Circulation, Volume 148, Issue Suppl_1, Page A17326-A17326, November 6, 2023. Introduction:Kidney dysfunction frequently affects heart failure (HF) patients with left ventricular assist device (LVAD) support and is linked to unfavorable outcomes. However, the effects of LVAD support on parenchymal kidney health are uncertain. We performed a pilot study on urine exosome proteomics in LVAD recipients as they offer a non-invasive glimpse into kidney cellular states.Methods:We collected urine samples from 33 patients who underwent LVAD (HeartMate III) surgery between 01/2022-02/2023. Urine exosomes were isolated from the samples collected before the operation and on the 7th day after surgery. The exosome fraction underwent untargeted proteomics using LC-MS/MS and iBAQ quantification. Our investigation focused on identifying and studying kidney-enhanced proteins.Results:The exosomes isolated were verified by canonical exosome proteins (CD63, Hsp70) and TEM imaging (Fig.A,B), with 82.7% of exosomes between 51-120 nm (Fig.C). Over 7K strict genes were identified with an average of 1,150 proteins (Fig.D,E). In GO analysis, exosomes were the primary cellular compartment represented (Fig.F). A total of 176 kidney-enhanced proteins were present in >50% of samples. Differential expression analysis revealed 8 proteins with increased expression on the 7thday after surgery with FDR
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Comparison of the performance of currently used estimated glomerular filtration rate equations with 24-hour urine creatinine clearance: sample analysis of randomised controlled trial participants
There are several equations for estimating the glomerular filtration rate (GFR), and each method has its limitations. We compared various estimated GFR (eGFR) equations with 24 hours urine creatinine clearance (24u-CCr).
Sample analysis of randomised controlled trial participants.
Setting and participants
We compared the mean 24u-CCr values measured 2–3 times for 211 patients with eGFR values calculated using the following equations: isotope dilution mass spectrometry-Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (IDMS-MDRD) equation, Chronic Kidney Disease-Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) equation, equations for Koreans (KOR-IDMS-MDRD and KOR-CKD-EPI) and full age spectrum equation.
Outcome measures
Performance of various creatinine-based eGFR equations, including those with Korean coefficients, compared with the results of the 24u-CCr.
IDMS-MDRD showed the best overall correlation with the 24u-CCr (R=0.949, p
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