Annals of Internal Medicine, Ahead of Print.
Risultati per: Anemia sideropenica e carenza marziale senza anemia: senza ferro si sta male
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Correction: Effect of Low-Dose Aspirin Versus Placebo on Incidence of Anemia in the Elderly
Annals of Internal Medicine, Volume 176, Issue 9, Page 1288, September 2023.
Daily Dose of Aspirin Linked With Anemia in Older People
Taking a 100-mg dose of aspirin each day was associated with a 20% higher risk of anemia compared with a placebo, according to a secondary analysis of results from the ASPREE (Aspirin in Reducing Events in the Elderly) randomized clinical trial that included 19 114 people aged 65 years or older. The incidence of anemia was about 51 events per 1000 person-years in the aspirin group and 43 events in the placebo group. Participants who received daily aspirin also tended to have a larger decrease in ferritin levels—a measure of overall iron stores—and in hemoglobin concentration over 3 and 5 years, respectively.
Toward Automated Detection of Silent Cerebral Infarcts in Children and Young Adults With Sickle Cell Anemia
Stroke, Ahead of Print. BACKGROUND:Silent cerebral infarcts (SCI) in sickle cell anemia (SCA) are associated with future strokes and cognitive impairment, warranting early diagnosis and treatment. Detection of SCI, however, is limited by their small size, especially when neuroradiologists are unavailable. We hypothesized that deep learning may permit automated SCI detection in children and young adults with SCA as a tool to identify the presence and extent of SCI in clinical and research settings.METHODS:We utilized UNet—a deep learning model—for fully automated SCI segmentation. We trained and optimized UNet using brain magnetic resonance imaging from the SIT trial (Silent Infarct Transfusion). Neuroradiologists provided the ground truth for SCI diagnosis, while a vascular neurologist manually delineated SCI on fluid-attenuated inversion recovery and provided the ground truth for SCI segmentation. UNet was optimized for the highest spatial overlap between automatic and manual delineation (dice similarity coefficient). The optimized UNet was externally validated using an independent single-center prospective cohort of SCA participants. Model performance was evaluated through sensitivity and accuracy (%correct cases) for SCI diagnosis, dice similarity coefficient, intraclass correlation coefficient (metric of volumetric agreement), and Spearman correlation.RESULTS:The SIT trial (n=926; 31% with SCI; median age, 6.8 years) and external validation (n=80; 50% with SCI; age, 11.5 years) cohorts had small median lesion volumes of 0.40 and 0.25 mL, respectively. Compared with the neuroradiology diagnosis, UNet predicted SCI presence with 100% sensitivity and 74% accuracy. In magnetic resonance imaging with SCI, UNet reached a moderate spatial agreement (dice similarity coefficient, 0.48) and high volumetric agreement (intraclass correlation coefficient, 0.76; ρ=0.72;P
Does Aspirin Prophylaxis Cause Anemia?
Low-dose daily aspirin probably does cause iron deficiency anemia in a small proportion of patients.
Carenza dei medici di base, 1000 assistiti alle guardie mediche
Approvato Dl Inps. Per curare 1,5 milioni di italiani in più
Prevalence of Iron Deficiency and Iron-Deficiency Anemia in US Females Aged 12-21 Years, 2003-2020
This study examines prevalence of iron deficiency among females aged 12 to 21 years to inform future screening strategies for iron deficiency and iron-deficiency anemia.
Systemic Inflammation and Normocytic Anemia in DOCK11 Deficiency
New England Journal of Medicine, Ahead of Print.
Il terreno minato della Sanità tra la bomba anziani e la carenza decennale dei sanitari
Dopo l’emergenza Covid resta aperto il tema della sostenibilità della sanità pubblica, indebolita dalla scarsità di risorse, pressata dal costante invecchiamento della popolazione e minata da una cattiva programmazione della formazione delle professioni mediche
Effect of Low-Dose Aspirin Versus Placebo on Incidence of Anemia in the Elderly
Annals of Internal Medicine, Ahead of Print.
Anemia, più indipendenti dalle trasfusioni grazie a un nuovo farmaco
Per i pazienti con Sindromi mielodisplastiche
Memoria a rischio con poca frutta, verdura, carenza flavonoli
Test clinici, migliora del 16% con multivitaminico
SGLT-2 Inhibitors and Anemia
Dapagliflozin appeared to prevent or correct anemia in some patients with chronic kidney disease.
Non solo antibiotici: l’allarme carenza farmaci continua e colpisce anche altri Paesi
Il problema continua a riguardare anche altri farmaci molto impiegati nella lunga coda del Covid e di una stagione influenzale che ha colpito 14 milioni di italiani
Ema, 'la carenza di farmaci colpisce sempre più paesi europei'
Dieci raccomandazioni per ridurre l’impatto sulla cura dei pazienti
Luspatercept as Potential Treatment for Congenital Sideroblastic Anemia
New England Journal of Medicine, Volume 388, Issue 15, Page 1435-1436, April 2023.