Risultati per: Nota 13 AIFA - Guida pratica
Questo è quello che abbiamo trovato per te
Linee guida di pratica clinica per la gestione dei noduli tiroidei
Tumori cronici del sangue, una guida per migliori interazioni
Con medici e familiari, nasce da un’analisi neurometrica
Experience-based codesign approach to improve care in Australian emergency departments for complex consumer cohorts: the MyED project protocol, Stages 1.1-1.3
Emergency department (ED) care must adapt to meet current and future demands. In Australia, ED quality measures (eg, prolonged length of stay, re-presentations or patient experience) are worse for older adults with multiple comorbidities, people who have a disability, those who present with a mental health condition, Indigenous Australians, and those with a culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) background. Strengthened ED performance relies on understanding the social and systemic barriers and preferences for care of these different cohorts, and identifying viable solutions that may result in sustained improvement by service providers. A collaborative 5-year project (MyED) aims to codesign, with ED users and providers, new or adapted models of care that improve ED performance, improve patient outcomes and improve patient experience for these five cohorts.
Methods and analysis
Experience-based codesign using mixed methods, set in three hospitals in one health district in Australia. This protocol introduces the staged and incremental approach to the whole project, and details the first research elements: ethnographic observations at the ED care interface, interviews with providers and interviews with two patient cohorts—older adults and adults with a CALD background. We aim to sample a diverse range of participants, carefully tailoring recruitment and support.
Ethics and dissemination
Ethics approval has been obtained from the Western Sydney Local Health District Human Research Ethics Committee (2022/PID02749-2022/ETH02447). Prior informed written consent will be obtained from all research participants. Findings from each stage of the project will be submitted for peer-reviewed publication. Project outputs will be disseminated for implementation more widely across New South Wales, Australia.
ESH: nuove linee guida complete per la gestione dell’ipertensione arteriosa
Guida clinica per l’ipercolesterolemia familiare omozigote (FH)
Diabete mellito tipo 2: aggiornata la Nota 100
A partire dal 27 giugno 2023 è disponibile un aggiornamento dei documenti allegati alla Nota 100 (schede di prescrizione ed elenco dei farmaci)
Linee guida per la pratica clinica nella gestione del diabete mellito
Linee guida di pratica clinica sull’insufficienza epatica acuta
Linee guida per deprescrivere oppioidi in modo più sicuro
Linee guida sul parto cesareo
Linee guida per la gestione della nevralgia del trigemino
Bozza Decreto P.A bis, 'all'Aifa assunzione di 33 contratti a tempo'
Provvedimento destina 2,5 milioni dal 2023 e circa 2,9 milioni a regime dal 2024 al Fondo risorse decentrate del ministero della salute
Linee guida sulla dermatite atopica (eczema)
Guida pratica sulla gestione dei pazienti con diversi fenotipi di scompenso cardiaco
L'aborto farmacologico è sicuro ed efficace, le linee guida dell'Oms
I sanitari devono essere in grado di supportare chi lo sceglie