Abstract 4139978: Multi-Modality Imaging Characteristics and Survivals By Aortic Stenosis Subtypes In Patients Undergoing Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement

Circulation, Volume 150, Issue Suppl_1, Page A4139978-A4139978, November 12, 2024. Background:Discrepant transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) parameters are not infrequently observed in patients with significant aortic stenosis (AS), however, there is limited literature regarding their computed tomography (CT) characteristics and prognostic implications.Aims:We compared the multi-modality imaging characteristics and outcomes in patients undergoing transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) by AS subtype.Methods:Patients with severe AS (defined as aortic valve area

Novembre 2024

Abstract 4138113: C-X-C Motif Chemokine Receptor 4-directed Molecular Imaging of Mediastinal Lymph Nodes after Acute Myocardial Infarction in Patients

Circulation, Volume 150, Issue Suppl_1, Page A4138113-A4138113, November 12, 2024. Purpose:After acute myocardial infarction (MI), lymphocytes play a pivotal role in the scar formation and remodeling of the remote myocardium. Activation of lymphocytes takes places in mediastinal lymph nodes (MLN). Therefore, imaging of MLN as a read-out of the adaptive immune response to MI may identify subjects at increased risk for cardiac functional decline.Methods:The on-going prospective study (NCT05519735) enrolls patients with acute ST-elevation MI followed by complete reperfusion and multimodal imaging with C-X-C motif chemokine receptor 4 (CXCR4)-directed PET/CT and cardiac MRI (CMR) as baseline imaging. Follow-up (FU) CMR scans are repeated after 6 and 12 months. The CMR scans are analyzed regarding LV function, myocardial and LGE mass. Tracer uptake (SUVpeak) in the myocardium and MLN (defined as LN with most intense uptake) are determined. Infarct/remote myocardial (IRR), MLN/Remote LN (LNR) ratios and the overall LNR (including uptake from all LN) are calculated. Association of uptake with the function CMR parameters is tested.Results:Currently, 41 patients (29 males, median age 59 yo) were enrolled in the study (6 months FU 27/41, 12 months FU 17/41). At baseline, the median CMR EF was 49% and improved with the FUs (6mo: 52.8%, 12 mo 53.2%). LGE mass was 30.3 g and declined to 13.8 g after 12 months (LGE/Myocardial 15.8%). SUVpeakfrom infarcted myocardium and mediastinal LN were consistently >1, indicating increased uptake relative to background.Changes of LVEF correlated with LNR (6 mo FU: %LVEF, r= – 0.48; P = 0.01, 12 mo FU: %LVEF, r= – 0.55; P = 0.02) and overall LNR (6 mo FU: %LVEF, r= – 0.52; P< 0.01; 12 mo FU: %LVEF; r= - 0.61; P = 0.01), but not with IRR (P= 0.498).LNR was increased in subjects with decreased LVEF. In logistic regression analysis, increasing LNR and overall LNR were significantly associated with decreased LVEF at the 12 months FU (LNR OR 1.32 (95% CL: 1.06-1.81, p = 0.03), Overall LNR OR 1.36 (95 % CL: 1.09-1.92, p = 0.03)).Conclusion:CXCR4-directed imaging of MLN provides information on the extent of local and systemic tissue inflammation in patients after acute MI. Especially MLN CXCR4 uptake holds predictive potential for cardiac adverse remodelling during follow up (LVEF decline) and may be used to identify patients who benefit from a selective immune modulation after acute MI.Funding:German Research Foundation (453989101).

Novembre 2024

Abstract 4139380: A Report of 2000 Consecutive Patients Undergoing Imaging with Pacemakers and ICDs in the MRI Environment; the Additive Value of a Large, Prospective ~20-Year Observational Study

Circulation, Volume 150, Issue Suppl_1, Page A4139380-A4139380, November 12, 2024. Background:Imaging of conventional PM’s and ICDs are infrequently performed via MRI. While many studies, including theMagnaSafeTrialhave unequivocally supported MRI safety in patients with such devices, theaddedclinical value has rarely been considered. Accordingly, we performed an observational, IRB-approved, prospective study to determine the ‘Additive Value’beyondsafety for patients with conventional PM/ICD’s undergoing clinical MRI.Wehypothesizethat MRI in PM/ICD patients is critical to an existing diagnosis and often markedly alters diagnosis and subsequent downstream patient management.Methods:An MRI Device exam (GE 1.5T,WI) pioneered by cardiologists ( >90% over 10 yrs; 100% over 20 years) was performed. Subsequently, a series of prospective defining questions using Boolean Logic Construct were answered within 1 week of MRI by both MRI technologist and MRI physicians.Questions:1) Did the primary diagnosis change?2) Did the MRI provide additional information to existing diagnosis?3) Was the pre-MRI (tentative) diagnosis confirmed?4) Did subsequent patient management change?If ‘Yes’ was answered to any of the above questions, it was considered that MRI was of value to pt diagnosis and/or impending therapy.Results:Average MRI: 25±14min for 2,008 consecutive patients of which 1,526 (76%) were neuro/neurosurgery, 141 (7%) were musculoskeletal and 341(17%) were CV cases. Upon review: of the Neuro/neurosurgeryMRIs, 1,376 (89%) provided additional information.The diagnosis changed in 1018 (74%), while medical therapy changed in 977 (71%). In only 124 (9%) did MRI simply confirm original diagnosis. ForCardiacpatients, MRI changed the original diagnosis in 235 (69%). MRI did not contribute in 42 (12%) as it was uninterpretable (ICD artifact), while in 64 pts, the diagnosis did not change. Finally, in 146Orthopedicpts, MRI provided additional information in 143 (98%) and in 130 (89%), changed pt care, and in 4 pts (3%), simply confirmed the diagnosis. Importantly, with careful attention to device reprogramming and scanner sequences, no safety or device issues were encountered in any patient all with tracking for >1 year.Conclusion:Via a dedicated program of MRI in PM/ICD patients adds substantial clinical value to diagnosis and subsequent management justifying ant inherent risk(s). Herein, we propose that yet another impediment to the advancement of CMR-PM/ICD strategies can become routine and often life-changing.

Novembre 2024

Abstract 4136136: Left Ventricular Global Longitudinal Strain: An Imaging Marker Associated with Improved Survival in Paradoxical Low-Flow, Low-Gradient Severe Aortic Stenosis

Circulation, Volume 150, Issue Suppl_1, Page A4136136-A4136136, November 12, 2024. Background:The optimal clinical management and timing of intervention are less well defined in paradoxical low-flow, low-gradient severe aortic stenosis (PLFLG AS). Left ventricular global longitudinal strain (LV-GLS) has been shown to predict outcomes in high flow severe AS, but there is lack of data in patients with PLFLG AS. Given the exaggerated LV hypertrophy and remodeling pattern in PLFLG AS, LV-GLS may be a mechanistic imaging marker for worse outcomes.Hypothesis:In patients with PLFLG AS, LV-GLS is associated with adverse clinical outcomes by detecting subclinical myocardial fibrosis resulting from myocardial remodeling due to LV pressure overload.Methods:We examined patients with PLFLG AS defined as AVA

Novembre 2024

Abstract 4125497: Diagnostic Discrepancies Revealed by Explant Pathology at the Time of Cardiac Transplant in Patients Clinically Diagnosed with Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy: Role of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Circulation, Volume 150, Issue Suppl_1, Page A4125497-A4125497, November 12, 2024. Background:Differentiating between causes of non-ischemic cardiomyopathy is important for disease-directed treatment. Cardiac MRI (CMR) and the use of late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) have proven useful for enhancing diagnostic accuracy. Definitive assessment of cardiomyopathy etiology by explant pathology facilitates direct evaluation of CMR utility.Hypothesis:We hypothesized direct comparison between pre-transplant (Tx) CMR and explant pathology will improve the characterization of undifferentiated cardiomyopathy through examination of cases where pre- and post-Tx diagnoses were discordant.Aims:To evaluate discrepant cases to describe imaging patterns in relation to post-Tx diagnosis.Methods:Institutional Tx recipients between 2000 and June 2023 were queried for pre-Tx MRI (n=122). Discrepant cases were identified (n=8). Pre-Tx diagnostic modalities, including CMR, were reviewed, and CMR patterns were evaluated in association with ultimate explant diagnosis.Results:Of the eight patients with discrepant diagnoses, five carried clinical diagnosis of dilated cardiomyopathy, one hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, one peripartum cardiomyopathy, and one congenital heart disease having undergone tricuspid valve and ASD repair. Pathologic evaluation most frequently identified biventricular or left ventricular arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy (ARVC) (n=6), where CMR disclosed a diffuse pattern of subepicardial LGE and pre-Tx diagnosis of DCM was most common. Two of these pathologic descriptions represented a different disease on genetic evaluation: one patient had Danon disease, another had a LMNA pathogenic variant. The presumed peripartum cardiomyopathy was identified as Fabry’s disease on pathology (however, genetic testing consistent with Danon disease). Both Danon disease patients had primarily subendocardial LGE on CMR. One patient with a DCM phenotype had HCM pathologically. Results summarized in Table 1.Conclusions:Cardiac MRI can be a useful modality for the evaluation of underlying cardiomyopathy and should prompt appropriate genetic testing. Diffuse subepicardial LGE frequently accompanied the diagnosis of ARVC whereas a non-subepicardial pattern reflected alternative etiologies identified only through genetic testing.

Novembre 2024

Abstract 4138112: A Case of Caseous Mitral Annular Calcification and the Utility of Multimodality Cardiac Imaging

Circulation, Volume 150, Issue Suppl_1, Page A4138112-A4138112, November 12, 2024. Background:Mitral annular calcification (MAC) is a common incidental finding associated with advanced renal dysfunction, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, or abnormal calcium metabolism. Caseous mitral annular calcification (CMAC) is a less common MAC variant involving central liquefaction necrosis, which results in a paste-like substance consisting of calcium, fatty acids, and cholesterol.Case description:A 64-year-old female presented to clinic with chronic shortness of breath and fatigue that started after COVID-19 pneumonia in 2021. As part of the initial evaluation, a transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE) was done, which revealed moderate annular calcification, 3+ mitral valve regurgitation, and a 1.8×1.5 cm echogenic mass on the posterior mitral annulus, concerning for possible fungal vegetation. Further multimodality imaging was pursued. Transesophageal echocardiogram confirmed the presence of a 2.0×1.7 cm cystic mass but demonstrated normal mitral valve function. Cardiac MR further identified a 1.2×0.8×1.5 cm hypointense mass, with surrounding late gadolinium enhancement, suggesting an associated inflammatory/degenerative process. Gated cardiac CT scan showed a mass with ring-like dense peripheral calcification and low central attenuation. Overall, findings from multimodality imaging were most consistent with CMAC. In the present case, the patient was monitored conservatively, as her symptoms of shortness of breath improved, and she did not experience any associated complications.Discussion:The present case demonstrates an incidental finding of an echogenic mass on the posterior mitral annulus, later identified as CMAC. Initial imaging with TTE helps evaluate for CMAC. However, on TTE alone, CMAC is often misdiagnosed with other conditions, including intracardiac tumors, abscesses, vegetations, or thrombi, and more advanced imaging is often recommended. On cardiac MR, CMAC is usually hypointense due to the elevated calcium content and may have surrounding late gadolinium enhancement due to associated inflammation. On gated cardiac CT, CMAC presents with a hyperintense rim due to calcification and a hypointense center consistent with central necrosis. As in this patient, CMAC is usually a benign condition that can be monitored conservatively. Indications for invasive intervention include significant valvular dysfunction, embolization, or conduction abnormalities. Multimodal imaging can aid in appropriate diagnosis to mitigate unnecessary interventions.

Novembre 2024

Abstract 4145138: Use of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Assess Response to Oral Treprostinil Therapy in Pediatric Pulmonary Hypertension Patients1

Circulation, Volume 150, Issue Suppl_1, Page A4145138-A4145138, November 12, 2024. Background:Pulmonary hypertension (PH) contributes to significant morbidity and mortality in pediatric patients. Cardiac catheterization remains standard of care for diagnosis and serial monitoring in PH patients despite its significant risk of morbidity and mortality. Cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging provides critical information about the right ventricle (RV) and left ventricle (LV) and may have significant prognostic power. We aim to use CMR to demonstrate response to oral Treprostinil in pediatric PH patients.Methods:This is a retrospective, multi-center study of 9 PH patients who underwent a baseline CMR study, as well as a follow up study 24 weeks following transitioning to oral Treprostinil from intravenous/inhaled formulations. Feature-tracking (Qstrain, Medis) was performed on short/long-axis cines to assess RV global longitudinal strain (GLS), LV GLS, and LV global circumferentialstrain (GCS). Volumetric data and conventional functional parameters were also compared, pre and post initiation of oral Treprostinil therapy.Results:Eighteen CMR studies from 9 patients were analyzed. Average baseline RV ejection fraction (EF) was 48.1% compared to post therapy RV EF 51.9% (p = 0.188). Average baseline RV GLS was -20.5% compared to post therapy RV GLS -23.3% (p = 0.025), Figure 1. Overall, there was no significant difference in LV EF, LV GLS, and LV GCS after transitioning to oral therapy. Increased RV EF post initiation of oral Treprostinil therapy correlated with increased magnitude LV GCS (r = 0.701, p = 0.036), reflecting critical interventricular interaction in the disease process.Conclusion:Assessment of RV strain is more sensitive in detecting improvement in cardiac performance following initiation of oral Treprostinil in pediatric PH patients compared to ejection fraction. Future studies should focus on the development of novel CMR biomarkers in place of cardiac catheterization in assessing cardiac performance in PH patients.1. This abstract was written by one of ISS investigators, Dr. Truong, who is using data from TDE-PH-206 (pediatric oral Treprostinil study) to investigate cMRI parameters.

Novembre 2024

Abstract 4146737: AmyNet: a Novel Deep Learning Imaging Approach to Identify Incidental Myocardial Uptake Indicative of Cardiac Amyloidosis on Whole Body 99Tc-Bone Scintigraphy Imaging

Circulation, Volume 150, Issue Suppl_1, Page A4146737-A4146737, November 12, 2024. Introduction:Whole-body scintigraphy (WBS) is frequently performed for oncological indications but also has high sensitivity for incidental detection of transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy (ATTR-CM), which may be overlooked.Goal:Develop an algorithm that combines chest computed tomography (cCT) and WBS to identify incidental ATTR-CM in a large healthcare system.Methods:We included 3 cohorts: 1) 77 patients from Brigham and Women’s Hospital with high prevalence of patients positive for ATTR-CM (BWHC), 2) 982 continuous cohort of patients imaged with WBS at PennMedicine for oncological indications from 2010-2020 (PennC), and 3) 5 patients with proven ATTR-CM uptake on WBS when imaged for oncologic indications from 2021-2024 (PennC+). Using a U-Net model trained with Dice score, the AmyNet algorithm automatically segmented cCTs with regions of interest (ROIs) around the entire heart (ventricles, atria, blood pool). Maximal intensity projections of cCTs in the coronal plane were registered to WBS using rigid transformations from the ANTs library. Multiple template reconstructions of only BWHC projections augmented registration due to limited field of view of cCT by providing an initial alignment to the thorax. Transformations were applied to heart ROIs to identify the location on WBS. A modified contralateral ratio was calculated by taking the lateral 1/3 and inferior 2/3 region to avoid sternum and atria and reflecting it across the vertical axis. A cutoff ratio of 1.15 was established as positive for ATTR-CM.Results:Machine-generated and expert volumes were comparable (1071vs1087mL; p=0.74) with a Dice similarity index of 0.92±0.07. AmyNet had a 94% accuracy with 100% sensitivity and 90% specificity in detecting ATTR-CM in BWHC with positive patients having higher contralateral ratios (1.57±0.49 vs 1.01±0.18, p

Novembre 2024

Abstract 4146225: Stress Perfusion Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Pediatric Patients with Repaired Transposition of the Great Arteries

Circulation, Volume 150, Issue Suppl_1, Page A4146225-A4146225, November 12, 2024. Introduction:Patients who underwent arterial switch operation (ASO) for d-transposition of the great arteries (TGA) are at increased risk for early myocardial ischemia. Stress perfusion cardiac MR (SPCMR) is used as a non-invasive tool for risk stratification but interpretation is often challenging.Hypothesis:There is significant interobserver variability in SPCMR image interpretation in patients with repaired TGA.Aims:1. Determine incidence and severity of adverse effects of stress agents.2. Evaluate incidence of positive SPCMR.3. Assess agreement amongst reviewers in image interpretation.Methods:Patients with repaired TGA with SPCMR imaging from 2013 to 2024 were reviewed. Three patients with previous coronary intervention and one with severe chest pain after adenosine, unable to complete SPCMR, were excluded. 61 studies were performed in 56 patients. Images were independently reviewed by two investigators blinded to initial interpretation and clinical outcome. Perfusion defects were displayed on a circumferential polar plot using standard LV segmentation.Results:Median (IQR) age was 15 (11-17) years, weight 55 (36-68) kg, and BSA 1.6 (1.2-1.8) m2. Max heart rate was 110 (100-125) and systolic BP 127 (116-138). Eleven (20%) patients had cardiac symptoms, chest pain in 9 (16%), syncope in 1 (2%), pallor and distress in 1 (2%) infant. Adverse effects from SPCMR in 8/52 (15%) adenosine, 2/4 (50%) dobutamine, and 0/6 (0%) regadenoson were minor and resolved on stress completion. Six (10%) studies were initially interpreted as suspicious (n=5) or definitive (n=1) perfusion defect (Figure). No LGE was detected. Original interpretation did not match blinded reviews for 6 cases (Figure). Blinded reviewers agreed on 3 negative cases but interpretation differed in the other 3 cases (Figure).Conclusions:SPCMR is safe and feasible. Significant interobserver variability highlights the challenges in qualitative SPCMR interpretation for TGA. Quantitative perfusion may reduce interobserver variability. Larger multicenter studies would be helpful in further elucidating the risk profile of patient characteristics and coronary artery arrangements to determine whether routine use of SPCMR is warranted for TGA patients.

Novembre 2024

Abstract 4142182: Epicardial Adipose Tissue Association with Fibrotic Substrate Distribution and Rotor-attracting Locations: A Study Using Contrast Computed Tomography (CCT) Scans and Late Gadolinium Enhancement Magnetic Resonance Imaging (LGE-MRI)-based Digital Twins of Persistent Atrial Fibrillation

Circulation, Volume 150, Issue Suppl_1, Page A4142182-A4142182, November 12, 2024. Introduction:Since pulmonary vein isolation (PVI) is often insufficient for persistent atrial fibrillation (PsAF) treatment, rotor ablation targeting AF drivers/substrates has been conducted as potential effective strategy. Recently, substrate location capable of attracting rotor (LR) has been reported to be associated with local fibrosis features. Meanwhile, epicardial adipose tissue (EAT) has been shown to be linked to developing fibrosis and arrhythmogenic substrates. Currently it is not well understood how EAT is related to the LR, and local fibrosis features. Personalized LGE-MRI-based digital twins (DTs) and cardiac CCT can be employed to investigate this.Hypothesis:EAT detected in CCT is correlated with LRs having specific local fibrosis features.Aim:To investigate the correlation between EAT, LRs, and the corresponding local fibrosis features using the merging of LGE-MRI-based DTs and CCT.Methods:Both LGE-MRI and CCT were acquired in 19 consecutive PsAF patients. Bi-atrial DTs incorporating the fibrosis distribution were created, wherein, following virtual PVI, LRs were identified by rapid pacing from 40 bi-atrial sites near fibrosis. In silico ablation was repeated until non-inducibility of rotors (Fig). EAT segmented from CCT and DT were compared after merging them using the bi-atria and 4 PVs as reference points. The distance from each tissue type in DT to the closest EAT (DCE) was calculated. The correlation between local fibrosis density feature (FD) and the median DCE at LRs was analyzed. For each LR, both volumetric FD (vFD) and endo-epi surface FD (sFD), subtracting epicardial surface FD from the endocardial surface FD to measure the dissociation of Endo-Epi surface FDs, were calculated.Results:Among 17 DTs excluding 2 without qualified CCT images, 15 DTs had 95 extra-PVI LRs in total. The DCE of fibrotic tissues (16%) was significantly shorter than that of normal tissues (84%) (p

Novembre 2024

Abstract 4119189: Imaging practices prior to cardioversion in patients presenting post percutaneous left atrial appendage occlusion.

Circulation, Volume 150, Issue Suppl_1, Page A4119189-A4119189, November 12, 2024. Background:Direct current cardioversion (DCCV) carries a risk for stroke in AF patients, for that reason there are guidelines for mitigating this risk in AF patients on oral anticoagulation (OAC). Meanwhile, no consensus on the best approach for cardioverting patients with an appendage occlusion device in situ. This led to a very wide variation in pre and post DCCV practices in these patients.Aims:We aim to explore different factors that might be associated with the variation seen in pre-DCCV imaging practices in patients presenting post- percutaneous LAAO.Methods:This was a multi-center retrospective cohort study of patients who received DCCV for AF or AFL during follow up after LAAO procedure within a single healthcare system from 2016-2024.Results:A total of 119 patients were included, there were more females 70 (59%), with more than half (64 (54%)) receiving a first-generation WATCHMAN™ 2.5, while the rest had WATCHMAN FLX™. Median age at presentation was 77 years (72,82), BMI of 31 kg/m2(26,37), average CHADSVASC score of 4.5 and HASBLED score of 3. A median duration of 10 months (3,21) between LAAO to presentation for DCCV . Forty-four (37%) patients had pre-DCCV imaging (imaging cohort). Number of males was significantly higher in the imaging cohort (24 (54.5%) vs 25 (33.3%), p=0.038), compared to those without imaging. There was a significant difference (p

Novembre 2024

Abstract 4146428: Molecular Imaging of Atherosclerotic Plaque Erosion Using Hyaluronan-Targeted Near-Infrared Fluorescence

Circulation, Volume 150, Issue Suppl_1, Page A4146428-A4146428, November 12, 2024. Introduction:Plaque erosion (PE) has a distinct pathogenesis, clinical presentation, and prognosis than other acute coronary syndrome (ACS) causes such as plaque rupture (PR). At present the ability to distinguish between PE and PR using in vivo imaging is limited. A critical feature of PE is the enrichment of hyaluronic acid (HA) at the luminal interface, which is poorly present in the other types of plaque. To better resolve mechanisms of ACS in vivo, we designed and investigated a new hyaluronan-targeted near-infrared fluorescence (NIRF) molecular imaging agent and tested the agent in vitro, in mouse PE in vivo, and in resected human carotid specimens. NIRF has emerged as a translational intravascular imaging modality that allows visualization of plaque pathobiology in vivo.Methods:The NIRF agent was generated via microwave-assisted solid phase peptide synthesis and was conjugated to the NIR fluorophore CyAl5 (ex/em 643/661 nm), to yield the hyaluronan-targeted NIRF agent (HAT-CyAl5). In vitro binding of HAT-CyAl5 to HA was assessed by fluorescence reflectance imaging (FRI). HAT-CyAl5 or a scramble control peptide-CyAl5 (scrambled-CyAl5) were intravenously injected in an established electrical injury-based mouse model of carotid artery PE; intravital microscopy (IVM, n=7) was performed in mice injected with HAT-CyAl5 (n=4) or scrambled-CyAl5 (n=3). Next, freshly resected human carotid specimens were incubated with HAT-CyAl5 (n=4) or PBS (n=4). Histological analyses then assessed specific binding of HAT-CyAl5 in murine PE and human atheroma.Results:The blood half-life of HAT-CyAl5 was 5.7 minutes (95% CI, 3.4-9.8min). In vitro HA binding analyses showed a significant higher target-to-background ratio (TBR) in the HAT-CyAl5 group (P < 0.03 vs. Scrambled-CyAl5). In carotid PE undergoing IVM, HAT-CyAl5 double the TBR in vivo (4.7 ±1.36 vs. 2.38 ± 0.17 Scrambled-CyAl5, P< 0.05). In human carotid plaques, HAT-CyAl5 markedly increased plaque NIRF signal (TBRpost-incubation - pre-incubation4.95 ±3.36 vs. 0.00 ± 0.15 PBS, P< 0.03). Histology of human plaques showed that HAT-CyAl5 localized well with HA immunohistochemical expression.Conclusion:HAT-CyAl5 is a new NIRF probe that avidly and specifically binds HA in murine PE in vivo and in human plaques. HAT-CyAl5 coupled with intravascular NIRF imaging has the potential to specifically diagnose PE and provide new insights into the pathogenesis of PE.

Novembre 2024

Abstract 4143303: Association of Preeclampsia with Long-Term Coronary Microvascular Dysfunction Utilizing Cardiac Stress Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Circulation, Volume 150, Issue Suppl_1, Page A4143303-A4143303, November 12, 2024. Introduction:Preeclampsia is a hypertensive disorder of pregnancy associated with cardiovascular disease. Systemic peripartum microvascular alternations have been implicated in pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia. Whether coronary microvascular dysfunction is a potential mediator of preeclampsia-associated cardiovascular risk is unknown. We aimed to determine whether individuals with a history of preeclampsia have coronary microvascular dysfunction measured by cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) at least 5 years postpartum.Methods:Women with singleton pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia and a comparator group with uncomplicated, normotensive deliveries were identified and prospectively enrolled to undergo regadenoson stress perfusion CMR (1.5T Signa Artist GE HealthCare) at least 5 years postpartum. Using the dual sequence technique, fully quantitative perfusion values were determined using Fermi deconvolution. Myocardial perfusion reserve (MPR) was calculated as the ratio of stress to rest myocardial blood flow (MBF).Results:Twenty-three subjects (41.0 ± 6 years, 12.7 ± 5 years post-partum) were included. Women with a history of preeclampsia (n=11) were compared to a control group of women with prior normotensive pregnancy (n=12) (Figure 1A). Obesity and diabetes were more common with preeclampsia, but there was no significant difference in the presence of hypertension between the groups (Table 1A). There was no difference in stress MBF. However, preeclampsia was associated with higher rest MBF (1.47 ± 0.54 mL/g/min vs. 1.19 ± 0.29 mL/g/min; p=0.07) and MPR (1.96 ± 0.46 vs 2.66 ± 1.0; p=0.02) compared to normotensive pregnancy (Figure 1). Similarly, corrected MPR remained significantly lower with prior preeclampsia versus uncomplicated pregnancy (2.36 ± 1.0 vs 3.36 ± 1.46; p=0.03).Conclusions:In this study, we observed significantly reduced coronary microvascular function following a pregnancy complicated by preeclampsia at least 5 years postpartum. Heightened cardiovascular risk factors may attenuate this association; however, these observations indicate that systemic microvascular dysfunction in preeclampsia also involves the coronary microcirculation. Further research is needed to better understand the timing and association of these microvascular changes concerning preeclampsia and later heart disease.

Novembre 2024

Abstract 4142721: Hyperspectral imaging is effective in diagnosing patients with ischemia with non-obstructive coronary artery

Circulation, Volume 150, Issue Suppl_1, Page A4142721-A4142721, November 12, 2024. Backround:Patients with Ischemia with non-obstructive coronary artery (INOCA) have symptoms of chronic myocardial ischemia without comorbid obstructive coronary artery disease. As a result, they often fail to receive timely diagnosis and treatment, increasing the risk of poor prognosis. Hyperspectral imaging (HSI), developed on the basis of multispectral remote sensing, can provide information on the spatial distribution of various tissue structures, analyze the chemical composition and physical characteristics of different diseases.Objective:In this study, we attempted to analyze the functional status of peripheral microvessels by HSI and thus identify patients with INOCA.Methods:This study was an observational cross-sectional study. The study included 500 patients with chest pain who underwent coronary angiography from December 2023 to May 2024 at Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University. We acquire HSI of the patient’s face, palms and ears prior to coronary angiography. Patients were divided into a control group, an INOCA group, and a coronary artery blockage group according to guideline diagnostic criteria.Results:1. The data model (Model 1) was built by deep learning the waveband and texture data of HSI, and it showed good sensitivity and specificity for recognizing INOCA patients;2. The image model (Model 2) is built after deep learning of HSI features, and it also has good sensitivity and specificity for the diagnosis of INOCA patients. The specificity of the image model is higher than the data model, but the sensitivity is slightly worse;3. We constructed the composite model (Model 3) by fusing the data model with the image model. Compared to the data model and image model, the composite model showed higher sensitivity and specificity in the identification of INOCA patients.Conclusion:The model constructed based on deep learning of peripheral microvascular HSI can diagnose INOCA patients with high sensitivity and specificity.

Novembre 2024

Abstract 4140983: LVEF by echocardiogram does not correlate with findings on advanced cardiac imaging in cardiac sarcoidosis patients

Circulation, Volume 150, Issue Suppl_1, Page A4140983-A4140983, November 12, 2024. Background:Sarcoidosis is a systemic non-caseating granulomatous disease that can involve numerous organs, classically lung and lymph node. Patients with cardiac involvement typically have poorer outcomes, with left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) predicting mortality. There is little contemporary data evaluating the relationship of baseline LVEF at time of active cardiac sarcoidosis (CS) involvement or change in LVEF over time in patients with abnormal cardiac positron emission tomography (CPET) or cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR).Hypothesis:Abnormal CPET or CMR findings suggestive of CS will be associated with concurrently lower LVEF, as well as progressive decline in LVEF over long-term follow-up in those with CS.Methods:At a major sarcoidosis referral center, a retrospective analysis was performed on 1,901 biopsy-proven sarcoidosis patients and 358 probable CS patients by 2014 HRS Expert Consensus on Diagnosis. All echocardiograms, CPET, and CMR data were compiled. LVEF at time of positive and negative CMR and CPET within 6 months of each other, as well as LVEF change on long-term follow-up were analyzed by t-test and Tukey’s Studentized Range Test.Results:CPET and CMR positive findings did not correlate with lower LVEF at time of abnormal findings. Over an average of 4.98 years (range 0.25 to 11.68 years), LVEF by echocardiogram did not significantly change in patients with positive, negative, or discordant CPET/CMR imaging.Conclusions:Structural abnormalities by echocardiogram do not correlate with positive or negative CPET/CMR and are of little utility in early detection of cardiac sarcoidosis. These data suggest that combined CPET/CMR protocols increase the sensitivity of identifying early cardiac involvement of sarcoidosis. A normal echocardiogram should not be reassuring to the clinician against possible cardiac involvement of sarcoidosis.

Novembre 2024

Abstract 4144487: Fully Ungated, Free-Breathing, 3-Dimentional T2* Mapping for Imaging Hemorrhagic Myocardial Infarction

Circulation, Volume 150, Issue Suppl_1, Page A4144487-A4144487, November 12, 2024. Introduction:T2* cardiac MRI (CMR) is the standard for detecting hemorrhagic myocardial infarction (MI). However, the conventional T2* CMR (2D breath-held, ECG-gated, multi-gradient-echo T2*) can suffer from limited spatial resolution and multiple motion artifacts. We developed a time-efficient, fully ungated, free breathing, 3D T2* mapping method for detecting and characterizing hemorrhagic MI (hMI).Methods:Our approach, developed using a low-rank tensor framework, was tested in a canine model with reperfused hMI. Animals (n=5) underwent CMR 3 days after reperfusion. Short-axis, conventional 2D and proposed 3D T2*-w images, and the corresponding LGE images were acquired in a 3T CMR system. T2* maps (8 echoes, 1.41-15.44 ms) were constructed using mono-exponential fitting. IMH extent was determined by measuring the weighted sum of the imaging slices with hypointense regions (based on ‘mean-2SD’ criterion) within the LGE positive territories. Image quality was assessed by two CMR experts using a Likert scale (1 – poor; and 5 – excellent).Results:Figure 1 shows representative conventional 2D, proposed 3D T2* images, along with LGE image for reference. T2* image scores were higher with the proposed than the conventional approach: 3.5 ± 0.5 (conventional) vs 3.8 ± 0.3 (proposed), p

Novembre 2024