Coinvolto cardiochirurgo del Sant’Orsola, ‘sfida è prevenzione’
Risultati per: Linee guida tedesche sulla steatosi epatica non alcolica (NAFLD)
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Su guida per comunicazione rispettosa della disabilità
Curata da Arrigoni, Malafarina e Sani e promossa dalla Cpo
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Ridurranno del 70% gli esami inutili
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Linea guida aggiornata per la gestione dell’osteartrosi dell’anca.
Farmaceutiche, Valentino Confalone alla guida di EuniPharma
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Increased NAFLD risk in newly diagnosed patients with RA during the first 4 years of follow-up: a nationwide, population-based cohort study
Although the non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is prevalent in the general population, NAFLD risk in newly diagnosed rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has rarely been explored. In this population-based cohort, we examined NAFLD risk in patients with RA and identified the potential risk factors.
Retrospective study.
2281 newly diagnosed patients with RA and selected 91 240 individuals without RA to match with patients with RA (1:40) by age, gender, income status and urbanisation level of the residence.
In this retrospective study using the 2000–2018 claim data from two-million representative Taiwanese population, we identified and compared the incidence rates (IRs) of NAFLD and alcoholic fatty liver disease (AFLD) between RA and non-RA groups. Using multivariable regression analyses, we estimated adjusted HR (aHR) of NAFLD development in patients with RA compared with individuals without RA, with 95% CIs.
The incidences of NALFD and AFLD were not significantly different between individuals with RA and without RA during the 17-year follow-up period. However, patients with RA had significantly increased NAFLD risk during the first 4 years after RA diagnosis, with IR ratio of 1.66 fold (95% CI 1.18 to 2.33, p
Italiani sempre più celiaci, ecco le linee guida per terapia
Sono 224mila i casi diagnosticati, ma si stimano circa 600mila
Italiani sempre più celiaci, ecco le linee guida per terapia
Sono 224mila i casi diagnosticati, ma si stimano circa 600mila