Esperti, cambio paradigma assistenza per vincere sfida Onu 2030
Risultati per: Gestione della stenosi mitralica reumatica (MVA <= 1,5 cm)
Questo è quello che abbiamo trovato per te
Diagnosi e gestione della steatosi epatica non alcolica (NAFLD)
Diagnosi e gestione delle malattie della tiroide (ipotiroidismo primario, ipotiroidismo subclinico, ipertiroidismo, ipertiroidismo subclinico, ingrossamento della tiroide)
Development of CORE-CM core outcome domain sets for trials of Chinese medicine for lumbar spinal stenosis
Most Asian countries have employed Chinese medicine (CM) and Western medicine to treat lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS). Evidence synthesis and comparison of effectiveness are difficult since outcomes examined and presented through trials possess heterogeneity. This study aimed to solve the outcome problems for CM clinical trials in LSS by building a core outcome set (COS).
To achieve an agreement on a set of core outcome domains, a four-phase study was carried out. First, we identified candidate outcome domains by systematically reviewing trials. In addition, we identified outcome domains associated with patients by conducting semistructured interviews with patients. Next, outcome domains were processed through a national two-round Delphi survey, in which 18 patients and 21 experts were recruited. Finally, the above domains were converted as a core outcome domain set based on a consensus meeting, in which 24 stakeholders were recruited.
Seventeen outcome subdomains were identified by the systematic review and interviews. The Delphi survey assigned a priority to four outcome domains in the first round and four outcomes additionally in the second round. The core outcome domains were determined through discussion and redefinition of outcomes in the consensus meeting: pain and discomfort, health-related quality of life, lumbar function, activities of daily living, measures of walking, patient global assessment, adverse events and CM-specific outcomes.
COS-CM-LSS is likely to enhance the consistency of outcomes reported in clinical trials. In-depth research should be conducted for the exploration of the best methods to examine the above outcomes.
Linee guida sulla diagnosi e gestione dell’esofago di Barrett
Linee guida italiane sulla gestione della tossicità da immunoterapia
NICE: linea guida sulla perdita dell’udito negli adulti, valutazione e gestione
Valutazione e gestione dell’incontinenza urinaria nella malattia neurologica
Linee guida sulla gestione dei sintomi del tratto urinario inferiore nell’iperplasia prostatica
Linee guida sul cancro ovarico, riconoscimento e gestione iniziale
Linee guida per la diagnosi e la gestione del colangiocarcinoma (cancro delle vie biliari)
Prevenzione, individuazione e gestione del danno renale acuto.
Linee guida aggiornate sulla gestione delle stomie
NICE: linee guida sulla diagnosi e gestione della cirrosi
Linea guida sulla gestione della sindrome dell’ovaio policistico
Riccardi, gestione appropriata cure intermedie è la sfida
Alla presentazione dell’Ospedale comunità (Odc) all'”Itis”