Nei giorni scorsi trovate tracce di virus, ma non è infettivo
Risultati per: FDA approva un nuovo trattamento per l’emicrania
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FDA in the Crosshairs of Science, Politics, and Abortion
In this Viewpoint, the Supreme Court case FDA v AHM is used to illustrate the tension the FDA faces between science and politics, and state authority over abortion vs federal authority over which drugs may be marketed nationwide.
Fda approva lo stetoscopio con IA, identifica lo scompenso cardiaco
Potra’ essere usato anche dai medici di base Usa
Ok Fda alla prima terapia digitale per la depressione, è un'app
Download solo con prescrizione, non è alternativa ai farmaci
Resmetirom, the First Drug Approved by the U.S. FDA for Treating Patients with Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis
Approval was based on 12-month liver biopsy findings.
Schizofrenia, Ue approva il primo farmaco iniettabile a lunga durata
Per il mantenimento, è somministrato bimestralmente
Diagnosi, trattamento e monitoraggio dell’ADHD
FDA Greenlights First Treatment for Severe Food Allergies
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved omalizumab, marketed as Xolair, to treat various food allergies in people aged 1 year or older. Omalizumab is a monoclonal antibody that blocks immunoglobulin E, a protein that triggers allergic reactions, including severe ones like anaphylaxis. The FDA first approved the drug in 2003 for treating allergic asthma.
FDA Approves Iloprost as First Drug to Treat Severe Frostbite
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced it had greenlit the first medication, known as iloprost, to treat severe frostbite. When it’s injected, iloprost, marketed as Aurlumyn, dilates blood vessels and prevents clotting so people with frostbite have a lower risk of needing their fingers or toes amputated. The FDA first authorized the drug for the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension in 2004.
Diagnosi e trattamento della rinite allergica
Algoritmo di trattamento per la terapia medica guidata dalle linee guida nello scompenso cardiaco a frazione d’eiezione ridotta
Trattamento dell’insufficienza cardiaca con frazione di eiezione ridotta
Sildenafil come potenziale trattamento per il morbo di Alzheimer
Emicrania, focus su benefici anticorpi monoclonali anti Cgrp
A Bologna un evento per fare il punto della situazione
Monito Fda su smartwatch che misurerebbero zuccheri nel sangue
‘Non approvati e pericolosi per diabetici’
FDA Approves First State Program to Import Rx Drugs From Canada
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved Florida’s program to import certain prescription medications from Canada, the agency announced. But before Florida can import the medications, the state will need to submit additional information about the drugs to the FDA, test them to make sure they are up to the agency’s standards, and replace the drugs’ labels with FDA-approved ones.