Sistema automatizzato in funzione a Unità Farmaci Antiblastici
Risultati per: Combinazione di due farmaci riduce il cancro al pancreas
Questo è quello che abbiamo trovato per te
Combinazione di farmaci potrebbe far morire di fame le cellule del cancro al pancreas
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Studio Int sui dati di 480 pazienti operate nell’arco di 47 anni
Linee guida sul cancro ovarico, riconoscimento e gestione iniziale
Linee guida per la diagnosi e la gestione del colangiocarcinoma (cancro delle vie biliari)
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A pochi vengono prescritti i nuovi farmaci che riducono attacchi
Emicrania, esami inutili e farmaci sbagliati per tanti pazienti
A pochi vengono prescritti i nuovi farmaci che riducono attacchi
Rete Irccs, farmaci per Alzheimer in Italia entro 2 anni
Lodi, numeri di casi altissimi e in crescente aumento.
Cancro, così il microbiota potenzia l’immunoterapia
I ricercatori dell’Istituto Humanitas hanno identificato un ceppo di batteri in grado di produrre molecole che rendono “visibili” le cellule tumorale al sistema immunitario
Rete Irccs, farmaci per Alzheimer in Italia entro 2 anni
Lodi, numeri di casi altissimi e in crescente aumento.
Rete Irccs, farmaci per Alzheimer in Italia entro 2 anni
Lodi, numeri di casi altissimi e in crescente aumento.
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All’International Cancer Immunotherapy Conference di Milano focus sull’intelligenza artificiale e al suo impiego nel comprendere i segnali che mettono fuori gioco il sistema immunitario
Evaluation of hypofractionated adaptive radiotherapy using the MR Linac in localised pancreatic cancer: protocol summary of the Emerald-Pancreas phase 1/expansion study located at Oxford University Hospital, UK
Online adaptive MR-guided radiotherapy allows for dose escalation to pancreatic cancer while sparing surrounding critical organs. We seek to evaluate the safety of delivering hypofractionated five-fraction, three-fraction and single-fraction MR-guided stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR) to the pancreas.
Methods and analysis
This is a single-centre three-arm phase 1 non-randomised safety study. Patients with localised pancreatic cancer will receive either 50 Gy in five (biological equivalent dose (BED10)=100 Gy), 39 Gy in three (BED10=90 Gy) or 25 Gy in a single fraction (BED10=87.5 Gy) MR-guided daily online adaptive radiotherapy. Each fractionation regimen will be assessed as independent cohorts to determine tolerability, assessed continuously using Bayesian conjugate posterior beta distributions. The primary endpoint of the study is to establish the safety of five-fraction, three-fraction and single-fraction MR-guided hypofractionation SABR in localised pancreatic cancer by assessing dose-limiting toxicities. Secondary endpoints include overall survival, progression-free survival, local control rates, overall control rate, resection rates, long-term toxicities and freedom from second-line chemotherapy. This study plans to also explore imaging and immune biomarkers that may be useful to predict outcome and personalise treatment. The trial will recruit up to 60 patients with a safety run-in.
Ethics and dissemination
The trial is approved by the West Midlands—Black Country Research Ethics Committee 22/WM/0122. The results will be disseminated via conference presentations, peer-reviewed scientific journals and submission to regulatory authorities. The data collected for the study, including individual participant data, will be made available to researchers on request to the study team and with appropriate reason, via The shared data will be deidentified participant data and will be available for 3 years following publication of the study. Data will be shared with investigator support, after approval of a proposal and with a signed data access agreement.
Trial registration number
Nutrizione e cancro, Ente biologi e Istituto Pascale insieme
Evento oggi a Napoli; ‘professionisti importanti nelle equipe’
Linee guida di pratica clinica per diagnosi, trattamento e follow-up del cancro al pancreas
Con l'innovazione dei farmaci -40% mortalità malattie croniche
Libro Bianco di The European House-Ambrosetti