Risultati per: Complicanze intestinali correlate alla terapia antibiotica: prevenzione
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Dagli occhi al cuore: per i pazienti filo diretto su prevenzione e diagnosi con quattro numeri verdi
I numeri partiranno in occasione di altrettante giornate di sensibilizzazione in programma nel mese di marzo
Infertilità: alleanza FIMMG-SIRU per promuovere prevenzione e diagnosi precoce
I medici di medicina generale e gli specialisti della riproduzione stringono un’alleanza strategica per contrastare i crescenti problemi di fertilità che riguardano fino al 20% delle coppie in Italia e che si riflettono inevitabilmente sul drastico calo delle nascite registrato nel nostro paese
Covid: Gimbe, risalita dei casi +3,8% ma in calo i ricoveri in terapia intensiva -13,6%
Dopo 6 settimane di discesa dei contagi. Decessi -18,4%, ricoveri +4%
Mieloma multiplo,terapia del dolore per sostenere i pazienti
La neoplasia che ha colpito il pianista Giovanni Allevi
Tumore ovarico, campagna di prevenzione parte dalla farmacia
Il 75% dei casi viene diagnosticato in stadio avanzato
Aggiornata la Nota AIFA 96 “Prevenzione e trattamento della carenza di vitamina D”
L’Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco ha aggiornato la Nota 96 (determina AIFA n. 48/2023 pubblicata nella Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 43 del 20 febbraio 2023) sui criteri di appropriatezza prescrittiva della supplementazione con vitamina D e suoi analoghi (colecalciferolo, calcifediolo) per la prevenzione e il trattamento degli stati di carenza nell’adulto
Linee guida sulla prevenzione cardiovascolare
Sicurezza dei pazienti: l’importanza della ricognizione della terapia farmacologica
Nel 2022 la Giornata Mondiale per la Sicurezza dei Pazienti è stata dedicata alla Sicurezza della terapia farmacologica. Ecco i risultati dell’iniziativa promossa dall’Italian Network For Safety in Healthcare in collaborazione con l’Istituto Mario Negri
Immunoterapia e terapia mirata per il carcinoma gastroesofageo avanzato
L’American Society of Clinical Oncology ha condotto una revisione sistematica […]
Screening oncologici, la campagna di prevenzione a Casa Sanremo
Comunicato del 07/02/2023 n°9
Tumori, Schillaci: mozione Camera, prevenzione e cura priorità Ministero
Comunicato del 01/02/2023 n°8
Abstract TP89: Ldl Levels May Correlate With Intracranial Atherosclerotic Plaque Enhancement
Stroke, Volume 54, Issue Suppl_1, Page ATP89-ATP89, February 1, 2023. Introduction:The enhancement of atherosclerotic plaques after the intravenous administration of gadolinium (Gd) has been correlated with the presence of culprit plaques in patients with acute strokes due to underlying intracranial atherosclerosis (ICAS). A new method to objectively quantify Gd-enhancement was used to monitor plaques over time after an acute stroke. Currently there is no imaging method to accurately monitor atherosclerotic activity.Methods:Patients with stroke or transient ischemic attack caused by ICAS were included. Every patient was started on high-dose statins after ictus. 7T MRI images were obtained at baseline and after at least 6 months. LDL levels were obtained at the time of the event and at follow-up. Culprit plaques were identified based on degree of stenosis, presence of positive remodeling and Gd-enhancement. Arterial 3D enhancement maps in the territory of the culprit plaque were generated. Orthogonal signal intensity (SI) probes were expanded into the plaque and parent vessel to generate 3D enhancement color maps. Arterial segment variance (ASV) (SD2Arterial segment Baseline T1+Gd- SD2Arterial segment Follow up T1+Gd) was used to compare the plaque and parent vessel enhancement.Results:Five patients underwent baseline and follow-up imaging. The median time between scans was 13.3 (IQR=13.3) months. ASV was strongly correlated with changes in LDL (Rho=0.9, p=0.037). Additionally, Gd-enhancement and plaque burden correlated with levels of LDL (Figure): Gd uptake (Rho=0.7, p=0.22) and plaque burden (Rho=0.67, p=0.22).Conclusion:This pilot study demonstrates that high-resolution imaging can be used in determining the response to statins in patients with high atherosclerotic burden. Gd-enhancement and plaque burden correlated with serum values of LDL. 3D enhancement maps and histogram analysis of atherosclerotic plaques are promising tools for evaluating disease activity and response to medical therapy.
Abstract WP96: Quantitative Imaging Markers On Vessel Wall Magnetic Resonance Imaging Correlate With Disease Activity And Treatment Response In Cerebral Vasculopathies
Stroke, Volume 54, Issue Suppl_1, Page AWP96-AWP96, February 1, 2023. Introduction:Little is known about the utility of vessel wall magnetic resonance imaging (VWMRI) in assessing treatment response in various inflammatory and non-inflammatory intracranial vasculopathies, and if there is any correlation of vessel wall enhancement (VWE) with disease activity. We aimed to quantitatively investigate the differences in VWE patterns on follow-up VWMRI in patients with primary CNS vasculitis (PCNSV), secondary CNS vasculitis (SCNSV) and intracranial atherosclerotic disease (ICAD).Methods:VWMRI scans of patients with a confirmed diagnosis of either PCNSV, SCNSV or ICAD presenting to our tertiary care center between January 2015 and January 2021 were reviewed. Inclusion criteria were age greater than 18 years and at least 2 VWMRI scans available, including one from time of first clinical presentation with active disease. For each patient, 20 arterial segments were evaluated on VWMRI for the presence of VWE and the total number of enhancing arterial segments were reported. Percent concentricity, median number of enhancing arterial segments (MEAS) and percent change in MEAS was calculated and compared across all 3 diagnoses.Results:A total of 28 patients met study inclusion criteria (median age 47, 43% male) and had a diagnosis of either PCNSV (n=6), SCNSV (n=7) or ICAD (n=15). Median time to follow-up VWMRI was 22, 20 & 11 weeks for PCNSV, SCNSV & ICAD respectively. On initial VWMRI, the MEAS was 7 for each PCNSV & SCNSV and 6 for ICAD. Higher percent concentricity of VWE was seen more with PCNSV (92.3%) and SCNSV (71.4%) compared to ICAD (22.2%). All (100%) patients with PCNSV and 2 (33%) patients with SCNSV were treated with immunosuppression whereas 3 (50%) patients with SCNSV were treated with antimicrobials. All patients with PCNSV and SCNSV improved clinically whereas those with ICAD progressed or remained stable. The MEAS on follow up VWMRI decreased with treatment in patients with PCNSV (43% decrease) and SCNSV (14% decrease) but increased in those with ICAD (16% increase) and correlated clinically with disease activity and treatment response.Conclusion:Percent concentricity and MEAS on VWMRI may be useful non-invasive markers to monitor disease activity & treatment response in patients with intracranial vasculopathies.
Terapia del paziente con Ipercolesterolemia (età > 40 anni)
Tumore al seno, una nuova terapia a bersaglio molecolare
Messa a punto all’IRCCS IRE, in laboratorio fa regredire malattia