Risultati per: Gestione dei pazienti con grandi polipi del colon (grandi polipi colorettali non peduncolati)
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Attivo da anni, il percorso culturale, organizzativo e istituzionale ha fatto registrare risultati positivi sia dal punto di vista terapeutico sia sulla spesa sanitaria
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Cardiologia dell’Università degli Studi di Trieste
Via al Master 2/o livello “Gestione clinica cardiomiopatie”
Cardiologia dell’Università degli Studi di Trieste
Fibre-rich Foods to Treat Obesity and Prevent Colon Cancer trial study protocol: a randomised clinical trial of fibre-rich legumes targeting the gut microbiome, metabolome and gut transit time of overweight and obese patients with a history of noncancerous adenomatous polyps
Recently published studies support the beneficial effects of consuming fibre-rich legumes, such as cooked dry beans, to improve metabolic health and reduce cancer risk. In participants with overweight/obesity and a history of colorectal polyps, the Fibre-rich Foods to Treat Obesity and Prevent Colon Cancer randomised clinical trial will test whether a high-fibre diet featuring legumes will simultaneously facilitate weight reduction and suppress colonic mucosal biomarkers of colorectal cancer (CRC).
This study is designed to characterise changes in (1) body weight; (2) biomarkers of insulin resistance and systemic inflammation; (3) compositional and functional profiles of the faecal microbiome and metabolome; (4) mucosal biomarkers of CRC risk and (5) gut transit. Approximately 60 overweight or obese adults with a history of noncancerous adenomatous polyps within the previous 3 years will be recruited and randomised to one of two weight-loss diets. Following a 1-week run-in, participants in the intervention arm will receive preportioned high-fibre legume-rich entrées for two meals/day in months 1–3 and one meal/day in months 4–6. In the control arm, entrées will replace legumes with lean protein sources (eg, chicken). Both groups will receive in-person and written guidance to include nutritionally balanced sides with energy intake to lose 1–2 pounds per week.
Ethics and dissemination
The National Institutes of Health fund this ongoing 5-year study through a National Cancer Institute grant (5R01CA245063) awarded to Emory University with a subaward to the University of Pittsburgh. The study protocol was approved by the Emory Institutional Review Board (IRB approval number: 00000563).
Trial registration number
Study protocol of short-course radiotherapy combined with CAPOX and PD-1 inhibitor for locally advanced colon cancer: a randomised, prospective, multicentre, phase II trial (TORCH-C)
The preliminary result of the TORCH trial has shown a promising complete response (CR) for managing locally advanced rectal cancer with neoadjuvant short-course radiotherapy (SCRT) combined with chemotherapy and PD-1 inhibitor. For locally advanced colon cancer (LACC) with bulky nodal disease and/or clinically T4, neoadjuvant chemotherapy followed by colectomy with en bloc removal of regional lymph nodes is the suggested treatment. However, the CR rate is less than 5%. TORCH-C will aim to investigate neoadjuvant SCRT combined with chemotherapy and PD-1 inhibitor in LACC.
Methods and analysis
TORCH-C is a randomised, prospective, multicentre, double-arm, open, phase II trial of SCRT combined with chemotherapy and immunotherapy in LACC with microsatellite stable (MSS) patients and cT4 or bulky nodes. Eligible patients will be identified by the multidisciplinary team. 120 patients will be randomised 1:1 to the intervention or control arm. The patients in the control arm will receive four cycles of capecitabine plus oxaliplatin (CAPOX). The patients in the intervention arm will receive SCRT, followed by four cycles of CAPOX and PD-1 inhibitor (serplulimab). Both arms will receive curative surgery, followed by four cycles of CAPOX. The primary endpoint is pathological complete regression.
TORCH-C (TORCH-colon) trial aims to investigate whether the combination of immunotherapy and chemoradiotherapy improves the treatment effect in LACC with MSS. TORCH-C will establish the TORCH platform, a key part of our long-term strategy to develop neoadjuvant treatment for colorectal cancer.
Ethics and dissemination
This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center (approval number: 2211265-12).
Trial registration number
Linee guida aggiornate per la gestione dell’osteoartrosi dell’anca e del ginocchio.
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Comunicato del 29/01/2024 n°5
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In video-collegamento dalla Stazione Spaziale Internazionale
La mortalità per tumori è in calo ma aumenta quella per il cancro al colon nei giovani
Colpa di obesità e alcol. Esperti: “Anticipare lo screening”