Allarme di Ail, si riduce la mortalità ma aumentano le diagnosi
Risultati per: Nanotubi di DNA per terapie contro i tumori del cervello
Questo è quello che abbiamo trovato per te
Convegno su salute del cervello, 'demenza sfida globale'
In fondazione Prada la seconda giornata di incontri
Tumori, compie 5 anni progetto protezione famiglie fragili
Marzi, “importante intervento tempestivo e integrato”
Artride reaumatoide: la cura passa dalle terapie innovative e da una legge ad hoc
Al Senato la legge che punta a potenziare l’assitenza per chi soffre di patologie reumatologiche che colpiscono almeno 5 milioni di italiani
Terapie farmacologiche per la gestione acuta dell’emicrania negli adulti
Ancona 'città europea per la salute del cervello 2024'
Premio da accademia europea per la neurologia.Nel 2023 Helsinki
Ancona 'città europea per la salute del cervello 2024'
Premio da accademia europea per la neurologia.Nel 2023 Helsinki
Cure più mirate contro i tumori con la Teranostica, progetto Ue
Coordina l’Università Cattolica, approccio ‘vedo e curo’
Circulating tumour DNA in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma across tumour stages and treatments
Circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) is a promising non-invasive biomarker in cancer. We aim to assess the dynamic of ctDNA in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC).
We analysed 772 plasmas from 173 patients with HCC collected at the time of diagnosis or treatment (n=502), 24 hours after locoregional treatment (n=154) and during follow-up (n=116). For controls, 56 plasmas from patients with chronic liver disease without HCC were analysed. All samples were analysed for cell free DNA (cfDNA) concentration, and for mutations in TERT promoter, CTNNB1, TP53, PIK3CA and NFE2L2 by sequencing and droplet-based digital PCR. Results were compared with 232 corresponding tumour samples.
In patients with active HCC, 40.2% of the ctDNA was mutated vs 14.6% in patients with inactive HCC and 1.8% in controls (p
Decodificata la mutazione genetica chiave in molti tumori
Tumori, il 13% sono legati a 4 tipi di infezioni batteriche
L’Associazione Usa per la ricerca cancro, possibile prevenirli
Effectiveness of peritoneal lavage fluid circulating tumour cells and circulating tumour DNA in the prediction of metachronous peritoneal metastasis of gastric cancer (pT4NxM0/pT1-3N+M0) after radical resection: protocol of a prospective single-centre clinical study
Gastric cancer (GC) is the fourth leading cause of cancer mortality worldwide. Peritoneal metastasis (PM) is a significant cause of death in patients with GC, and presents a major challenge in clinical diagnosis and treatment. Predicting the occurrence of PM in high-risk patients, and diagnosing and treating PM in advance to improve patient survival, remains an unsolved problem in clinical practice. Given the low positive rate of cytology and difficulty in diagnosing occult PM, new molecular markers and detection technologies for early diagnosis require urgent validation. The primary objective of this study is to observe and evaluate the predictive effect of intraoperative peritoneal lavage fluid (PLF) circulating tumour cells (CTC) and circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) levels in patients with pT4NxM0/pT1-3N+M0 GC on metachronous PM after R0 resection.
Methods and analysis
This prospective single-centre clinical study is conducted at Renji Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine. In this study, 200 cases of patients with pT4NxM0/pT1-3N+M0 gastric adenocarcinoma older than 18 years will be screened. Participants will undergo intraoperative PLF CTC and ctDNA testing and will be followed up for 2 years, with imaging assessments performed every 3–6 months until PM occurrs. The primary outcome is the incidence of PM 1 year after surgery, which will be estimated using Clopper-Pearson method, with 95% CIs calculated and compared between groups. Secondary outcome include the incidence of PM 2 years after surgery, overall survival and disease progression. Data will be analysed using the Kaplan-Meier method and the log-rank test.
Ethics and communication
Informed consent has been obtained from all subjects. This protocol has been approved by the Ethics Committee of Renji Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine (LY2023-142-B). The findings will be disseminated through peer-reviewed manuscripts, reports and presentations.
Trial registration number
Ottobre è il mese della sensibilizzazione sui tumori del seno
La ‘Carovana della Prevenzione’ nelle piazze, ‘Race for the Cure’ e altre iniziative
Tumori al seno, diagnosi in ritardo per il 20% delle immigrate. Il 39% non esegue la mammografia
Per l’86% degli oncologi sono troppe le disparità di accesso alle cure
Tumori al seno, diagnosi in ritardo per il 20% delle immigrate
Per 86% oncologi sono troppe le disparità di accesso alle cure
Tumori: in Italia 'effetto migranti sani' ma pesa invecchiamento
Società medicina migrazioni, tra loro minore incidenza ma è allerta prevenzione