Stroke, Ahead of Print. Background:Treatment of uncontrolled arterial hypertension reduces the risk of cerebral small vessel disease (CSVD) progression, although it is unclear whether this reduction occurs due to blood pressure control or class-specific pleiotropic effects, such as improved beat-to-beat arterial pressure variability with calcium channel blockers. The goal of this study was to investigate the influence of antihypertensive medication class, particularly with calcium channel blocker, on accumulation of white matter hyperintensities (WMH), a radiographic marker of CSVD, within a cohort with well-controlled hypertension.Methods:We completed an observational cohort analysis of the SPRINT-MIND trial (Systolic Blood Pressure Trial Memory and Cognition in Decreased Hypertension), a large randomized controlled trial of participants who completed a baseline and 4-year follow-up brain magnetic resonance image with volumetric WMH data. Antihypertensive medication data were recorded at follow-up visits between the magnetic resonance images. A percentage of follow-up time participants were prescribed each of the 11 classes of antihypertensive was then derived. Progression of CSVD was calculated as the difference in WMH volume between 2 scans and, to address skew, dichotomized into a top tertile of the distribution compared with the remaining.Results:Among 448 individuals, vascular risk profiles were similar across WMH progression subgroups except age (70.1±7.9 versus 65.7±7.3 years;P
Risultati per: Linee Guida per le cure post-parto
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Effect of Deferoxamine on Trajectory of Recovery After Intracerebral Hemorrhage: A Post Hoc Analysis of the i-DEF Trial
Stroke, Ahead of Print. Background:There are limited data on the trajectory of recovery and long-term functional outcomes after intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH). Most ICH trials have conventionally assessed outcomes at 3 months following the footsteps of ischemic stroke. The i-DEF trial (Intracerebral Hemorrhage Deferoxamine Trial) assessed modified Rankin Scale (mRS) longitudinally at prespecified time points from day 7 through the end of the 6-month follow-up period. We evaluated the trajectory of mRS among trial participants and examined the effect of deferoxamine on this trajectory.Methods:We performed a post hoc analysis of the i-DEF trial, a multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, futility-design, phase 2 clinical trial, based on the actual treatment received. Favorable outcome was defined as mRS score of 0–2. A generalized linear mixed model was used to evaluate the outcome trajectory over time, as well as whether the trajectory was altered by deferoxamine, after adjustments for randomization variables, presence of intraventricular hemorrhage, and ICH location.Results:A total of 291 subjects were included in analysis (145 placebo and 146 deferoxamine). The proportion of patients with mRS score of 0–2 continually increased from day 7 to 180 in both groups (interactionP