Il progetto «La voce della cura» è l’ unico in Europa di questo tipo: basta inquadrare i QR Code sulle pareti del Day Hospital Oncologico, per accedere al podcast su Spotify e su tutte le piattaforme. L’audio-guida è suddiviso in 10 episodi da 20 minuti l’uno
Risultati per: Raccomandazioni Melanoma per pazienti e cittadini
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Lymphocyte Classification and Metastatic Melanoma Response to Checkpoint Inhibitor Therapy
This cohort study examines the association between tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte classification and disease progression among patients with metastatic primary cutaneous melanoma receiving checkpoint inhibitor therapy.
Adjuvant Pembrolizumab vs HDI or Ipilimumab for QOL Outcomes in Resected Melanoma
This randomized clinical trial examines quality of life in patients with resected melanoma at high risk for relapse who were treated with adjuvant pembrolizumab vs standard of care with either ipilimumab or high-dose interferon α 2b.
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Qualitative exploration of melanoma awareness in black people in the USA
Although black patients are more likely to have advanced melanomas at diagnosis, with a 5-year survival rate among black patients of 70% compared with 92% for white patients, black people are generally not the focus of melanoma public health campaigns. We sought to explore awareness and perspectives of melanoma among black people to inform the development of relevant and valued public health messages to promote early detection of melanoma.
Inductive thematic analysis of in-depth semistructured interviews.
Interviews were conducted with participants via video software or telephone in the USA.
Participants were adults from the USA who self-identified as African American or black. Recruitment flyers were posted around the San Francisco Bay Area and shared on our team Facebook page, with further participants identified through snowball sampling.
We interviewed 26 participants from 10 different states. Overall, 12 were men and 14 were women, with a mean age of 43 years (range 18–85). We identified five key themes regarding melanoma awareness in black people: (1) lack of understanding of term ‘melanoma’ and features of skin cancer; (2) do not feel at risk of melanoma skin cancer; (3) surprise that melanoma can occur on palms, soles and nails; (4) skin cancer awareness messages do not apply to or include black people; and (5) Importance of relationship with healthcare and habits of utilisation.
Analysis of these in-depth semistructured interviews illuminate the pressing need for health information on melanoma designed specifically for black people. We highlight two key points for focused public health messaging: (1) melanoma skin cancer does occur in black people and (2) high-risk sites for melanoma in black people include the palms, soles and nail beds. Therefore, public health messages for black people and their healthcare providers may involve productively checking these body surface areas.
Una proteina rende il melanoma più aggressivo
È LAP1 e aumento dei livelli è collegato a prognosi sfavorevole
Fimmg Formazione: “Quasi 2 milioni di cittadini senza medico di famiglia per errore delle Regioni”
La denuncia di FIMMG Formazione. Quasi 2 milioni di cittadini senza medico di famiglia, ma le Regioni vogliono impedire a più di 5000 medici di assumere gli incarichi per un errore interpretativo