Risultati per: Linee guida sul melanoma cutaneo
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Linee guida sull’uso di oppiodi nei malati di cancro
AIOM: Linee guida di oncologia 2022
Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocyte Therapy or Ipilimumab in Advanced Melanoma
New England Journal of Medicine, Volume 387, Issue 23, Page 2113-2125, December 2022.
Quaderno di assistenza sanitaria primaria per bambini e adolescenti: linee guida per la promozione della salute, la prevenzione e la gestione delle malattie dal periodo neonatale all’adolescenza (2022)
La gestione della terapia farmacologica con condroitina solfato nell’artrosi: dalle linee guida alla pratica clinica
Nuove linee guida americane per la gestione dei pazienti con steatosi epatica non alcolica in soggetti adulti nelle Cure Primarie
Un breve sguardo alle nuove linee guida europee sulla prevenzione cardiovascolare e alcune considerazioni sugli stili di vita
Association of Immune-Related Adverse Event Management With Survival in Patients With Advanced Melanoma
This cohort study investigates the association among different immunosuppressive regimens for grade 3 and higher immune-related adverse events with overall survival and progression-free survival in a homogeneous cohort of patients with advanced melanoma who were treated with first-line ipilimumab and nivolumab.
Cost-effectiveness of Response-Adapted De-escalation of Immunotherapy in Advanced Melanoma
This economic evaluation aims to determine the cost-effectiveness of ipilimumab discontinuation for patients with interim imaging-confirmed tumor response in the treatment of advanced melanoma.
Lifetime Sunburn Trajectories and Associated Risks of Cutaneous Melanoma and Squamous Cell Carcinoma
This cohort study aims to identify lifetime trajectories of sunburns and compare the association between these trajectories and subsequent risk of cutaneous melanoma and squamous cell carcinoma.