Una paziente trasferita nell’ospedale di Strasburgo
Risultati per: Passo 13. Analizzare le codifiche dei propri assistiti per ottimizzare le analisi
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Covid: aumentano i casi del 13%, lieve crescita dei ricoveri
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Comunicato del 03/08/2023 n°46
Prescrizione di antibiotici durante la pandemia di Covid-19: analisi in medicina
T-SEM of 13 Major Psychiatric Disorders for Cross-Disorder Risk and Drug Repurposing
This genetic association study identifies gene expression patterns underlying genetic convergence and divergence across psychiatric disorders along with existing pharmacological interventions that target these genes using transcriptome-wide structural equation modeling (T-SEM).
Meta-Analisi dei trattamenti più efficaci contro l’acne
Raccomandazioni per le analisi di laboratorio nello screening, diagnosi e monitoraggio del diabete mellito
Locatelli, garante disabili passo per attuare la legge delega
“Figura fondamentale che tutela i diritti”
Experience-based codesign approach to improve care in Australian emergency departments for complex consumer cohorts: the MyED project protocol, Stages 1.1-1.3
Emergency department (ED) care must adapt to meet current and future demands. In Australia, ED quality measures (eg, prolonged length of stay, re-presentations or patient experience) are worse for older adults with multiple comorbidities, people who have a disability, those who present with a mental health condition, Indigenous Australians, and those with a culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) background. Strengthened ED performance relies on understanding the social and systemic barriers and preferences for care of these different cohorts, and identifying viable solutions that may result in sustained improvement by service providers. A collaborative 5-year project (MyED) aims to codesign, with ED users and providers, new or adapted models of care that improve ED performance, improve patient outcomes and improve patient experience for these five cohorts.
Methods and analysis
Experience-based codesign using mixed methods, set in three hospitals in one health district in Australia. This protocol introduces the staged and incremental approach to the whole project, and details the first research elements: ethnographic observations at the ED care interface, interviews with providers and interviews with two patient cohorts—older adults and adults with a CALD background. We aim to sample a diverse range of participants, carefully tailoring recruitment and support.
Ethics and dissemination
Ethics approval has been obtained from the Western Sydney Local Health District Human Research Ethics Committee (2022/PID02749-2022/ETH02447). Prior informed written consent will be obtained from all research participants. Findings from each stage of the project will be submitted for peer-reviewed publication. Project outputs will be disseminated for implementation more widely across New South Wales, Australia.
Anche la voce dei pazienti nella ricerca dei futuri farmaci: primo passo in Italia
In questo modo si ottiene la prospettiva della persona che vive la malattia riguardo a una determinata terapia, andando aldilà del dato clinico di sicurezza ed efficacia
Guardie mediche come medici di famiglia: fino a mille assistiti in carico per ogni sanitario
Il provvedimento darà copertura a 1,5 milioni di cittadini in più. Cittadinanzattiva: «Così si evita che milioni di persone restino senza medico di base»
Carenza dei medici di base, 1000 assistiti alle guardie mediche
Approvato Dl Inps. Per curare 1,5 milioni di italiani in più
Analisi sull’uso dei farmaci anti-osteoporotici in sette database europei
Comparative effects of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease on risk of incident cardiovascular events: a meta-analysis of about 13 million individuals
We read with interest the report on comparative risks of liver-related and cardiovascular disease (CVD) outcomes among lean and obese patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) by Younes et al.1 Recently, international experts proposed redefining NAFLD as metabolic dysfunction-associated fatty liver disease (MAFLD).2 The impact of this name change on CVD risk prediction is not known. We performed a meta-analysis of observational cohort studies (by searching PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science from database inception to 30 June 2022) that simultaneously used the NAFLD and MAFLD definitions for examining the risk of incident CVD events associated with both definitions, among adults with and without either NAFLD or MAFLD, and in which hepatic steatosis was diagnosed by imaging techniques or blood biomarkers/scores. Studies using liver biopsy were not available. The primary outcomes were CVD mortality, non-fatal CVD events or both. Data from selected studies were…
Il lunedì è il giorno nero per il cuore, +13% infarti
Studio su oltre 10mila pazienti, il ritmo circadiano è determinante