Studio esamina i dati di 13mila partecipanti
Risultati per: Frutta secca e cancro al pancreas nelle donne
Questo è quello che abbiamo trovato per te
Trattamento del cancro del colon retto metastatico
The “Bionic Pancreas”: A Randomized Trial
A new system, not yet U.S. FDA approved, brings us one step closer to a fully automated artificial pancreas.
La colonscopia non riesce a ridurre il tasso di decessi per cancro
Diagnosi e gestione del cancro al polmone
Multicenter, Randomized Trial of a Bionic Pancreas in Type 1 Diabetes
New England Journal of Medicine, Volume 387, Issue 13, Page 1161-1172, September 2022.
Identificato un potenziale marcatore genetico per il trattamento del cancro al pancreas
Trattamento del cancro in gravidanza: etica e implicazioni
Le attuali evidenze scientifiche suggeriscono che la maggior parte dei […]
Walter Ricciardi confermato alla guida del Board della Commissione Europea per la lotta al cancro Ministro Speranza: “La nomina di un medico e scienziato italiano è un riconoscimento alla ricerca italiana e all’eccellenza del Servizio Sanitario Nazionale”
Comunicato del 07/09/2022 n°37
Context-Dependent Roles of Hes1 in the Adult Pancreas and Pancreatic Tumor Formation
The Notch signaling pathway is an important pathway in the adult pancreas and in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), with hairy and enhancer of split-1 (HES1) as the core molecule in this pathway. However, the roles of HES1 in the adult pancreas and PDAC formation remain controversial.
The Continued Struggle for Defining a Role for Radiotherapy in Pancreas Cancer
Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) remains the third leading cause of cancer-associated deaths in the US and is on pace to become the second leading cause of cancer-related mortality. Improvements in outcomes for those affected by pancreas cancer are primarily because of more effective systemic therapies. This includes the approval of olaparib maintenance therapy for patients with germline BRCA-variated metastatic pancreatic cancer and FOLFIRINOX or gemcitabine/capecitabine adjuvant chemotherapy regimens based off the PRODIGE24-ACCORD and ESPAC-4 trials, which demonstrated an improvement in overall survival.