Rapporto del Ministero della Salute: in 10 anni cresce la denatalità e +73% Pma
Risultati per: Linee guida italiane su Alopecia androgenetica nelle donne e negli uomini
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Mamme italiane sempre più anziane, il primo figlio dopo 32 anni
Rapporto del Ministero: in 10 anni cresce denatalità e +73% Pma
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NICE: linee guida sulla diagnosi e gestione della cirrosi
Iss, il 10% delle donne senza controlli al seno in tutta la loro vita
Il 20% lo fa in modo non corretto, da oltre 2 anni
Linee guida di pratica clinica per diagnosi, trattamento e follow-up del cancro al pancreas
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Clinical Outcomes for Uptitration of Baricitinib Therapy in Patients With Severe Alopecia Areata
This pooled analysis aims to determine the efficacy of uptitration to baricitinib, 4 mg, for 24 weeks in patients who had previously not responded to baricitinib, 2 mg.
Psychological Outcomes Associated With Alopecia Areata—Reply
In Reply We appreciate the interest of Buontempo et al in our article on the prevalence and odds of depression and anxiety in children and adults with alopecia areata (AA). Our main objective was to identify the separate prevalence of psychiatric disorders and symptoms. Our study results highlighted the need for psychiatric care and monitoring of psychiatric symptoms.
Psychological Outcomes Among Patients With Alopecia Areata
To the Editor The systematic review and meta-analysis by Lauron et al illuminates the psychological outcomes among patients with alopecia areata (AA) on patients. The study found that 7% to 17% of patients with AA had depressive or anxiety disorders, with more than one-third of patients having symptoms, which is higher than the general population. This aligns with previous research that has noted a positive association with anxiety and depression in patients with AA and other dermatological diseases. We advocate for dermatologists to screen patients with AA for anxiety and depression using tools, such as the Patient Health Questionnaire and Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-Item Scale, in their practice.