Risultati per: Linee guida sulle cure palliative nei pazienti affetti da cancro
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Implementation of quality indicators for palliative care for patients with incurable cancer at palliative care units in Germany (Quincie): a study protocol for a mixed-methods study
Guidelines are important tools for supporting quality management in the care of patients with cancer. However, in clinical practice barriers exist to their implementation. Consequently, Quincie aims at: (1) gaining a comprehensive picture of the implementation of quality indicators from the national guideline on palliative care for patients with incurable cancer in palliative care units and (2) describing the factors that facilitate and hinder their implementation to develop recommendations.
Methods and analysis
The Quincie study follows a mixed-methods approach across two study phases. In phase 1, routinely collected data of 845 patients with incurable cancer from eight palliative care units in the commuting area of the Comprehensive Cancer Centre Lower Saxony will be analysed, regarding the implementation of 10 quality indicators from the national guideline on palliative care. Structural characteristics of the palliative care units will also be collected. In phase 2, recommendations for the practical implementation of the quality indicators, focusing on the achievement of the quality objectives identified in phase 1, will be developed in an implementation workshop. These recommendations will be subsequently agreed on via a Delphi survey.
Ethics and dissemination
Ethical approval has been given by the ethics committee of the Hannover Medical School (first vote, No. 10567_BO_K_2022) and other relevant institutions. The results will provide urgently needed insights on the implementation of the national guideline on palliative care in clinical care and on the factors that facilitate and hinder this implementation. The results are expected to promote better care for patients with incurable cancer. The results will be directly reported to the participating palliative care units and will be published in relevant peer-reviewed journals. They will also be presented at national conferences.
Trial registration number
German Clinical Trials Register (DRKS00029965).
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Helping patients prepare their dependent children for parental death: mixed-methods evaluation of a codeveloped training programme for palliative and allied healthcare professionals in the UK
To evaluate how the codesigned training programme, ‘No conversation too tough’, can help cancer, palliative and wider healthcare professionals support patients to communicate with their dependent children when a parent is dying. We examined perceptions of learning provided by the training, its contribution to confidence in communicating with families when a parent is dying, and subjective experience of, and reactions to, the training. We also explored potential changes in practice behaviours.
Pre–post, convergent, parallel, mixed-methods study. Motivations for practice change were measured quantitatively, and qualitatively through semi-structured interviews. Non-parametric analysis was conducted for self-efficacy and outcome expectancy measures; descriptive statistics examined perceptions of usefulness; intentions to use learning in practice and reactions to the training. Semi-structured interviews examined motivations and perceptions of learning in depth. A 6-week, practice log recorded immediate practice effects and reflections.
1-day training delivered 3 times, total delegates 36: online December 2021, February 2022, face-to-face March 2022. Questionnaires delivered correspondingly in online or paper formats, semi-structured interviews online.
Pre–post: palliative care professionals (n=14/12), acute cancer clinical nurse specialists (n=16/11), other healthcare professionals (n=5/5).
Positive changes were observed in self-efficacy (17 of 19 dimensions p
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