Studio,connessione tra perdita e problemi salute
Risultati per: L’alcool danneggia il DNA e aumenta il rischio di cancro.
Questo è quello che abbiamo trovato per te
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Studio dell’Università di Bologna, efficace al 50% e sicuro
L'endometriosi può quadruplicare il rischio di cancro ovarico
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Andare a lavoro in bici o a piedi riduce il rischio di morte
Studio, anche meno ricoveri e farmaci
Venerdì 11 città bollino rosso per rischio caldo, 5 nel Lazio
Aggiornamento del bollettino del ministero della Salute
Terapia derivata dalle cellule staminali contro il cancro al fegato resistente al trattamento
Nuovo bersaglio terapeutico per il cancro al pancreas
Scoperto bersaglio per il trattamento del cancro al pancreas
The Role of DNA Methylation in Gastrointestinal Disease: An Expanded Review of Malignant and Non-Malignant Gastrointestinal Diseases
Esophageal, colorectal, pancreatic, hepatocellular, and gastric cancer together impact millions of patients worldwide each year, with high overall mortality rates and are increasing in incidence. Additionally, premalignant gastrointestinal diseases such as Barrett’s esophagus and inflammatory bowel disease are also increasing in incidence. However, involvement of aberrant DNA methylation in these diseases is incompletely understood, especially given recent research advancements in this field. Here, we review knowledge of this epigenetic mechanism in gastrointestinal preneoplasia and neoplasia, considering mechanisms of action, genetic and environmental factors, and CpG island methylator phenotype.
Errors in Figure 4 and Incorrect DNA Sequencing Manufacturer
In the Original Investigation titled “Neoadjuvant Nivolumab Plus Chemotherapy Followed by Response Adaptive-Therapy for HPV+ Oropharyngeal Cancer: OPTIMA II Phase 2 Open-Label Nonrandomized Clinical Trial,” published online on June 6, 2024, in JAMA Oncology, Figure 4 contained transposed labels on the curves in panel B, and the DNA Safe-Sequencing System was not accurately attributed to Sysmex Inostics Inc. This article was corrected online.
Circulating Tumor DNA-Guided De-Escalation Targeted Therapy for Advanced Lung Cancer
This nonrandomized controlled trial assesses the feasibility of using a circulating tumor DNA−guided adaptive de-escalation tyrosine kinase inhibitor strategy in patients with advanced non−small cell lung cancer to achieve complete remission after local consolidative therapy.
Stool and Blood DNA Tests for Colorectal Cancer Screening
New England Journal of Medicine, Volume 390, Issue 23, Page 2222-2225, June 20, 2024.