Stroke, Volume 54, Issue Suppl_1, Page ATMP108-ATMP108, February 1, 2023. Introduction:Sleep apnea, a very common condition among post-stroke patients, is associated with worse functional, cognitive, and neurological outcomes after stroke. Little is known about the association between change of sleep apnea and changes in outcome over time.Methods:Associated with the Brain Attack Surveillance in Corpus Christi (BASIC) project, ischemic stroke patients (2016-2019) were offered sleep apnea testing with a portable respiratory monitor (ApneaLink Plus) shortly after stroke and at 3, 6, and 12 months post-stroke. Sleep apnea was quantified using the respiratory event index (REI), the number of apneas plus hypopneas per recording hour. At 3, 6, and 12-months post-stroke, functional outcome was assessed using activities of daily living (ADL)/instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) score (1-4, lower better); cognitive outcome was assessed using the Modified Mini-Mental State Examination (3MS) (0-100, higher better); neurological outcome was assessed using the NIHSS (0-42, lower better). Multivariate mixed models were fitted under a Bayesian approach to obtain random slopes in REI over time and the three outcomes (1-unit change in outcome per month), adjusted for age, sex, ethnicity, pre-stroke function and cognitive status, education, marital status, stroke history, tpa use, recurrent stroke, and depression. Linear regression models assessed the association between random slope of REI and random slopes of the three outcomes.Results:Of the 482 Mexican American or non-Hispanic white participants with at least one REI measurement, in fully adjusted models, improvement in sleep apnea was significantly associated with improvement in NIHSS (0.0094 (95% CI: 0.0070, 0.0118)) but not with changes in ADL/IADL or 3MS.Conclusions:Improvement in sleep apnea paralleled improvement in neurological status over the first year after stroke.
Risultati per: Prima terapia farmacologica per l’apnea notturna (OSAS)
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