Clinician and parent views on urine collection in precontinent children in the UK: a qualitative interview study

To explore the experiences of healthcare professionals (HCPs) and parents of urine collection methods, to identify barriers to successful sampling and what could improve the process.

Qualitative research, using individual semistructured interviews with HCPs and parents. The interviews were audiorecorded, transcribed and thematically analysed.

UK-based HCPs from primary and secondary care settings and parents with experience with urine collection in primary and/or secondary care settings.

HCPs who were involved in aiding, supervising or ordering urine samples. Parents who had experience with urine collection in at least one precontinent child.

13 HCPs and 16 parents were interviewed. 2 participating HCPs were general practitioners (GPs), 11 worked in paediatric secondary care settings (8 were nurses and 3 were doctors). Two parents had children with underlying conditions where frequent urine collection was required to rule out infections.
HCPs and parents reported that there were no straightforward methods of urine collection for precontinent children. Each method—‘clean catch’, urine bag and urine pad—had limitations and problems with usage. ‘Clean catch’, regarded as the gold standard by HCPs with a lower risk of contamination, often proved difficult for parents to achieve. Other methods had elevated risk of contamination but were more acceptable to parents because they were less challenging. Many of the parents expressed the need for more information about urine collection.

Current methods of urine collection are challenging to use and may be prone to contamination. A new device is required to assist with urine collection in precontinent children, to simplify and reduce the stress of the situation for those involved. Parents are key partners in the process of urine collection with young children. Meeting their expressed need for more information could be an important way to achieve better-quality samples while awaiting a new device.

Aprile 2024

Scaling hypertension treatment in 24 low-income and middle-income countries: economic evaluation of treatment decisions at three blood pressure cut-points

Estimate the incremental costs and benefits of scaling up hypertension care in adults in 24 select countries, using three different systolic blood pressure (SBP) treatment cut-off points—≥140, ≥150 and ≥160 mm Hg.

Strengthening the hypertension care cascade compared with status quo levels, with pharmacological treatment administered at different cut-points depending on the scenario.

Target population
Adults aged 30+ in 24 low-income and middle-income countries spanning all world regions.


Time horizon
30 years.

Discount rate

Costing year
2020 USD.

Study design

Data sources
Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation’s Epi Visualisations database—country-specific cardiovascular disease (CVD) incidence, prevalence and death rates. Mean SBP and prevalence—National surveys and NCD-RisC. Treatment protocols—WHO HEARTS. Treatment impact—academic literature. Costs—national and international databases.

Outcome measures
Health outcomes—averted stroke and myocardial infarction events, deaths and disability-adjusted life-years; economic outcomes—averted health expenditures, value of averted mortality and workplace productivity losses.

Results of analysis
Across 24 countries, over 30 years, incremental scale-up of hypertension care for adults with SBP≥140 mm Hg led to 2.6 million averted CVD events and 1.2 million averted deaths (7% of expected CVD deaths). 68% of benefits resulted from treating those with very high SBP (≥160 mm Hg). 10 of the 12 highest-income countries projected positive net benefits at one or more treatment cut-points, compared with 3 of the 12 lowest-income countries. Treating hypertension at SBP≥160 mm Hg maximised the net economic benefit in the lowest-income countries.

The model only included a few hypertension-attributable diseases and did not account for comorbid risk factors. Modelled scenarios assumed ambitious progress on strengthening the care cascade.

In areas where economic considerations might play an outsized role, such as very low-income countries, prioritising treatment to populations with severe hypertension can maximise benefits net of economic costs.

Aprile 2024

Development of an enhanced scoring system to predict ICU readmission or in-hospital death within 24 hours using routine patient data from two NHS Foundation Trusts

Intensive care units (ICUs) admit the most severely ill patients. Once these patients are discharged from the ICU to a step-down ward, they continue to have their vital signs monitored by nursing staff, with Early Warning Score (EWS) systems being used to identify those at risk of deterioration.

We report the development and validation of an enhanced continuous scoring system for predicting adverse events, which combines vital signs measured routinely on acute care wards (as used by most EWS systems) with a risk score of a future adverse event calculated on discharge from the ICU.

A modified Delphi process identified candidate variables commonly available in electronic records as the basis for a ‘static’ score of the patient’s condition immediately after discharge from the ICU. L1-regularised logistic regression was used to estimate the in-hospital risk of future adverse event. We then constructed a model of physiological normality using vital sign data from the day of hospital discharge. This is combined with the static score and used continuously to quantify and update the patient’s risk of deterioration throughout their hospital stay.

Data from two National Health Service Foundation Trusts (UK) were used to develop and (externally) validate the model.

A total of 12 394 vital sign measurements were acquired from 273 patients after ICU discharge for the development set, and 4831 from 136 patients in the validation cohort.

Outcome validation of our model yielded an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.724 for predicting ICU readmission or in-hospital death within 24 hours. It showed an improved performance with respect to other competitive risk scoring systems, including the National EWS (0.653).

We showed that a scoring system incorporating data from a patient’s stay in the ICU has better performance than commonly used EWS systems based on vital signs alone.

Trial registration number

Aprile 2024

24 No decision about me without me: an exploration of shared decision making principles in relation to medication management in early intervention for psychosis services

Medication (primarily antipsychotics) is a mainstay of treatment for psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia. Recent NICE guidelines explicitly recommend that Shared Decision Making (when a health care provider and a user work together to make a treatment decision that is best for the service user) in everyday practice across all healthcare contexts. However, mental health, especially psychiatric medication, has lagged behind other areas of medicine. Much of the literature on SDM and medication management in psychiatric care has revealed a paradox in which service users and clinicians alike advocate for it, but service users widely report they are not involved in decisions about their care. Early Intervention in Psychosis (EIP) services provide specialist community-based care for people experiencing a first episode of psychosis (usually in early adulthood). They often have a therapeutic culture oriented towards recovery and optimizing service engagement, and therefore provide fertile ground for SDM relating to medication in first service contacts and early medication use. This study aimed to evaluate how psychiatric medication is managed in relation to SDM using ethnographic techniques in EIP services within a London based service, I observed multidisciplinary staff meetings, clinical consultations and other interactions in which medication was discussed. Observations were recorded as handwritten notes, which were then typed up and analysed using thematic analysis. Findings will focus on strategies used by staff and service users to facilitate SDM, as well as organizational barriers and facilitators to SDM in psychiatric medication management, with an emphasis on risk and power dynamics. Findings will also map the medication journey for service users in EIP services, noting key decision points, types of decision making, and different actors and their roles in the process. This work can inform healthcare improvement and create organisational change models that will be fed back to service providers.

Marzo 2024