Di Palombo per giornata mondiale contro cancro al seno
Risultati per: Nanotubi di DNA per terapie contro i tumori del cervello
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Tumori:Angelina Jolie con segni mastectomia. Un murales a Milano
Di Palombo per giornata mondiale contro cancro al seno
Tumori, a Milano il terzo Proton Center italiano
Dopo il Cnao di Pavia e quello di Trento, da settembre 2023, apre il centro di protonterapia all’interno delll’Istituto europeo di oncologia (Ieo). L’investimento è di 40 milioni di euro
DNA Methylation Analysis to predict Regression of high-grade anal Intraepithelial Neoplasia in HIV+ men (MARINE): a cohort study protocol
Anal cancer precursors, or high-grade anal intraepithelial neoplasia (HGAIN), are highly prevalent in HIV-seropositive (HIV+) men who have sex with men (MSM). Around 30% of lesions regress within 1 year, but current histopathological assessment is unable to distinguish between HGAIN likely to regress and HGAIN likely to persist or progress to cancer. We aim to assess if host cell DNA methylation markers can predict regression of HGAIN, thus determining the need for immediate treatment or active surveillance. This could reduce overtreatment and the associated anal and psycho-sexual morbidity.
Methods and analysis
This is an active surveillance cohort study in three centres located in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, in 200 HIV+ MSM diagnosed with HGAIN. Participants will not be treated, but closely monitored during 24 months of follow-up with 6 monthly visits including cytology, and high-resolution anoscopy with biopsies. The primary study endpoint is histopathological regression of each baseline HGAIN lesion at the end of the study. Regression is defined as ≤low grade anal intraepithelial neoplasia in the exit biopsy at 24 months. Regression proportions in lesions with low versus high methylation levels (ASCL1, ZNF582), other biomarkers (HPV genotype, HPV-E4, p16INK4A, Ki-67) and immunological markers at baseline will be compared. Main secondary endpoints are the histological and clinical outcome (ie, the number of octants affected by HGAIN) of each baseline HGAIN lesion and overall HGAIN disease (i.e., all lesions combined) after each visit. The health-related quality of life of the study group will be compared with that of a control group of 50 HIV+ MSM receiving regular HGAIN treatment.
Ethics and dissemination
Ethics approval was obtained from the Institutional Review Board of the Academic Medical Center (Amsterdam, The Netherlands; reference no. 2021_099). Participants are required to provide written informed consent. Findings will be disseminated through publication in peer-reviewed scientific journals and presentations at international scientific conferences; dissemination to policy makers and the target patient group will be achieved through our (inter-)national network, professional associations and collaboration with a patient representative organisation.
Trial registration number
Embryo selection through non-invasive preimplantation genetic testing with cell-free DNA in spent culture media: a protocol for a multicentre, double-blind, randomised controlled trial
Morphological evaluation is used to select embryos for in vitro fertilisation. However, it does not fully reflect the implantation potential. Preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidies (PGT-A) can detect embryonic aneuploidy, but biopsy procedure is invasive. Currently, a non-invasive PGT (ni-PGT) approach using spent medium is being evaluated. However, the clinical benefit of ni-PGT has not been clearly demonstrated. A multicentre randomised trial is needed to verify whether ni-PGT can be an new effective tool for evaluating embryos.
Methods and analysis
Overall, 1148 couples aged 35~42 (women) receiving in vitro fertilization–intracytoplasmic sperm injection are planned to be enrolled. Couples will be digitally randomised to (1) ni-PGT and (2) conventional morphology groups at a 1:1 treatment ratio. The primary outcome will be the ongoing pregnancy rate related to the first transfer cycle within 6 months after oocyte retrieval.
Ethics and dissemination
The study protocol is approved by the Ethics Committee of Peking University Third Hospital and the participating hospitals. The results will be disseminated through international conferences and scientific journals.
Trial registration number
Uso dei test del DNA tumorale circolante per i pazienti con cancro
Terapie geniche a rischio, Telethon pronta a farsi carico dei costi
Le aziende disinvestono perchè queste terapie non sono sostenibili. L’ultimo caso riguarda Strimvelis, per la cura della rara immunodeficienza Ada-Scid. L’appello di Fondazione Telethon per scongiurare il ritiro dal mercato può costituire un precedente per superare le sfide del mercato
Trattamento dei tumori della giunzione esofagogastrica (adenocarcinoma della giunzione esofagogastrica)
I tumori cambiano il loro metabolismo per diffondersi
Dna, su Science la prima sequenza completa al 100%
Il nuovo genoma di riferimento aggiunge centinaia di milioni di coppie di basi alle bozze precedenti, colmando lacune cruciali che miglioreranno gli studi sulle malattie e sull’evoluzione. Nel team di ricercxa anche l’Università di Bari
Nuovi trattamenti per i tumori stromali gastrointestinali
Nuovo atlante di cellule che portano il sangue al cervello
COVID-19 Terapie per pazienti non ospedalizzati
Cell-Free DNA in Ischemic Stroke
Stroke, Ahead of Print.
Nanotubi di DNA per terapie contro i tumori del cervello
Le nuove frontiere della lotta ai tumori fra diagnostica e terapie innovative
Fotografia di una battaglia che sta cambiando: l’impatto della diagnostica e delle terapie innovative sugli esiti e la qualità della vita dei pazienti affetti da tumore