New England Journal of Medicine, Ahead of Print.
Risultati per: Indicazioni sull’uso della radioterapia per il trattamento del sarcoma dei tessuti molli (STS)
Questo è quello che abbiamo trovato per te
Da uno studio sul sarcoma epitelioide basi per nuove terapie
Ricerca coordinata dal Cro Aviano pubblicata su Modern Pathology
Da uno studio sul sarcoma epitelioide basi per nuove terapie
Ricerca coordinata dal Cro Aviano pubblicata su Modern Pathology
'Pillole di consapevolezza', al via una campagna sull'uso corretto dei farmaci
Multilingue, chiarirà dubbi e timori assunzione medicinali
Tumore seno,la radioterapia non solo è efficace ma tutela anche la qualità della vita
Studio internazionale guidato da una ricercatrice di Pavia
TOURISM study (Treatment Outcomes in UteRIne SarcoMa): a 10-year retrospective evaluation of practice in the UK
Although rare, uterine sarcomas account for a high proportion of uterine cancer mortality. Treatment options and robust trial data are limited.
The TOURISM study (Treatment Outcomes in UteRIne SarcoMa) is a UK-wide study by the National Oncology Trainees Collaborative for Healthcare Research which aimed to characterise this patient cohort.
A retrospective descriptive cohort study. Patients with carcinosarcomas/mixed Mullerian tumours, non-uterine gynaecological sarcomas and uterine metastases were excluded. Routine clinical data, including general patient demographics, diagnosis, treatment and outcomes, were collated and pseudonymised.
Patients diagnosed with uterine sarcoma in the UK National Health Service between 1 January 2008 and 31 December 2017 were identified from electronic records.
A total of 406 patients from eight centres were eligible for inclusion.
The median age at diagnosis was 56 years, with leiomyosarcoma the most common diagnosis (54.4%). The majority (57.9%) were diagnosed at the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics stage I, with 19.7% diagnosed at stage IV. Nearly half (45.2%) of the patients received at least one line of chemotherapy, of which most (81.0%) received doxorubicin first-line. In the stage I group 7.4% received adjuvant chemotherapy and 15.0% received adjuvant radiotherapy. Median overall survival was 37 months; however, survival varied significantly by stage at diagnosis (stage I: 105 months; stage II: 33 months; stage III: 19 months; stage IV: 14 months).
Our data highlight the diversity in patient management in uterine sarcoma and a marked survival advantage for patients diagnosed with stage I disease. These data highlight the importance of a multidisciplinary approach and describe real-world trends in systemic therapies, radiotherapy and surgical treatment in this rare cancer type.
Development and internal validation of prognostic models for event-free survival in newly diagnosed Ewing sarcoma patients based on routinely collected clinical characteristics from the European randomised controlled trial, EE2012
Ewing sarcoma is a rare paediatric cancer. Currently, there is no way of accurately predicting these patients’ survival at diagnosis. Disease type (ie, localised disease, lung/pleuropulmonary metastases and other metastases) is used to guide treatment decisions, with metastatic patients generally having worse outcomes than localised disease patients. However, not all patients fit this trend. An accurate prognostic model could be used to guide treatment decisions in clinical practice to avoid patients being incorrectly under or overtreated.
Methods and analysis
This study aims to develop and internally validate prognostic models in newly diagnosed Ewing sarcoma patients, using the EE2012 clinical trial data set. The models will incorporate prognostic factors, identified from a literature review, to predict patients’ probability of event-free survival at clinically important time points. Three models will be developed, for comparison of their performance and stability, using different methods of model selection and penalisation for overfitting (full model or backwards selection applying uniform shrinkage; and lasso variable selection). The models will be internally validated using bootstrapping to give optimism-adjusted performance statistics (calibration and discrimination) and model stability results. Patient and clinical user groups will be asked to determine risk thresholds to guide treatment decisions in clinical practice based on the model. Decision curve analyses will examine clinical utility at these thresholds.
Ethics and dissemination
This study is a secondary analysis of EE2012 clinical trial data. The EE2012 trial received ethical approval from the competent authorities (UK ethics reference approval number 12/NW/0827). This study is covered by the trial ethics in place. The results from this study will be published in peer-reviewed journals to act as a benchmark for future studies.
Trial registration number
EudraCT number 2012-002107-17. ISRCTN number 92192408.
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