Risultati per: Linea guida sullo standard di assistenza medica nel diabete
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Reengineering Addiction — The Tobacco Industry’s Potential Response to a Nicotine Standard for Cigarettes
New England Journal of Medicine, Ahead of Print.
Diagnosi e trattamento della vescica iperattiva idiopatica: linea guida
In gazzetta il decreto che proroga al 2025 i tariffari per l'assistenza
Necessari per rendere effettiva l’applicazione dei nuovi Lea
Assistenza di sopravvivenza per persone affette da cancro avanzato o metastatico: linea guida
Perdita dell’udito legata all’età: linea guida
ACP: linee guida cliniche per i nuovi trattamenti del diabete tipo 2
NICE: linee guida sulla diagnosi e gestione dell’endometriosi
NCCN: linee guida aggiornate sul cancro alla prostata
Linee guida di consenso per la gestione delle metastasi peritoneali
Ablazione transcatetere e chirurgica della fibrillazione atriale: linea guida
Should Patients with COVID-19 Who Are at Standard Risk Take Nirmatrelvir/Ritonavir?
Patients at average risk for progression to severe disease did not benefit.
Aggiornate le linee guida riguardanti l’uso della lipoproteina(a)
AGA: linee guida sulla de-prescrizione degli inibitori della pompa protonica
Microaxial Flow Pump or Standard Care in Infarct-Related Cardiogenic Shock
New England Journal of Medicine, Ahead of Print.
Clinical and cost-effectiveness of individualised (early) patient-directed rehabilitation versus standard rehabilitation after surgical repair of the rotator cuff of the shoulder: protocol for a multicentre, randomised controlled trial with integrated Quintet Recruitment Intervention (RaCeR 2)
Despite the high number of operations and surgical advancement, rehabilitation after rotator cuff repair has not progressed for over 20 years. The traditional cautious approach might be contributing to suboptimal outcomes. Our aim is to assess whether individualised (early) patient-directed rehabilitation results in less shoulder pain and disability at 12 weeks after surgical repair of full-thickness tears of the rotator cuff compared with current standard (delayed) rehabilitation.
Methods and analysis
The rehabilitation after rotator cuff repair (RaCeR 2) study is a pragmatic multicentre, open-label, randomised controlled trial with internal pilot phase. It has a parallel group design with 1:1 allocation ratio, full health economic evaluation and quintet recruitment intervention. Adults awaiting arthroscopic surgical repair of a full-thickness tear are eligible to participate. On completion of surgery, 638 participants will be randomised. The intervention (individualised early patient-directed rehabilitation) includes advice to the patient to remove their sling as soon as they feel able, gradually begin using their arm as they feel able and a specific exercise programme. Sling removal and movement is progressed by the patient over time according to agreed goals and within their own pain and tolerance. The comparator (standard rehabilitation) includes advice to the patient to wear the sling for at least 4 weeks and only to remove while eating, washing, dressing or performing specific exercises. Progression is according to specific timeframes rather than as the patient feels able. The primary outcome measure is the Shoulder Pain and Disability Index total score at 12-week postrandomisation. The trial timeline is 56 months in total, from September 2022.
Trial registration number