A Bari, Asl, ‘Immediata terapia, ora crescita regolare’
Risultati per: Sviluppo di un test meno invasivo per la malattia infiammatoria intestinale
Questo è quello che abbiamo trovato per te
Diagnosi record di una malattia rara su un neonato
A Bari, Asl, ‘Immediata terapia, ora crescita regolare’
Letter by Schmidt et al Regarding Article, “Risk of Macrovascular and Microvascular Disease in Diabetes Diagnosed Using Oral Glucose Tolerance Test With and Without Confirmation by Hemoglobin A1c: The Whitehall II Cohort Study”
Circulation, Volume 147, Issue 12, Page 987-987, March 21, 2023.
Letter by Deng et al Regarding Article, “Risk of Macrovascular and Microvascular Disease in Diabetes Diagnosed Using Oral Glucose Tolerance Test With and Without Confirmation by Hemoglobin A1c: The Whitehall II Cohort Study”
Circulation, Volume 147, Issue 12, Page 985-986, March 21, 2023.
Response by Tabák et al to Letters Regarding Article, “Risk of Macrovascular and Microvascular Disease in Diabetes Diagnosed Using Oral Glucose Tolerance Test With and Without Confirmation by Hemoglobin A1c: The Whitehall II Cohort Study”
Circulation, Volume 147, Issue 12, Page 988-989, March 21, 2023.
Randomized Trial of Facilitated Adherence to Screening-Colonoscopy Versus Sequential Fecal-Based Blood Test
Colorectal cancer (CRC) screening guidelines include screening-colonoscopy and sequential high sensitivity fecal occult blood testing (HSgFOBT), with expectation of similar effectiveness based on the assumption of similar high adherence. However, adherence to screening-colonoscopy compared to sequential HSgFOBT has not been reported. In this randomized clinical trial, we assessed adherence and pathology findings for a single screening-colonoscopy versus sequential and non-sequential HSgFOBT.
Malattia delle arterie, rischio quasi doppio se dormi poco
Studio, c’è nesso causa-effetto tra condizione e sonno ridotto
Tumori: Donne a colori, sei storie al femminile su malattia
Raccontano dubbi e paure nell’esperienza della malattia
Tumori: Donne a colori, sei storie al femminile su malattia
Raccontano dubbi e paure nell’esperienza della malattia
Tumori, con i farmaci innovativi più anni di vita liberi dalla malattia
L’oncologo Sobrero; “Ema e Fda rivedano i parametri per dare l’ok a queste terapie”
Usa, Fda autorizza primo test casalingo per Covid-influenza
E’ un tampone nasale, risultati in 30 minuti
What should the standard be for passing and mastery on the Critical Thinking about Health Test? A consensus study
Most health literacy measures rely on subjective self-assessment. The Critical Thinking about Health Test is an objective measure that includes two multiple-choice questions (MCQs) for each of the nine Informed Health Choices Key Concepts included in the educational resources for secondary schools. The objective of this study was to determine cut-off scores for passing (the border between having and not having a basic understanding and the ability to apply the nine concepts) and mastery (the border between having mastered and not having mastered them).
Using a combination of two widely used methods: Angoff’s and Nedelsky’s, a panel judged the likelihood that an individual on the border of passing and another on the border of having mastered the concepts would answer each MCQ correctly. The cut-off scores were determined by summing up the probability of answering each MCQ correctly. Their independent assessments were summarised and discussed. A nominal group technique was used to reach a consensus.
The study was conducted in secondary schools in East Africa.
The panel included eight individuals with 5 or more years’ experience in the following areas: evaluation of critical thinking interventions, curriculum development, teaching of lower secondary school and evidence-informed decision-making.
The panel agreed that for a passing score, students had to answer 9 of the 18 questions and for a mastery score, 14 out of 18 questions correctly.
There was wide variation in the judgements made by individual panel members for many of the questions, but they quickly reached a consensus on the cut-off scores after discussions.
Adenoma Detection Rate and Colorectal Cancer Risk in Fecal Immunochemical Test Screening Programs
Annals of Internal Medicine, Ahead of Print.
Truffa dei tamponi: dai clienti per i test malgrado positivo
(v. “Tamponi dell’Asl per amici e parenti…” delle 12.29)
Trattamento dei pazienti con diabete e malattia renale cronica
Tumore colon-retto, aumentano casi ma 7 su 10 non fanno test
Oncologi Aiom, via campagna sensibilizzazione.Coinvolte farmacie