito del cuore
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Long-Term Incidence of Bradycardia and Pacemaker Implantations Among Cross-Country Skiers: A Cohort Study
Circulation, Ahead of Print. BACKGROUND:Bradycardia is more common among well-trained athletes than in the general population, but the association with pacemaker implantations is less known. We investigated associations of endurance training with incidence of bradycardia and pacemaker implantations, including sex differences and long-term outcome, in a cohort of endurance trained individuals.METHODS:All Swedish skiers who completed >1 race in the cross-country skiing event Vasaloppet between 1989 and 2011 (n=209 108) and a sample of 532 290 nonskiers were followed until first event of bradycardia, pacemaker implantation, or death, depending on end point. The Swedish National Patient Register was used to obtain diagnoses. Cox regression was used to investigate associations of number of completed races and finishing time in Vasaloppet with incidence of bradycardia and pacemaker implantations. In addition, Cox regression was used to investigate associations of pacemaker implantations with death in skiers and nonskiers.RESULTS:Male skiers had a higher incidence of bradycardia (adjusted hazard ratio [aHR], 1.19 [95% CI, 1.05–1.34]) and pacemaker implantations (aHR, 1.17 [95% CI, 1.04–1.31]) compared with male nonskiers. Those who completed the most races and had the best performances exhibited the highest incidence. For female skiers in Vasaloppet, the incidence of bradycardia (aHR, 0.98 [95% CI, 0.75–1.30]) and pacemaker implantations (aHR, 0.98 [95% CI, 0.75–1.29]) was not different from that of female nonskiers. The indication for pacemaker differed between skiers and nonskiers, with sick sinus syndrome more common in the former and third-degree atrioventricular block in the latter. Skiers had lower overall mortality rates than nonskiers (aHR, 0.16 [95% CI, 0.15–0.17]). There were no differences in mortality rates by pacemaker status among skiers.CONCLUSIONS:In this study, male endurance skiers had a higher incidence of bradycardia and pacemaker implantations compared with nonskiers, a pattern not seen in women. Among male skiers, those who completed the most races and had the fastest finishing times had the highest incidence of bradycardia and pacemaker implantations. Within each group, mortality rates did not differ in relation to pacemaker status. These findings suggest that bradycardia associated with training leads to a higher risk for pacemaker implantation without a detrimental effect on mortality risk.
Il più piccolo pacemaker al mondo impiantato ad Ariano Irpino
Pesa due grammi e misura poco più di due centimetri
All'ospedale di Fermo impiantato nuovo pacemaker senza fili
Indicato per trattamento di pazienti con bradiaritmie cardiache
Il mix caldo-Covid amplifica la fatigue e aumenta i rischi per il cuore
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L’Rna per rigenerare il cuore dopo l’infarto
La ricerca, a guida italiana, studia un farmaco “2 in 1” capace di far crescere nuovo tessuto e nuovi vasi sanguigni