Tenuto funzionante fuori dal corpo anche il fegato
Risultati per: Come stress e attacchi di cuore sono collegati
Questo è quello che abbiamo trovato per te
Stress negli ospedali, polmoniti da influenza fra giovani
Fiaso, anziani e fragili affollano il Pronto soccorso. Cala il Covid
Ha funzionato un raro trapianto parziale di cuore in Usa
La procedura su un neonato un anno fa, le valvole del cuore crescono
Dalla gestione dello stress al movimento, come cambiare nel 2024
I consigli dell’American Medical Association
Al Gemelli 'riparato' il cuore di un ragazzo con distrofia
Seconda volta al mondo su paziente con Duchenne, l’altro a Tokyo
Genetic Liability to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms and Its Association With Cardiometabolic and Respiratory Outcomes
This genetic association study uses electronic health record data to investigate the association between polygenic score of posttraumatic stress disorder symptom severity and clinical diagnoses and laboratory tests.
Picco di influenza nelle feste, stress negli ospedali
Il presidente dell’Ordine dei medici Anelli: ‘la coincidenza temporale con la chiusura degli studi aggrava i disagi’
Gino Gerosa, 'entro due anni avremo il cuore artificiale'
Annuncio del cardidiochirurgo padovano, trovate basi finanziarie
Primo trapianto in Italia a bambino da donatore a cuore fermo
A Bergamo, finora la nuova tecnica era usata solo sugli adulti
Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Reveals Metabolic Stress-Dependent Activation of Cardiac Macrophages in a Model of Dyslipidemia-Induced Diastolic Dysfunction
Circulation, Ahead of Print. BACKGROUND:Metabolic distress is often associated with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) and represents a therapeutic challenge. Metabolism-induced systemic inflammation links comorbidities with HFpEF. How metabolic changes affect myocardial inflammation in the context of HFpEF is not known.METHODS:We found that ApoE knockout mice fed a Western diet recapitulate many features of HFpEF. Single-cell RNA sequencing was used for expression analysis of CD45+cardiac cells to evaluate the involvement of inflammation in diastolic dysfunction. We focused bioinformatics analysis on macrophages, obtaining high-resolution identification of subsets of these cells in the heart, enabling us to study the outcomes of metabolic distress on the cardiac macrophage infiltrate and to identify a macrophage-to-cardiomyocyte regulatory axis. To test whether a clinically relevant sodium glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitor could ameliorate the cardiac immune infiltrate profile in our model, mice were randomized to receive the sodium glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitor dapagliflozin or vehicle for 8 weeks.RESULTS:ApoE knockout mice fed a Western diet presented with reduced diastolic function, reduced exercise tolerance, and increased pulmonary congestion associated with cardiac lipid overload and reduced polyunsaturated fatty acids. The main immune cell types infiltrating the heart included 4 subpopulations of resident and monocyte-derived macrophages, determining a proinflammatory profile exclusively in ApoE knockout- Western diet mice. Lipid overload had a direct effect on inflammatory gene activation in macrophages, mediated through endoplasmic reticulum stress pathways. Investigation of the macrophage-to-cardiomyocyte regulatory axis revealed the potential effects on cardiomyocytes of multiple inflammatory cytokines secreted by macrophages, affecting pathways such as hypertrophy, fibrosis, and autophagy. Finally, we describe an anti-inflammatory effect of sodium glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitor in this model.CONCLUSIONS:Using single-cell RNA sequencing , in a model of diastolic dysfunction driven by hyperlipidemia, we have determined the effects of metabolic distress on cardiac inflammatory cells, in particular on macrophages, and suggest sodium glucose cotransporter-2 inhibitors as potential therapeutic agents for the targeting of a specific phenotype of HFpEF.
Natale effetto 'booster' su colesterolo, 5 strategie salva-cuore
Più movimento e fibre, meno grassi e alcol, e stop al fumo
Natale, oltre ai regali i compiti, come farli senza stress
Da piano di lavoro a pause,i consigli della pedagogista Ciccanti
Al Policlinico di Bari record italiano di trapianti di cuore
Ne sono stati eseguiti 55, il primato era di Pavia con 51
Stress e ansia rafforzano i tumori e indeboliscono le cure
Su Nature provata la relazione. Ascierto,”supporto psicologico”
Psychometric validation of the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10) among family caregivers of people with schizophrenia in China
The 10-item Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10) is a widely used measure of perceived stress that has been validated in various populations, yet with inconsistent results on its factor structure. The present study examines the reliability and validity of the PSS-10 in a population not previously examined: Chinese family caregivers of persons with schizophrenia, with a focus on factor analysis.
A sample of 449 family caregivers of persons with schizophrenia was recruited for psychometric testing of the scale. The factor structure of PSS-10 was tested by randomly dividing the sample into two groups for both exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The scale was further tested for internal consistency, test–retest reliability, convergent validity, discriminant validity and concurrent validity.
EFA extracted two factors: perceived helplessness with six negative phrasing items and perceived efficacy with four positive phrasing items. CFA confirmed the structure of two factors with satisfactory model fit indices. Convergent validity was supported by high standard regression weight (0.78–0.92), average variance extracted (AVE=0.79–0.81) and composite reliability (0.88–0.94), while discriminant validity was confirmed by higher AVE estimates than the squared interconstruct correlations. The PSS-10 showed good internal consistency and test–retest reliability, with Cronbach’s alpha of 0.79 and intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.91, respectively. Concurrent validity was demonstrated by its significant positive correlations with stigma, depression and anxiety, as well as significant negative correlations with social support, family functioning and positive caregiving experiences.
The two-factor PSS-10 has good psychometric characteristics assessing the perceived stress of family caregivers of people with schizophrenia. The findings indicate that the PSS-10 can be used to measure perceived stress in future research and practice among caregivers of people with schizophrenia, and potentially, other caregiving samples.
Emicrania, una app gestisce gli attacchi e svela i farmaci migliori
Aiuta ciascuno a capire la terapia da usare