Iniziativa prof.Manfellotto presentata al Panetary Health Verona
Risultati per: Transgender – Competenze e ruoli del medico di medicina generale
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Schillaci, 'Valorizzare la tutela del medico è un imperativo'
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[Review] The missing clinical guidance: a scoping review of care for autistic transgender and gender-diverse people
The co-occurrence of autism and gender diversity has been increasingly studied in the past decade. It is estimated that ∼11% of transgender and gender-diverse (TGD) individuals are diagnosed with autism. However, there is insufficient knowledge about appropriate gender-related clinical care for autistic TGD individuals. We performed a scoping review of current clinical guidance for the care of TGD individuals to identify what was said about autism. Clinical guidance documents were searched in PubMed, Web of Science, Google Scholar, Embase, Guidelines International Network, and TRIP medical database, as well as reference mining and expert recommendation.
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‘In realtà Elle ha seguito protocolli e rientra nel 60% dei casi senza ricadute’
Elle Macpherson, 'ho avuto un tumore al seno curato con medicina non tradizionale'
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Strategia generale per il trattamento dei pazienti con ipertensione
Moving Beyond Statements to Protect Transgender Youth
This Viewpoint explores the politicized nature of gender-affirming care for transgender and nonbinary youth and how children’s hospitals can provide education, resources, and access to families seeking care.
Al medico eroe di Vergarolla intitolato giardino a Trieste
All’interno dell’Ospedale Maggiore cerimonia per Micheletti
Association of Political Assaults With the Health of Transgender and Nonbinary Persons
Until recently, we could not begin to understand the health and well-being of transgender and nonbinary communities. The rampant practice of erasing transgender and nonbinary populations in public health and scientific programming and data collection systems guaranteed that transgender and nonbinary communities were invisible. To rectify this, numerous institutions, such as the National Institutes of Health; National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; US Office of Science and Technology Policy; and US Office of Management and Budget, have called for improved data collection to facilitate greater understanding of the health and well-being of transgender and nonbinary populations and of how gender identity shapes opportunities, experiences with discrimination, and outcomes through the life course. Consequently, a more detailed picture of self-reported gender identity is now available, providing not only a single snapshot but also a composite image of the health of the transgender and nonbinary population over time. What we are seeing in the data are the harms of policies directed against transgender and nonbinary people.
Health Status and Mental Health of Transgender and Gender-Diverse Adults
This cross-sectional study examines self-reported poor or fair health status, frequent mental distress, and depression among transgender and gender-diverse respondents compared with cisgender respondents to the 2014 to 2022 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.
A Medicina quasi 21mila posti disponibili, 1.231 in più
Per Veterinaria le immatricolazioni previste sono 1.222
Università: a Medicina 21mila i posti disponibili, +1.231
Per Veterinaria le immatricolazioni previste sono 1.222
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Medicina, oggi la prova per le specializzazioni. Ecco quelle che fanno guadagnare di più
Un terzo dei posti rischia di restare vuoto. Boom di richieste per chirurgia plastica, dermatologia o ginecologia dove è più facile fare attività privata