Francesca Pasinelli lascia ruoli operativi ma resta in Consiglio
Risultati per: La qualità dei nutraceutici e position paper per l’appropriato uso in medicina generale
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Telethon nomina Ilaria Villa nuovo direttore generale
Francesca Pasinelli lascia i ruoli operativi, ma resta nel Consiglio
Telethon nomina Ilaria Villa nuovo direttore generale
Francesca Pasinelli lascia i ruoli operativi, ma resta nel Consiglio
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Other Sexual and Gender Minority Health Disparities: A Position Paper From the American College of Physicians
Annals of Internal Medicine, Ahead of Print.
Medicina: 81mila dottori al 2029, ma pochi vogliono fare il chirurgo o l’anestesista
Boom di laureati nei prossimi anni, ma molte specializzazioni vanno deserte perché poco attrattive per stipendi e carriera e così una borsa su tre resta vuota
Using mobile health to expedite access to specialty care for youth presenting to the emergency department with concussion at highest risk of developing persisting symptoms: a protocol paper for a non-randomised hybrid implementation-effectiveness trial
Paediatric concussion is a common injury. Approximately 30% of youth with concussion will experience persisting postconcussion symptoms (PPCS) extending at least 1 month following injury. Recently, studies have shown the benefit of early, active, targeted therapeutic strategies. However, these are primarily prescribed from the specialty setting. Early access to concussion specialty care has been shown to improve recovery times for those at risk for persisting symptoms, but there are disparities in which youth are able to access such care. Mobile health (mHealth) technology has the potential to improve access to concussion specialists. This trial will evaluate the feasibility of a mHealth remote patient monitoring (RPM)-based care handoff model to facilitate access to specialty care, and the effectiveness of the handoff model in reducing the incidence of PPCS.
Methods and analysis
This study is a non-randomised type I, hybrid implementation-effectiveness trial. Youth with concussion ages 13–18 will be enrolled from the emergency department of a large paediatric healthcare network. Patients deemed a moderate-to-high risk for PPCS using the predicting and preventing postconcussive problems in paediatrics (5P) stratification tool will be registered for a web-based chat platform that uses RPM to collect information on symptoms and activity. Those patients with escalating or plateauing symptoms will be contacted for a specialty visit using data collected from RPM to guide management. The primary effectiveness outcome will be the incidence of PPCS, defined as at least three concussion-related symptoms above baseline at 28 days following injury. Secondary effectiveness outcomes will include the number of days until return to preinjury symptom score, clearance for full activity and return to school without accommodations. The primary implementation outcome will be fidelity, defined as the per cent of patients meeting specialty care referral criteria who are ultimately seen in concussion specialty care. Secondary implementation outcomes will include patient-defined and clinician-defined appropriateness and acceptability.
Ethics and dissemination
This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (IRB 22-019755). Study findings will be published in peer-reviewed journals and disseminated at national and international meetings.
Trial registration number
Exploring the research needs, barriers and facilitators to the collection of biological data in adolescence for mental health research: a scoping review protocol paper
While research into adolescent mental health has developed a considerable understanding of environmental and psychosocial risk factors, equivalent biological evidence is lacking and is not representative of economic, social and ethnic diversity in the adolescent population. It is important to understand the possible barriers and facilitators to conduct this research. This will then allow us to improve our understanding of how biology interacts with environmental and psychosocial risk factors during adolescence. The objective of this scoping review is to identify and understand the needs, barriers and facilitators related to the collection of biological data in adolescent mental health research.
Methods and analysis
Reviewers will conduct a systematic search of PubMed, Medline, Scopus, Cochrane, ERIC, EMBASE, ProQuest, EBSCO Global Health electronic databases, relevant publications and reference lists to identify studies published in the English language at any time. This scoping review will identify published studies exploring mental health/psychopathology outcomes, with biological measures, in participants between the ages of 11 and 18 and examine the reported methodology used for data collection. Data will be summarised in tabular form with narrative synthesis and will use the methodology of Levac et al, supplemented by subsequent recommendations from the Joanna Briggs Institute Scoping Review Methodology.
Ethics and dissemination
Ethical approval is not required for this scoping review. The scoping review will be conducted with input from patient and public involvement, specifically including young people involved in our study (‘Co-producing a framework of guiding principles for Engaging representative and diverse cohorts of young peopLE in Biological ReseArch in menTal hEalth’— Youth Expert Working Group. Dissemination will include publication in peer-reviewed journals, academic presentations and on the project website.
Artificial Intelligence in the Provision of Health Care: An American College of Physicians Policy Position Paper
Annals of Internal Medicine, Ahead of Print.
Artificial Intelligence in the Provision of Health Care: An American College of Physicians Policy Position Paper
Annals of Internal Medicine, Ahead of Print.
Linee guida sull’uso di farmaci antiepilettici in gravidanza
Paper-based versus digital-based learning among undergraduate medical, nursing and pharmaceutical students in Japan: a cross-sectional study
Since the emergence of COVID-19, university education has drastically transformed into digital-based learning (DBL). Online education has been well recognised as a promising mode of teaching; however, only a limited number of studies have reported the students’ preferred format for academic learning.
The study was conducted in a university setting in Japan. A Google Forms online questionnaire was distributed to the participants between April and May 2022.
A total of 939 undergraduate medical, nursing and pharmaceutical students in the pre-clinical grade were recruited, and 344 were included in the final analysis.
Primary and secondary outcome
The questionnaire assessed students’ format preferences between paper-based learning (PBL) and DBL as it pertained to academic performance and eyestrain. In terms of academic performance, comprehension, memory retention and absorption (concentration) were assessed. We also explored the association between students’ daily time spent using DBL and their digital preference by the Cochran-Armitage trend test and logistic regression analysis.
A total of 344 (191 medical, 73 nursing and 80 pharmaceutical) university students completed the questionnaire (response rate 36.6%). An even distribution was observed in the preferred learning format for comprehension: PBL (32.0%), both formats equivalent (32.8%) and DBL (35.2%; digital preference). Only few students preferred DBL for memory retention (6.1%), absorption (6.7%) and eyestrain (1.2%). Although a positive association was observed between daily time spent using DBL and digital preference for comprehension, there was no association for memory retention, absorption and eyestrain.
Among university students, DBL was just as preferred as PBL for comprehension; however, only a few students reported that DBL was better in terms of memory retention, absorption and eyestrain. A learning environment where students can study using PBL should be continued.
Epidemiologia delle zoonosi in medicina generale
Milano, apre il Centro di Medicina aerospaziale per le terapie avanzate
Frutto dell’accordo quadro tra l’Università di Milano, l’Aeronautica Militare e la Fondazione Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico, il Cemata si propone come esempio di think-tank civile-militare
Identificazione della malattia renale cronica in Medicina Generale
Patricia Lorusso (Aacr), 'Il tumore diventerà una malattia cronica a lunga sopravvivenza e buona qualità di vita'
La presidente dell’Associazione americana ricerca sul cancro, ‘vedremo grandi cambiamenti’
Stop al numero chiuso a Medicina, adottato il testo base in Senato
Marti, ‘massima convergenza’ in Commissione Istruzione al Senato