Con lo screening neonatale l’avvio immediato della terapia
Risultati per: Terapia del dolore da osteo-artropatie degenerative
Questo è quello che abbiamo trovato per te
Al Meyer già 8 bimbi con la Sma salvati grazie a terapia genica
Con lo screening neonatale l’avvio immediato della terapia
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Un ragazzo recupera la vista con un collirio a base di terapia genica
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Al Bambino Gesù, con le cellule Car-iNK
Dolore cronico, in Italia ne soffrono oltre 10 milioni di adulti
Rapporto pubblicato dall’Iss, in prevalenza sono donne (60%)
In pochi mesi al via uso nuova terapia per bimbi con leucemia
Al Bambino Gesù, con cellule Car-iNK già pronte
Experiences and perspectives related to shared decision-making among outpatients with degenerative joint disease in Taiwan: a qualitative study
Various treatment options are available for degenerative joint disease (DJD). During clinical visits, patients and clinicians collaboratively make decisions regarding the optimal treatment for DJD; this is the essence of shared decision-making (SDM). Here, we collated and assessed the SDM-related experiences and perspectives of outpatients with DJD in Taiwan.
In-depth interviews and thematic analysis.
Primary care clinics of a regional teaching hospital in Taiwan, October 2021–May 2022.
21 outpatients with at least three visits for DJD and who were aware of SDM.
Four main themes emerged in this study: first, equipping themselves with knowledge: outpatients obtained disease-related and treatment-related knowledge in various ways—seeking relevant information online, discussing with family and friends, learning from their own experiences or learning from professionals. Second, shared or not shared: physicians had different patterns for communicating with patients, particularly when demonstrating authority, performing mutual discussion, respecting patient preferences or responding perfunctorily. Third, seldom saying no to physician-prescribed treatment plans during clinical visits: most patients respected physicians’ professionalism; however, some patients rejected physicians’ recommendations indirectly, whereas some responded depending on their disease prognosis. Fourth, whose call?—participants decided to accept or reject a treatment plan independently or by discussing it with their families or by obeying their physicians’ recommendations.
In general, patients with DJD sought reliable medical information from various sources before visiting doctors; however, when having a conversation with patients, physicians dominated the discussion on treatment options. The patient–physician interaction dynamics during the SDM process determined the final medical decision, which was in accordance with either patients’ original autonomy or physicians’ recommendations. To alleviate medical paternalism and physician dominance, patients should be empowered to engage in medical decision-making and share their opinions or concerns with their physicians. Family members should also be included in SDM.
Una terapia genica permette ad un bimbo nato sordo di sentire
Il trattamento a Philadelphia, è la prima persona ad ottenerla
Italiani sempre più celiaci, ecco le linee guida per terapia
Sono 224mila i casi diagnosticati, ma si stimano circa 600mila