Un servizio per le donne nelle prime settimane di gravidanza
Risultati per: Cancro: verso un test che lo predice in anticipo
Questo è quello che abbiamo trovato per te
Identificati nuovi biomarcatori per rilevare il cancro del colon-retto
Tornano le arance della Salute in 3mila piazze contro il cancro
Il 25 Airc celebra 60 anni d’impegno, 141 milioni alla ricerca
Aifa, le nuove regole dell'Ue frenano i test sui farmaci
Nistico’, sistema italiano tiene ma -7,8% trial,1 su 3 oncologico
Test Results Are Inconclusive
Test results are available—but first you must remember your login name and valid password—to view your recent results you must triple authenticate with cornea scan fingerprint and second device.
Allergia alla neomicina, uno studio analizza 25 anni di test
Ricerca a Trieste, dopo il 2003 diminuiscono i casi
Individuato un nuovo potenziale obiettivo per superare la resistenza al cancro al seno
Tumore polmoni, allo studio un test delle urine per la diagnosi
Analisi potrebbe individuare primissimi segni cellule cancerose
Sanità Usa chiede etichetta su alcolici per rischi cancro
Crollano titoli in Borsa delle aziende del settore
Sanità Usa chiede etichetta su alcolici per rischi cancro
Crollano titoli in Borsa delle aziende del settore
Is the Multitarget Stool DNA Test Just a Better “FIT” for Colorectal Cancer Screening?
Both the fecal immunochemical test (FIT) and multitarget stool DNA test (mt-sDNA) are stool-based screening tests for colorectal cancer (CRC) that are reported qualitatively as positive or negative, even though both tests are quantitative, producing a precise value on a continuous scale. The FIT quantifies the globin portion of human hemoglobin in either per milliliter of buffer or per gram of stool, while the mt-sDNA test generates a score from a multivariable algorithm that measures human hemoglobin as well as specific abnormalities in human DNA. For both tests, the threshold (ie, the cut point) determines how the test performs, ie, its sensitivity and specificity. Lowering the threshold increases sensitivity for CRC, advanced precancerous lesions (APLs), or both and would likely decrease specificity, resulting in a higher false-positive rate and more (unnecessary) colonoscopies.
Next-Generation Multitarget Stool DNA vs Fecal Immunochemical Test in Colorectal Cancer Screening
This diagnostic study compares the specificity and sensitivity of comercial fecal immunochemical tests with a multitarget stool DNA test.
Randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blinded, four-way crossover trial to demonstrate the comparative pharmacodynamic equivalence of a non-invasive diagnostic test for adrenal insufficiency in a healthy population: the STARLIT-2 study protocol
Cortisol is an essential stress hormone and failure of its production, known as adrenal insufficiency (AI), is associated with significant mortality due to adrenal crisis. The Short Synacthen Test (SST) is the current diagnostic test of choice for AI, but it is both invasive and resource intensive. Globally, there is an unmet need for a non-invasive, cost-effective test. A novel formulation, Nasacthin, has been developed, which can be delivered intranasally, with the resultant glucocorticoid levels measured in saliva instead of blood. The Salivary Test of Adrenal Response to Liquid Intranasal Tetracosactide (STARLIT-2) study aims to clinically validate the Nasacthin test in healthy volunteers.
Methods and analysis
STARLIT-2 is a randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blinded, four-way crossover trial. 32 healthy adults and children will be randomised to receive each of four study drugs (Synacthen, Nasacthin and their respective placebos) over four study visits (one per visit). Paired blood and saliva samples will be collected from participants at baseline, and then at 30, 60, 90 and 120 min after drug administration. Additional salivary samples will be collected at 180, 240, 360 and 480 min after drug administration. The primary outcome measures are to compare the mean serum cortisol at 30 min after Synacthen or Nasacthin dose, with a view to determine non-inferiority; and to compare the mean change from baseline in serum cortisol at 30 min after active and placebo doses of both Synacthen and Nasacthin, aiming to demonstrate superiority of active over placebo. In addition, the proportion of participants for which Nasacthin produces a rise above a preset serum cortisol threshold at 30 min will be determined, with the negative per cent agreement with the SST calculated using the SST as the reference standard.
Ethics and dissemination
The study and its amendments have been reviewed and approved by South Central–Hampshire A Research Ethics Committee. Results will be disseminated in peer-reviewed journals and conference presentations, and feedback to trial participants will be facilitated following consultation with patient and public involvement and engagement groups.
Trial registration number
Efficacy of susceptibility-guided quadruple therapy with antibiotic resistance using the string test coupled with quantitative PCR for Helicobacter pylori eradication: a protocol of a multicentre, open, randomised clinical trial
Helicobacter pylori is a major health problem, with the high prevalence of H. pylori and the increasing antibiotic resistance rate in China. Antibiotic resistance is the main reason for the failure of H. pylori eradication. This study aims to evaluate the efficacy and safety of susceptibility-guided quadruple therapy with antibiotic resistance using the string test coupled with quantitative PCR (qPCR) for H. pylori eradication.
Methods and analysis
This is a multicentre, open, randomised clinical trial that will enroll 324 patients with H. pylori infection. Patients will be randomised to two groups for a 14-day treatment: Treatment group will be treated with proton pump inhibitor (PPI), bismuth with two different kinds of antibiotics susceptibly guided by string test coupled with qPCR, while control group will be treated empirically with PPI, bismuth with two different kinds of antibiotics. The types and dosages of bismuth, PPI and antibiotics administered in this trial are based on the 2022 Chinese Guidelines for the treatment of H. pylori infection and the Sixth Chinese National Consensus Report on the management of H. pylori infection. The primary endpoint is the eradication rate, while secondary endpoints include compliance, the incidence of adverse events and adverse drug reactions.
Ethics and dissemination
This study was approved by the ethics committee of the Third People’s Hospital of Zhengzhou (No. 2024-04-001-K02). The results will be published in the appropriate peer-reviewed journal.
Trial registration number
Syphilis Point of Care Rapid Test and Immediate Treatment Evaluation (SPRITE) study: a mixed-methods implementation science research protocol of eight public health units in Ontario, Canada
Urgent, tailored and equitable action is needed to address the alarming rise in syphilis rates in Canada. In the last decade, the rates of infectious syphilis have increased by 345% in Ontario, Canada. Underserved populations—people who use drugs, un(der)housed individuals and those living in rural and remote areas—face unique social and healthcare challenges that increase their vulnerability to syphilis infections and hinder their access to timely diagnosis and treatment. This study assesses the real-world implementation and effectiveness of using a recently approved syphilis point-of-care test in conjunction with public health outreach to break barriers and bring services to the population at the highest risk.
Methods and analysis
The Syphilis Rapid Point-of-Care Testing and Immediate Treatment Evaluation (SPRITE) study includes eight public health units in Ontario, Canada. Implementation and evaluation of this rapid ‘test and treat’ outreach model of care will be assessed using the Practical, Robust Implementation and Sustainability Model (PRISM)/Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, Maintenance (RE-AIM) Framework, following a community-based participatory approach. Network models will be used to estimate the population-level impact of implementing this model of care to curb transmission. Knowledge mobilisation will be assessed using the Reciprocity, Externalities, Access, and Partnership (REAP) Self-Assessment Model.
Ethics and dissemination
The SPRITE study was approved by the Queen’s University Research Ethics Board (REB) and is to be conducted in accordance with the Canadian Tri-Council Policy Statement V.2 and the latest Seoul revision of the Declaration of Helsinki. Knowledge generated from this study will be mobilised through community-based organisations and the broader public health community.
Un defibrillatore arriva con il drone, il test in Calabria
Balzanelli (Sis 118), verso una svolta epocale