Prevenzione e benessere e il 16 e 17 settembre
Risultati per: Una piccola riduzione delle calorie giornaliere è importante per una buona salute
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A qualitative exploration of the experiences of shift workers participated in a low-calorie meal replacement dietary intervention
Shift work is associated with various health challenges, including obesity and metabolic disturbances. To address these concerns, a randomised controlled clinical trial was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of a low-calorie meal replacement (MR) dietary intervention for dinner among shift workers with obesity. This study focuses on the qualitative aspects of this intervention, aiming to explore the experiences and perceptions of shift workers who participated in the trial.
Following the completion of the intervention, semi-structured face-to-face or telephone interviews were conducted with a purposive sample of trial participants. Data analysis was inductive, thematic using NVivo V.10 software.
The intervention was conducted among shift workers with obesity in a private hospital in Sri Lanka and resulted in a modest decrease in weight.
Using purposeful maximum variation sampling, we recruited eight healthcare shift workers who took part in a weight loss intervention.
All participants expressed satisfaction with the MR meal for dinner, highlighting its positive impact on their well-being. Despite initial difficulties, strong determination and motivation by results supported adherence. Some participants suggested that the MR could be improved with sweeter taste and more flavour options. Few reported mild bloating at the beginning, but no serious side effects were noted. Participants felt lighter in their bodies due to weight loss. The method’s simplicity was the most frequently reported benefit, making it feasible even during busy night shifts. Overall, participants highly recommended the intervention to others in need.
Participants experienced weight loss by replacing their dinner with the MR. This study offers valuable insights for tailoring future workplace-based dietary interventions for this vulnerable population.
Trial registration number
Ministero della Salute e Fondazione CDP insieme per i progetti del PNRR nella ricerca scientifica
Comunicato del 12/09/2023 n°50
Ministero della Salute e Fondazione CDP insieme per i progetti del PNRR nella ricerca scientifica
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