Azienda ospedaliero universitaria Marche tra i migliori ospedali
Risultati per: La qualità dei nutraceutici e position paper per l’appropriato uso in medicina generale
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Position paper della French Headache Society sul trattamento dell’emicrania
Telethon spiega la medicina del futuro ai giovani studenti
Platea di 1112 ragazzi di 13 scuole. ‘Insegnare valore ricerca’
Medicina: Bitonci, “Coraggioso aver eliminato test ingresso”
‘Positivo 30 mila nuove assunzioni tra medici e infermieri’
Stop ai test per l'accesso a Medicina
Ma graduatoria dopo il primo semestre sulla base dell’esito degli esami
Salerno s’interroga sulle origini della medicina
Nella città campana il 49esimo Congresso della Società di Storia internazionale della Medicina
Effects of dim-evening lighting optimised for geographical orientation versus standard lighting on mental health: protocol paper for a quasiexperimental study in a psychiatric hospital
Research has provided novel insights into how light stimulates circadian rhythms through specialised retinal ganglion cells to the suprachiasmatic nucleus. In addition, there has been a revolution in light-emitting diode (LED) technology, leading to tunable LED light sources and lighting systems, enabling 24-hour dynamic light scenarios with bright blue-enriched short wavelength light during the day and dim evening light, stimulating the circadian system. These dynamic LED lighting systems are now being implemented at hospitals without adequate understanding of how it may affect the health and well-being of patients and staff.
Methods and analysis
An optimised dynamic LED lighting scenario is investigated at a newly built psychiatric hospital in Copenhagen. In the 12 months baseline period, a standard lighting scenario with dynamic colour temperature and fixed light intensity is investigated. In the following 12-month intervention period, a new DEL scenario is investigated, having dynamic colour temperature as well as dynamic light intensity with a higher daytime and lower evening-time melanopic daylight equivalent illuminance. This setting is furthermore adjusted for geographical orientation to compensate for differences in sunlight access in wintertime. The study uses a quasiexperimental design comparing patients admitted in the two study periods. Prior to each of the study periods, daylight and the contribution from the LED-lighting scenarios was measured. Patient sociodemographic and mental health data will be retrieved retrospectively from electronic medical records and by questionnaires administered in the two periods, evaluating lighting, noise, sleep quality and quality of life. Primary outcome is the proportion of patients receiving pro re nata medications. Secondary outcomes are the length of stay, sleep onset latency, sleep quality and quality of life.
Ethics and dissemination
No ethical issues are expected. The results will be disseminated through peer-reviewed international journal, lectures, posters and interviews.
Trial registration number
Nasce Salotto Ippocrate, racconto storia ed evoluzione medicina
Iniziativa prof.Manfellotto presentata al Panetary Health Verona
Di qualità l'85% dell'acqua potabile, è da fonti sotterranee
Così si riducono gli anni di vita sana persi in Italia rispetto all’EU
Inquinamento indoor, decalogo Iss per migliorare qualità aria
Tra le raccomandazioni, aprire spesso le finestre e non fumare
Di qualità l'85% dell'acqua potabile, é da fonti sotterranee
Così si riducono gli anni di vita sana persi in Italia rispetto all’EU
Esperti, IA in medicina non è mostro ma una compagna di viaggio
La “AI fear” coinvolge il 70% dei medici Usa e il 20% in Italia
Seeking a Better Paper Trail of Federal Research Funding
This work discusses initiatives designed to capture the value of public investment that will result in an accurate, comprehensive, and transparent paper trail of public funding.
Ok Ue all'uso del vaccino Mpox tra i 12 e i 17 anni
Via libera dopo la raccomandazione dell’Ema
L'Australia proibisce l'uso della pietra composita, provoca silicosi
Per ripiani cucine, allarme per i lavoratori
Schillaci, 'in sanità puntare sulla qualità della spesa'
‘Uso corretto delle risorse non avviene in tutte le regioni’