Risultati per: Gestione della stenosi mitralica reumatica (MVA <= 1,5 cm)
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Coinvolge centri specializzati e atenei Bologna, Milano e Padova
Segmentectomy for ground glass-dominant invasive lung cancer with tumour diameter of 2-3 cm: protocol for a single-arm, multicentre, phase III trial (ECTOP1012)
Previous studies demonstrated that wedge resection is sufficient for ground glass-dominant lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD) with tumour diameter ≤2 cm, however, the optimal surgical type for ground glass-dominant LUAD with tumour diameter of 2–3 cm remains unclear. The purpose of this trial is to investigate the safety and efficacy of segmentectomy for ground glass-dominant invasive LUAD with tumour size of 2–3 cm.
Methods and analysis
We initiated a phase III trial to investigate whether segmentectomy is suitable for ground glass-dominant invasive LUAD with tumour size of 2–3 cm. This trial plans to enrol 307 patients from multiple institutions including four general hospitals and two specialty cancer hospitals over a period of 5 years. The primary endpoint is 5 year disease-free survival. Secondary endpoints are lung function, 5 year overall survival, the site of tumour recurrence and metastasis, segmentectomy completion rate, radical segmentectomy (R0 resection) completion rate and surgery-related complications.
Ethics and dissemination
This trial has been approved by the Ethics Committee of Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Centre (reference 2212267-18) and by the institutional review boards of each participating centre. Written informed consent is required from all participants. The study results will be published in a peer-reviewed international journal.
Trial registration number
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Attivo da anni, il percorso culturale, organizzativo e istituzionale ha fatto registrare risultati positivi sia dal punto di vista terapeutico sia sulla spesa sanitaria
Linee guida cliniche sulla gestione dell’obesità
Via al Master 2/o livello “Gestione clinica cardiomiopatie”
Cardiologia dell’Università degli Studi di Trieste
Via al Master 2/o livello “Gestione clinica cardiomiopatie”
Cardiologia dell’Università degli Studi di Trieste