Araldi, ‘con MedMal Report identifichiamo aree più a rischio’
Risultati per: Gestione del trauma renale dell’adulto
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Resources Associated With Psychological Trajectories and Reactivity to Reward After Trauma
This cohort study investigates the association between neighborhood and individual resources and posttraumatic stress disorder trajectories after trauma.
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Terapie farmacologiche per la gestione acuta dell’emicrania negli adulti
Development of a vocational rehabilitation intervention to support return-to-work and well-being following major trauma: a person-based approach
Major trauma centres (MTCs) save lives but rehabilitation to support return-to-work (RTW) is lacking. This paper describes development of a vocational rehabilitation intervention (the ROWTATE intervention) to support RTW following traumatic injury.
Sequential and iterative person-based approach in four stages—Stage 1: review of evidence about the efficacy and mechanisms of RTW interventions; Stage 2: interviews (n=38) and focus groups (n=25) with trauma survivors and service providers in five UK MTCs to identify the issues, and challenges faced postinjury; Stage 3: codesign workshops (n=43) with trauma stakeholders in MTCs to conceptually test and identify intervention delivery barriers/enablers; Stage 4: meetings (n=7) with intervention development working group (IDWG) to: (1) generate guiding principles, (2) identify key intervention features (process, components, mechanisms) to address unmet rehabilitation needs; (3) generate a logic model and programme theory to illustrate how the intervention works; and (4) develop a training package to support delivery.
Trauma survivors described unmet needs relating to early advice about RTW; psychological support; pain management; hidden disabilities (eg, fatigue); estimating recovery; and community, amputee and musculoskeletal rehabilitation. Mechanisms of effective interventions identified in the review included early intervention, colocation, employer engagement, case coordination and work accommodations. Intervention features identified by IDWG members (n=13) from stages 1 and 2 were use of stepped-care approaches by occupational therapists (OTs) and clinical psychologists (CPs), OT/CP formulation for complex cases, assessment of mental health problems, individually tailored rehabilitation including vocational goal setting, cross-sector coordination/communication, employer engagement, phased RTW, education/advice for family/employers, exploration of work alternatives, ongoing review of physical and mental health needs, work stability monitoring. Conceptual testing ratified the logic model. Geography and long waiting lists were identified as potential delivery barriers.
Real-world testing of the intervention is underway in a randomised controlled trial.