Dalla fine della terapia non ha presentato segni clinici
Risultati per: Nuovo farmaco per la malattia di Crohn e colite ulcerosa
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Malattia fegato rara, Commissione Europea revoca l'ok a farmaco
Advanz Pharma, decisione mette a rischio migliaia di pazienti
Healthy first-degree relatives from multiplex families versus simplex families have a higher subclinical intestinal inflammation, a distinct fecal microbial signature, and harbor a higher risk of developing Crohn’s disease
Unaffected first-degree relatives (FDRs) from families with two or more affected FDRs with Crohn’s disease (CD, multiplex families) have a high risk of developing CD, although the underlying mechanisms driving this risk are poorly understood. We aimed to identify differences in biomarkers between FDRs from multiplex versus simplex families and to investigate the risk of future CD onset accounting for potential confounders.
Management of Small Bowel Crohn’s Disease Strictures: To cut, to stretch or to treat inflammation?
Emicrania, farmaco dato ai primi segni aiuta a prevenire attacco
Mitiga il disagio se preso alle prime avvisaglie
Emicrania, farmaco dato ai primi segni aiuta a prevenire attacco
Mitiga il disagio se preso alle prime avvisaglie
Amiloidosi: ecco qual è la malattia di Oliviero Toscani
Condizione rara, ma grave, causata da depositi di proteine anomale
Development and Validation of an Integrative Risk Score for Future Risk of Crohn’s Disease in Healthy First-Degree Relatives: A Multicentre Prospective Cohort Study
Gestione dei pazienti con malattia coronarica cronica: linea guida
Niente farmaco anti-Alzheimer dalla sanità pubblica, è polemica in Gran Bretagna
Insorge la stampa popolare dei tabloid: ‘Perché solo ai ricchi?’
Malattia rara bambini, studio clinico Urbino migliora la terapia
Tecnologia dell’Università Carlo Bo esplora uso di globuli rossi
Crohn’s patients and healthy infants share immunodominant B cell response to commensal flagellin peptide epitopes
Inflammatory bowel disease is a chronic manifestation of dysregulated immune response to the gut microbiota in genetically pre-disposed hosts. Nearly half of patients with Crohn’s disease (CD) develop selective serum IgG response to flagellin proteins expressed by bacteria in the Lachnospiraceae family. This study aimed to identify the binding epitopes of these IgG antibodies and assess their relevance in CD and in homeostasis.
Lo sport è un farmaco, 'va inserito nella ricetta medica'
Un Ddl firmato da tutti i partiti lo rende detraibile nel 730
Boom del farmaco anti-obesità, tra i più venduti dopo tachiprina e antibiotici
Il farmaco antidiabetico che ha tra i suoi effetti anche la perdita di peso ha registrato un aumento delle vendite del 75%
Mucosal Single-Cell Profiling of Crohn's-Like Disease of the Pouch Reveals Unique Pathogenesis and Therapeutic Targets
The pathophysiology of Crohn’s-like disease of the ileal pouch-anal anastomosis (CDP) in patients with a history of ulcerative colitis (UC) is unknown. We examined mucosal cells from patients with and without CDP using single cell analyses.
Risankizumab versus Ustekinumab for Moderate-to-Severe Crohn’s Disease
New England Journal of Medicine, Volume 391, Issue 3, Page 213-223, July 18, 2024.