Risultati per: Valutazione e gestione del Melanoma
Questo è quello che abbiamo trovato per te
Pancreatite acuta: diagnosi, valutazione di gravità, terapia medica ed endoscopica e gestione del post-acuzie
Gestione terapeutica del paziente adulto con ipotiroidismo primario non in gravidanza
Melanoma Incidence and Mortality Trends in Sweden
This cohort study assesses incidence of primary invasive cutaneous malignant melanoma and mortality trends in Sweden, focusing on the population younger than the mean age of melanoma onset.
Raccomandazioni EULAR per la gestione farmaco-terapeutica dell’artrite psoriasica
Honsell (Open), melanoma, urge reparto dermatologia a Udine
Honsell (Open), melanoma, urge reparto dermatologia a Udine
Terapie farmacologiche per la gestione acuta dell’emicrania negli adulti
Cavalli e cani come terapia, anche per gestione stress veterani
I risultati del progetto Iss “Veterani in Sella”
Cavalli e cani come terapia, anche per gestione stress veterani
I risultati del progetto Iss “Veterani in Sella”
Immunoterapia, al Gemelli la gestione delle complicanze endocrinologiche
Tra gli effetti indesiderati le disfunzioni di tiroide e ipofisi
Fear of Cancer Recurrence Among Survivors of Localized Cutaneous Melanoma
To the Editor Mahama et al administered a qualitative survey to assess the fear of cancer recurrence for 51 survivors of localized cutaneous melanoma. The authors found that despite good prognoses, approximately 75% of survivors had fear of cancer recurrence that was negatively associated with their psychological well-being, which, as noted by the authors, aligned with prior studies among patients with melanoma. Surprisingly, Mahama et al observed similar levels of clinical fear of cancer recurrence in patients with stage 0 and stage I to IIA localized cutaneous melanoma despite the fact that patients with stage 0 have a prognosis approaching 100% 5-year melanoma-specific survival. A systematic review of 46 studies found that 82% of survivors of thyroid cancer scored 13 or higher on the Fear of Cancer Recurrence Inventory (FCRI), suggesting that patients with melanoma and thyroid cancer share high levels of cancer worry despite relatively high survival rates compared with other cancers.
Fear of Cancer Recurrence Among Survivors of Localized Cutaneous Melanoma—What’s in a Name?—Reply
In Reply We appreciate the thoughtful response by Akama-Garren and Hartman regarding ways of reducing fear of cancer recurrence (FCR) among patients with localized melanoma. They proposed 2 potential solutions: (1) psychological support (which we also proposed) and (2) changing terminology to recategorize melanoma in situ as melanocytic lesions with low risk of progression. In this reply, we discuss both proposals.
Linee guida per la gestione del carcinoma epatocellulare negli adulti
Nuove linee guida per la gestione cardiovascolare nella chirurgia non cardiaca
Melanoma avanzato, il 43% dei pazienti è vivo a 10 anni con la doppia immunoterapia
Con nivolumab più ipilimumab. Dieci anni fa il tasso di sopravvivenza era al 25% dopo un anno