Autore/Fonte: Noel Polignano, Andrea Zanchè
L’elettrocardiogramma nello studio di medicina generale
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Ottobre 2024
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Autore/Fonte: Noel Polignano, Andrea Zanchè
Autore/Fonte: Mariangela Elefante, Tecla Mastronuzzi, Pietro Tasegian
Autore/Fonte: Luigi Bonizzi, Valentina Cozza, Lorenzo Drago, Roberto Mattina, Gaetano Piccinocchi, Alessandro Rossi, Silvestro Scotti, Giuseppina Tommasielli
Autore/Fonte: Fabio Fichera, Fulvia Fichera
Autore/Fonte: Giada Zecchi
Autore/Fonte: Silvia Dubini, Massimo Monti
Autore/Fonte: Alfredo Ladisa, Giuseppe Di Falco, Gianluca Costante, Pio Pavone Pio
Circulation, Volume 150, Issue Suppl_1, Page A4143488-A4143488, November 12, 2024. Background:Patients with acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) often require admission to the Cardiac Care Unit (CCU). Clinical examination alone may be inadequate for management, leading to suboptimal diuretic regimens and prolonged hospital stays. The use of Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) to evaluate the lungs for pulmonary edema and inferior vena cava (IVC) for size and collapsibility can enhance volume status evaluation.Aim:Reduce the average duration of IV diuresis by 20% among patients admitted to the CCU for ADHF in 1 yearMethods:An algorithm for POCUS guided diuretic regimen escalation was implemented across three Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles. Patients who were intubated, on dialysis, or with isolated RV failure were excluded. PDSA-1 introduced the algorithm and provided training to a team of 5 residents. PDSA-2 included weekly reminders and recruitment of 14 residents to increase buy-in. PDSA-3 focused on incorporating POCUS assessments into nighttime care to facilitate early morning decision-making.Results:Process Measure: Quarterly compliance rates using the number of POCUS orders that were completed- Baseline (0%, n=23), PDSA-1 (0%, n=35), PDSA-2 (19%, n=15), PDSA-3 (31%, n=46).Outcome Measure: The average duration of IV diuresis progressively decreased through the year: Baseline (5 days), PDSA-1 (5.3 days), PDSA-2 (4.4 days), PDSA-3 (3.5 days). There was an increase of 6% in PDSA-1 compared to baseline, but PDSA-2 and 3 showed a progressive reduction of 12% and 30% respectively.Balancing Measure: The mean potassium supplementation showed variation throughout the year: Baseline (63.3 mg), PDSA-1 (141 mg), PDSA-2 (151.7 mg), PDSA-3 (75.7 mg), reflecting no significant negative impact from the intervention.Equity Lens: The duration of IV diuresis, which at baseline ranged from 3 to 8 days across different races, standardized to approximately 5 days for all races by PDSA-3.Conclusion:We progressively reduced the duration of IV diuresis using POCUS-guided lung and IVC assessments with a structured diuretic regimen. This demonstrated improved patient care from early decongestion and symptomatic relief. Additionally, we demonstrate that POCUS plays a crucial role in promoting health equity by providing an objective assessment of volume status across diverse racial groups. This integration promises optimized heart failure management and potential cost reductions from reduced length of stay, highlighting the value of POCUS in clinical practice.
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