This is a transformative time for patients with Alzheimer disease. Alzheimer disease is increasingly viewed as a treatable condition and managed like other major chronic diseases, such as heart disease and cancer. Management of Alzheimer disease includes early diagnosis with molecular confirmation, disease-modifying treatments that are initiated early in the disease course, better risk reduction and prevention strategies, and improved coordination of care.
Risultati per: Sildenafil come potenziale trattamento per il morbo di Alzheimer
Questo è quello che abbiamo trovato per te
Alzheimer Disease Blood Biomarkers and Incident Dementia
This cohort study characterizes temporal changes in plasma biomarkers, identifies factors associated with changes in plasma biomarkers over time, and evaluates the prospective associations of plasma biomarkers with late-life all-cause dementia.
Blood Biomarkers to Detect Alzheimer Disease in Primary and Secondary Care
This prospective study evaluates a clinically available Alzheimer disease blood test in primary and secondary care using predefined biomarker cutoff values.
Nuova opzione di trattamento per la sclerosi multipla
The iSEARCH randomised controlled trial protocol: a pragmatic Australian phase III clinical trial of intrapartum sildenafil citrate to improve outcomes potentially related to intrapartum hypoxia
We showed in a phase II randomised controlled trial (RCT) that oral sildenafil citrate in term labour halved operative birth for fetal distress. We outline the protocol for a phase III RCT (can intrapartum SildEnafil safely Avert the Risks of Contraction-induced Hypoxia? (iSEARCH)) of 3200 women in Australia to assess if sildenafil citrate reduces adverse perinatal outcomes related to intrapartum hypoxia.
Methods and analysis
iSEARCH will enrol 3200 Australian women in term labour to determine whether up to three 50 mg oral doses of sildenafil citrate versus placebo reduce the relative risk of a primary composite end point of 10 perinatal outcomes potentially related to intrapartum hypoxia by 35% (from 7% to 4.55%). Secondary aims are to evaluate reductions in the relative risk of emergency caesarean section or instrumental vaginal birth for fetal distress by 25% (from 20% to 15%) and in healthcare costs. To detect a 35% reduction in the primary outcome for an alpha of 0.05 and power of 80% with 10% dropout in each arm requires 3200 women (1600 in each arm). This sample size will also yield >90% power to detect a 25% reduction for the secondary outcome of any operative birth (caesarean section or instrumental vaginal birth) for fetal distress.
Ethics and dissemination
Ethical approval for the iSEARCH RCT was granted by the Hunter New England Human Research Ethics Committee (ref no: 2020/ETH02791). Results will be disseminated through websites, peer-reviewed publications, scientific meetings and social media, news outlets, television and radio.
Trial registration number
RidStress 2 randomised controlled trial protocol: an Australian phase III clinical trial of intrapartum sildenafil citrate or placebo to reduce emergency caesarean birth for fetal distress in women with small or suboptimally grown infants at term (>=37 weeks)
Small for gestational age (SGA) infants are at increased risk of fetal distress in labour requiring emergency operative birth (by caesarean section (CS), vacuum or forceps). We have previously shown that maternal oral sildenafil citrate (SC) in labour halves the need for operative birth for suspected fetal distress in women with appropriately grown term infants.
Methods and analysis
RidStress 2 is a phase III randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled trial of 660 women with an SGA or suboptimally grown fetus (estimated fetal weight or abdominal circumference90% power to detect a similar reduction for the secondary outcome of any operative birth (CS or instrumental vaginal birth) for fetal distress.
Ethics and dissemination
Ethics approval was granted by the Mater Misericordiae Limited Human Research Ethics Committee (EC00332) on 11 September 2020. We plan to disseminate the results of this randomised controlled trial through presentations at scientific meetings and peer-reviewed journals, adhering to all relevant reporting guidelines.
Trial registration number
RidStress 2 is registered with the Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ACTRN12621000354886, 29/03/2021) and the Therapeutic Goods Association of Australia (date registered: 16 March 2021).
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