In 80 centri italiani. ‘Non si parla più solo di sopravvivenza’
Risultati per: Raccomandazioni Melanoma per pazienti e cittadini
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Comunicazione di aziende e ospedali bocciata dal 42% cittadini
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Incidence and Factors in Second Primary Invasive Melanoma in Norway
This cohort study assesses the incidence rate of second primary invasive melanoma at least 30 days after the first based on data from deidentified records of all invasive melanomas diagnosed in 2008 to 2020, obtained from the Cancer Registry of Norway.
Adjuvant Immunotherapy in Stage II Melanoma
This Viewpoint reviews the evidence for immune checkpoint inhibitor use in the adjuvant setting, discusses the individual and societal risks, benefits, and costs associated with immune checkpoint inhibitors, and highlights the need for more targeted patient selection approaches.
Considerations in Meta-Analysis of Immunotherapy for Advanced Cancers Other Than Melanoma—Reply
In Reply I thank Pang and Sun for their comments on our meta-analysis. First, a statement on the key findings: with CheckMate 714 included (see Comment published along with article), the pooled overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) hazard ratios (HRs) for nivolumab plus ipilimumab vs nivolumab alone were 0.98 (95% CI, 0.88-1.08) and 0.91 (95% CI, 0.83-1.00), respectively, with 5 of 9 studies having a numerically lower median OS. The combination was associated with substantially higher treatment-related discontinuations and high-grade adverse events. These numbers very strongly support the stated conclusions.
Immunohistochemistry for Diagnosing Melanoma in Older Adults
This retrospective cross-sectional study illustrates national-level trends in immunohistochemistry staining for the diagnosis of melanoma in older adult patients enrolled in Medicare.
Considerations in Meta-Analysis of Immunotherapy for Advanced Cancers Other Than Melanoma
To the Editor Serritella and Shenoy conducted an interesting meta-analysis to assess the relative efficacy of nivolumab plus ipilimumab vs nivolumab for the treatment of advanced cancers other than melanoma. Based on 8 studies with 1727 patients (854 in the nivolumab plus ipilimumab group vs 873 in the nivolumab group), the authors concluded that patients in the combination therapy group did not show clinically meaningful overall survival or progression-free survival benefits compared to those in the monotherapy group. Furthermore, treatment-related higher-grade toxicity and discontinuation rates were substantially higher with the combination therapy. However, several methodological issues need to be clarified.
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Clinical Features and Outcomes of Black Patients With Melanoma
This case series identifies patient-level and tumor-level characteristics of melanoma in 48 Black patients at 2 tertiary care centers.