Risultati per: ESH: nuove linee guida complete per la gestione dell’ipertensione arteriosa
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Sanità: aperte 350 nuove Case di comunità, ma dentro non ci sono medici
In oltre un terzo non è ancora attivata la presenza di camici bianchi, nelle altre solo per alcune ore e meno della metà sono aperte sette giorni
Via al Master 2/o livello “Gestione clinica cardiomiopatie”
Cardiologia dell’Università degli Studi di Trieste
Via al Master 2/o livello “Gestione clinica cardiomiopatie”
Cardiologia dell’Università degli Studi di Trieste
Linee guida sul trattamento chirurgico della fibrillazione atriale
Linee guida per i centri specializzati per la cura dell’epilessia
Linee guida sul parto cesareo
Abstract WMP34: Impact of Complete Oral Feeding Resumption on Nutrition and Hydration in the Rehabilitation Inpatient With Stroke
Stroke, Volume 55, Issue Suppl_1, Page AWMP34-AWMP34, February 1, 2024. Objective:Oral feeding resumption after feeding tube placement is an important therapeutic goal for stroke patients with dysphagia. Available information on nutrition and hydration status in stroke is limited after changing intake from commercial formula for tube feeding to dysphagia diet for oral. The aim is to explore the impact on nutrition and hydration after complete oral feeding.Methods:A total of 134 stroke patients who recovered from tube feeding to complete oral feeding were enrolled in rehabilitation hospital from Jan. 2020 to Jul. 2023. The swallow function was detected by the modified Volume-viscosity Swallow Test (V-VST). If a patient completed every viscosity more than 5 mL, feeding tube would be removed. We assessed the nutritional status of stroke patients and provided strategies of dysphagia diet for patients’ food and fluid intakes. Thickeners were used to prevent the risk of aspiration. Serum biochemical measures were obtained for nutrition (prealbumin) and hydration status (BUN/Cr ratio) at admission, before removing feeding tube and within the first week following oral feeding resumption.Results:48.51% patients could regain oral intake within 14 days from admission. Compared to admission and tube feeding phase, the level of prealbumin (mg/L) after oral feeding was significantly higher. (19.26±5.32. vs 22.57±5.03; P 20:1 identified deficient hydration in 53.72 % of patients in tube feeding phase and 46.27 % of patients after oral intake. Differences in nutrition and hydration status were attributed to complete oral feeding resumption.Conclusion:Clinical practice of complete oral feeding resumption including evaluating swallow function of varying viscosities, dietary and fluid recommendations could achieve better nutrition and hydration status.
Linee guida aggiornate per la gestione dell’osteoartrosi dell’anca e del ginocchio.
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Olio evo contrasta diabete, ipertensione e sindrome metabolica
Nuovo studio Università Tor Vergata ne dimostra ruolo benefico
L'olio evo contrasta diabete, ipertensione e sindrome metabolica
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Linea guida aggiornata per la gestione dell’osteartrosi dell’anca.
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Italiani sempre più celiaci, ecco le linee guida per terapia
Sono 224mila i casi diagnosticati, ma si stimano circa 600mila